If you accept the premise that the communists, who have subverted every institution, only refuse to be called communists by name and prefer pseudonyms like: “progressives” or “Democrats” or even to some degree “socialists” then, the most important work of disseminating information is to force them to accept the label. Whether that is a strictly accurate label is less important than the actions they have taken to silence, imprison, and in Trump’s case, even murder, their opposition. Communism is a philosophy of conquest and why they align themselves with the Muslims so easily. The Palestinian uprisings across the globe and the little or no consequences suffered for them can attest to this alliance. The question is not are they, or are they not communists, but rather a recognition of the tactics they’ve used.
The person who claims to be the president can’t even maintain a steady height, fluctuating somewhere between 6 foot even and 6 foot 6 inches. But the people are not to notice such obvious discrepancies, because the media refuses to acknowledge it, clinging to some sort of official idea of the keepers of truth about all things. Yet, they lie. This is what we sought to highlight with the film Lies of Omission, except now they have simply put forward lies of commission. Deception isn’t even the purpose, but rather a rubbing of one’s nose in their own feces as a reminder to stay home, stay silent and to allow them to run wild.
In typical communist fashion, it’s how they handle the situation rather than whether it fits a definition. If you oppose them, they will ruin you, attempt to imprison you, call you a traitor, but a traitor to what? The new world order? Communism? They don’t define it; they don’t have to. The word itself is enough and the people are left to wonder what it means, what it pertains to. The weak assume it’s a traitor to America, or the United States Government, but opposition is the hallmark of “democracy.” So, what is it a traitor to? The answer is simple: to them.
If information hurts their cause, they seek to make it untrue; if it benefits their cause they seek to make it true, thus revealing their distance from an understanding of the truth and/or its value in an advanced society. For third-world nations and backwards hellholes, it doesn’t matter that much, because the people, and their concerns, are not valid to the ruling elite. Their answer, bring the third-world to the Western societies and break them down to compliant masses.
This is what we must resist with everything, starting and featuring information. Even at the height of a Venezuelan future, information will still be the first line of attack and the last needs of a conflict. After decades of suffering poor Supreme Court decisions that undercut the value of individual liberties; that are the lifeblood of freedom and prosperity, a few rulings have gone against the communists. Their answer is to change the game, alter the Supreme Court, in order to get what they want and what they want is unfairness and injustice toward the right. In no sense do they desire freedom or liberty, certainly not democracy where their horrendous policies might be rejected.
Have no fear, the great conservative masses will not have to rise up against anything, but will be forced into action by the communists who abhor peace, who find it dull and lifeless. Their blood only runs through their veins by means of cruelty and brutality. That is the separator of the two; the reasons we see all manner of depredations meted out by one and the calm, tolerance of the other, because to go to battle is an all-consuming prospect, the destruction of everything they’ve built while at hostile peace. It signifies generations of effort toward that one profitable station brought to flaming ruins. Unfortunately, the conservative masses will have to be hunted, trapped and slaughtered before they learn that nothing built can remain while such vile and evil creatures roam free.
The most powerful weapon against communists is deafness, because their most successful weapons are spoken, shouted, hurled at the unsuspecting masses. Turn a deaf ear, hear not their vile accusations or embrace them and adopt them as badges attesting to one’s anti-communism.
Venezuela is a rehearsal, we see now that the communists, like Kamala Harris, revel in their ill-gotten positions. To them it’s so much more satisfying to rule over those who hate them, because it leaves brutality as a political option. They love the beatdown, the force; it gives them breath. To know this is to realize that one must become inoculated to their pain, deaf to their pleas. There is not even the slightest amount of mercy that can be extended, they will take that mercy as a sign of weakness and attack.
The world is aflame, because they set it ablaze with their demands, their obviously destructive policies designed to punish, starve and isolate, their alliances with the criminals of all races and origins against their own people. No, we are not the villains, because we seek to put out the flames.
Twelveround.com is still the home of quality fiction. If Westerns aren’t your thing, Rebel and Rogue are more modern (1970s). If you look to the right of the green box on the Amazon page, there are paperback editions of both of them available. If you don’t want to buy from Amazon, you can get the physical novels from Twelveround. Read the reviews of those who have commented on Amazon to get a feel for what’s in store.
So how did we get here? The movement toward communisim in the USA is not new. Herewith, my hypothesis:
Following WWII at the Bretton Woods Conference, the winners laid out a new world order based upon international law. If put in place institutions that permitted the acceleration of bureaucracy into virtually all world governments. This initially allowed two distinct, but polar opposite reactions. First, we enjoyed 75 years of some of the greatest accumulation of wealth ever seen, as the internatiaonal, and then bi-polar effects of the Cold War created a western set of economies the bathed in prosperity. Second, the bureaucracies allowed for growth of governments into behemoths, a perfect stage for the commies to gain a foothold within U.S. and European governments. It was insidious.
Also, following WWII, our U.S., society believed in the government, and that the government would always do right by the people because they represented us. Because of this belief, we QUIT PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT OUR GOVERNMENT WAS DOING. I have a long separate tale about that. In the 2008 elections, Obama pledged to transform the United States. Well, he did. Obama and his Georgetown and Harvard minions saw the situation as being ready to begin fully implementing their Marxist Ways because the frog in the pot was ready to boil
The lies and cancellations of people came just a bit earlier under the Clinton spin doctrine. Thanks to O'Reilly, we started to see what government was doing, and conservatives started waking up. Clinton's lies, gaslighting and omissions coupled with Obama's pledge, resulted in the rise of the Tea Party. Seeing this, the commies had to accelerate their agenda, and added lawfare to the mix. By the 2020 elections, they needed to add Antifa, Race baiting, and alphabet soup groups to their toolkit as the useful idiots to offset the rise of the conservatives.
At this point, DJT is the only way to stop them, but what permanent fixes can he make to prevent this slide into global communisim from perpetuating after he's gone? One final note, DON'T TRUST the Republicans to fix this on their own, as they too are infested. Only the American People can fix this. We must find those areas where we share common values, and work outward from there. Being resilent, and treating people with dignity, respect, and kindness may be the place to start.
Great article. Ignoring the Communists with deaf ears is a good strategy. After that comes Civil Disobedience. And after that comes... We all know what comes after that. We've seen it before in 1861. And as T.L. Davis points out, no one wants that as it would destroy all that a person has built in his and her life.
The oligarchs always talk about their "Pearl Harbor Events" e.g. 9/11 attacks, that quickly change the American psyche. That's a knife that cuts both ways. What if Trump had been killed? Biden was removed in a coup. The Democrats don't seem to care about Biden anymore. Would the conservatives care about Trump if he was dead?
The oligarchs are gambling big time nowadays.