There is no progression from the founding of the United States. Every step away from the founding principles of individual rights and freedom is not a progression, it is a degradation. The mistake that so many people have made is to believe that there has to be some form of updating the founding principles in order to move forward, but all of it goes backward. In one sense there is the recognition that the nation has modernized, but what it has done is drift backwards, towards the fiefdoms of Britain, the Lords and Commoners.
America, more than the United States, is a place of individual responsibility and individual rights. The fact that it becomes more difficult in a modern society to adhere to ancient ideals cannot be allowed to lead to a degradation of those principles, or it is a backward step.
Now, we see that our inventions, our innovations, our creations have stalled and died, because all of the effort, all of the intellectual horsepower that exists in abundance in free people is directed to either overthrowing individual sovereignty or defending it. Put that conflict aside, by whatever means available, and immediately that intellectual horsepower is used to establish the methods by which modernity is accommodated without diminishing individual liberty. That intellectual horsepower can be freed, then to work on inventions, innovations and creations.
I encourage the reader to take in the interview with Alexander Dugin at WRSA as he describes breaking from the West and the reasons for it. He correctly identifies that there are supporters in America for his point of view, but keep in mind, he is still affected by Russia’s Soviet past, though that is part of what his Fourth Political Theory is trying to distance itself from. I think it’s an important interview, because he recognizes that it’s the Russian future to reject the Western Globalist state, as we do here at the Substack, but he doesn’t quite recognize the invaluable aspect of making individual rights supreme against the state. That’s a bridge too far for him and he circles back to Hegelian precepts of working for the state, though infused with the right and sovereignty of the individual, but that those efforts ought to be put toward society rather than being free to roam and ultimately, whether desired or not, advance the society. Almost, but no cigar. This analysis of his Fourth Political Theory, would be criticized by him as being exactly what he rebels against which is a Western understanding of Russia.
Where he makes some strides toward what I would regard as the most important political evolution in history of individual rights equal to or greater than the power of the state, though borrowed from the Magna Carta in the chief aspects, he fears the rise of nationalism, which he considers racial or national supremacy. Coming from an admitted Eurasian perspective, it’s easy to see where he gets confused, having only the Third Reich and the US as models.
But the US has drifted significantly from its nationalistic peak of the Second World War into what can only be described now as involved in a cold civil war between the nationalist-populist faction and the globalist elite that have commandeered American politics and steered it toward authoritarian tyranny under the guise of some corrupt “democracy” that provides the political cover for globalist authoritarianism of the WEF and WHO. His natural allies, the nationalist-populists, or in more crude terms MAGA, who do not see the Fourth Political Theory as symbiotic, but nonetheless closer in goals and ambitions than any other system now in utilization.
It is, nonetheless, a peek into the rising political thought of the Russians, who must establish themselves as a powerful arbiter of individual freedom if they expect to advance, as they wish, on the global and economic stage. It’s our burden to have to fight back against the globalist authoritarianism that has gripped our corrupt elected officials, who veer almost irrationally toward Chinese neo-communism, except when one recognizes that it is not out of ideology, but corruption and the willingness to betray their country for cash.
The mere idea of Trump being re-elected in 2024 is bringing out the most desperate and dedicated communists in force and the next year will be one of tumultuous battle on all fronts, because in order for the Americans, with their ideas of freedom, to win they have to ride the only horse willing to enter the race and that’s Trump. Trump, however, is an idea, a means to an end and while he carries the nationalist-populist banner, he has to be the one to saddle. Keep in mind, it isn’t even Trump that infuriates the communists, it’s the idea that the people might choose someone outside of their prescribed radical leftists and compliant conservatives. Anyone else is a symbol of individuals with rights that can disobey their Marxist dictates and they will fight that with everything they have and anyone they can manipulate. That’s what you see when every university expresses their anti-Semitism with abandon, even though they have been funded and coaxed into communism by the Semites. The Marxists now have the Palestinians and the Islamists to provide the violent tendencies of every communist and Sharia Law fits quite well within the communist-authoritarian instinct. Individual rights, freedom and justice is completely incompatible with either one.
As an aside, every time I see someone like Mehdi Hasan in the above link, screaming about Trump being willing to send the DOJ against his political enemies, I think of Trump being prosecuted for non-crimes and just can’t fathom how he lacks the self-awareness to see his fears in real time. But we know it’s a diversion, a tactic, a communist tradition of projection. Biden even sent the FBI after his own military, who is now begging to have some of those white supremacists back and when they had more time on their hands from not having to chase child sex traffickers, he sent them after outraged parents at schoolboard meetings and Catholic Churches. Oh, to be so blind to one’s own sins!
I also want to thank those who purchased the novels through 12 Round Productions.
Our Red Pill film produced by us at 12 Round Productions LIES OF OMISSION.
Consider purchasing paperbacks of the novels, Rebel, Rogue, Shadow Soldier (hardback) Home to Texas and Deputized for Christmas through 12 Round Productions. I want to thank those who have already purchased the novels through 12 Round Productions. Merry Christmas.
The Kindle and paperback versions are still available here, too Rebel, Rogue, Shadow Soldier, Home to Texas and Deputized. I’m working on the third book in the J.D. Wilkes trilogy, Into Exile right now and hope to have it out after the new year.
The American experimemt of unleashing human ingenuity in a free market of ideas, services and products, to succeed or fail on merit alone, is both the reason for America's success and the reason it must be destroyed. An entire planet run this way would be impossible to control and plunder. The model must be ended in failure for all to see.
And so while it is still called "capitalism", all know it is anything but. And we all know it is much easier to destroy than to create and build, and even then the project to destroy America took generations. And had to be finalized with a stolen election, because the common people can see what is happening.
Trump is certainly an imperfect instrument, but he is the one we have, and we can't let perfection be the enemy of good.
Hello and good Thanksgiving to all.
I devoured all the books in the library that I could and books my Mom had
that I was cautioned not to look at or read because they were not for children.
Natch, I read those also. I recognized early that my biggest fear would be the
push for Feudalism's return or a variation of that practice. The peoples' intellect/
critical thinking, and personal drive do align with the Bell Curve. That is one reason
"leaders" are a necessary group. People need role models to show the way forward
and people can aspire /or be inspired to lead worthwhile lives and contribute for the
good of all, cooperating with other nations for the betterment of all. This time is an
anniversary of the murder of JFK and his brother, as well as B activists seeking to improve
their lot. No one is perfect, and among leaders today we find lying, cheating, stealing
and butt kissing the monied class for more wealth and status. We are light years away
from having honorable leader...criminals the lot of them.
See this for a great summation and data:
I will read the Alexander Dugin piece at WRSA, thank you for the link
Best regards,