Betrayal is the sport of the Uniparty in Washington and it was in full effect on Friday when they passed the FISA 702 provision allowing the FBI to spy on American individuals without a warrant. An attempt to insert a warrant requirement was blocked by Speaker Mike Johnson by voting against it in the 212-212 tie vote. That’s close enough to swing a vote here and there by calling your representative on Monday morning. A lot of Democrats are in support of the warrant, all of them should be.
The argument for a warrantless FISA search comes at an awkward time for the government. Having used it to spy on the Trump campaign, it’s argument that it’s only used to catch terrorists can be debunked by that fact alone, but it doesn’t rely on just that. The question centers around whether the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution is, as they claim, a national security threat. If it is, what’s the point of national security if the sole purpose is to undermine the foundations of the nation? Doesn’t their request for a “warrantless” search demonstrate that they are operating in contradiction to their oaths of office? Of course, it does. And the Supreme Court hasn’t challenged any of it in the decades that it has operated unconstitutionally, so don’t expect that pack of lackluster justices to come to the aid of the people, not even symbolically.
As I told the staff of my representative, Ronnie Jackson, 202-225-3706, “There is no condition in which a warrant is not required.” It is not whether the government has the right to do this, or not (it doesn’t) it’s whether we will tolerate it or not. They’ve been doing it for years and nothing has gotten better. There has been no easing up, but a pressing down on the population. Once, a person had to actually commit a crime, or give some evidence of being prepared to commit a crime to allow for a warrant to be issued. A lot of that has gone down the “national security” rathole since 9/11, but it’s time to resurrect our resistance to it. As I’ve said before, there is NO national security without a secure border. That’s a red herring argument when terrorists and CCP soldiers are ushered into the nation like welcomed guests.
One way to resurrect resistance is to call your representative and tell them to vote for the warrant requirement when it’s up for reconsideration on Monday. That was a clever piece of legislative maneuvering that took advantage of a rule to give the people time to rally their resources to the vote. Don’t let that sellout Johnson be the tipping point this time around.
As is typical, this post really has nothing to do with the vote, it has everything to do with the betrayal of our representatives, of our situational awareness to the battlefield. It’s a symptom, not the cancer. We’re headed into some dark times and this post as well as everything else I have to say is: get ready. Heightened alert.
Iran just launched an armada of drones toward Israel and I agree with Big Country, I don’t think the drone strike is the heart of the retaliation for the Israeli bombing of the building near the Syrian embassy. It’s probably what historians will call the start of WWIII, even though it has been raging for a while in Ukraine and the Middle East.
What I do know, is that the United States in nowhere near prepared for this war and a lot of the goings on in Washington are designed to put down a domestic rebellion when it becomes clear that we’re going to war without a healthy military, deeply in debt with no way to finance it other than to print our way into Weimar territory.
What I want the reader to embrace is the idea that we have to form something out of this disaster; and it will be a disaster. The minute we come to Israel’s aid after the drone strike, I expect a number of terrorist attacks from within, but not by the people the FBI and CIA are focused on, the people who protest at school board meetings and support the Second Amendment, but from terrorists who have been brought into the United States by our own ignominious DHS. The ones who claim to need to spy on 330 million American citizens without a warrant, are totally incapable of tracking the 15 million border jumpers (jumping no longer required) ushered through a porous border.
It is the betrayal that’s the important thing, that needs to raise the blood in every American who is about to suffer the worst act of coordinated treason in the history of the world. We are being led to war and chaos at home to reduce America to a weak and subservient nation in a world full of wolves intentionally, by laws that, in every case, is aimed at the American people rather than at their foes. We need to be taken down a peg, in the minds of Obama, Soros and Gates, so that we can be dominated by a world government. Hate your representatives if you want, but there are much bigger players in this conflict than them.
The struggle is against the outcome of the war, because we can’t stop it. All of this is being done far away from our centers of influence and the way the nation is going, it’s probably a blessing that the lines are soon to become very clear and those standing on the side of America will know who the enemy is. The important thing to keep in mind is that every single act of terrorism was sponsored by our own government, aided and abetted, and, in some cases, committed by it. The war in Ukraine was egged on by the Biden Administration, picking up where Obama left off. The war in the Middle East could only happen under a weak and illegitimate president who didn’t care about the sentiments of the people, but sought to hurt them, punish them for the audacity to elect someone outside the established powers.
In the end, after our destruction has largely been effected, if we’re organized, there will be a moment when the fate of the America we’ve all known will be up for grabs. That will be the time to assert ourselves and ensure that the freedoms we cherish will be reinvigorated, thrust forward as our banner. Individual rights secured by demand and supported by force. I believe there will be no end to this war until the people of America become the fierce fighters the world has feared for a century.
Visit us at for contemporary novels of freedom Rebel and Rogue (links to electronic versions in the description) Literary Westerns (like those done by Cormac McCarthy and Larry McMurtry) Shadow Soldier, Home to Texas and Deputized. Also, the film Lies of Omission can be purchased as a DVD or a there’s a link to a free version on Tubi TV.
"until the people of America become the fierce fighters the world has feared for a century."
No matter how bad things get, no matter the odds, if we don't stand when the time comes, history will deem us cowards.
I would guess that the clown show led by Bozo himself (obama) relating to our "first family" from 2008-2016 was (is) done as Betrayal as Sport. Just a big joke to see what they can pull over on the unsuspecting "Murican public wearing their Utopian-lensed glasses.
It may have been a hilarious test of the American public to them, but that makes it even more despicable to the average "Murican.
Onward, Christian soldiers!