There was a time, not so long ago, that men took care of their business. Not everyone, some of them allowed all sorts of things to go on, because they were afraid of what would happen if they stood up to the bully, their boss, their wife, etc. I’m not addressing those people. We have plenty of them. But those who grew up in those times, when one didn’t rat out the guy who busted their nose, because it meant they couldn’t take a whuppin’ and getting one's nose busted didn't settle the issue. Part two would soon begin.
There’s a tribal nature to it, being men. As odd as some of those old clubs seem to people today, they were there for a reason. They bound men together, allowed them to be free inside of the club, where their talents and abilities had been tested and everyone in the club knew who they were, flaws and all. There’s a freedom in it, like a good marriage where things are known only to the two of them. It makes them stronger than when secrets are kept and truth is a stranger.
I’ve never really been one for the club, but I understand it, recognize it for its strength and purpose. I’ve worked under conditions like that; where men have to live together as part of the employment. Man-camps and the like. It’s never comfortable, because I’m jealous of my privacy for the sake of it. I don’t talk a lot in normal circumstances and less when I don’t trust the men around me. When I do trust them, it’s different, I loosen up, drop my guard just that little bit. Then, when we trust each other and have been through a few rough spots together, silence born of understanding, of knowing the answers to all of the crucial questions one might ask.
I bring it up, because it’s time to be those men again. Kyle Rittenhouse did it right, handled his business without being a bully or egging it on. He didn’t go looking for trouble, but was prepared for it and acted judiciously when it came. That’s what separates a man from a criminal. Most bullies don’t understand that and the ones that do, can’t control themselves enough to act any different. If they have the advantage, they have to exploit it, they can't keep that advantage and employ it at a more strategic time. I’ve dealt with a lot of bullies. They always misunderstand the situation when I neither bend to their will, nor feel like I have to vanquish them to go on about life. I just won’t give them the attention that drives their whole existence, until they make dealing with them the only way out. Then, they finally get it, that nuance I’ve been trying to get through to them.
That, gentlemen, is the nuance that’s needed today, when bullies come in every form, every stratum of society from the lowliest basement dweller to the President of the United States. Most of them simply are not worth setting straight for one reason or another. It’s attention they crave and stopping long enough to bother with them feeds it. I prefer to be a little more particular about it. Why mess with every bully, little to big, stupid to intelligent, when, if you pick the right one, it silences the rest? That’s what’s needed today; to be smart, effective, decisive and deliberate about it. Who’s the best bully to carry the message to the greatest number of them? That’s the only question one need answer.
Once a person decides on the right bully, then all the rest of the considerations come into play.
Consider this: the DOJ is actively intimidating whistleblowers from parents at school boards to county clerks in Colorado and Arizona. The Department of Justice is engaged in intimidation tactics that have no federal law component. Even the county clerks, who run elections, do so on a local basis, not a federal one. The only time the DOJ is interested in election law is when they can intimidate whistleblowers, not when the laws have been broken, mangled and mutilated, only when they are being enforced. On and on it goes. The border patrol agents aren’t enforcing the laws at the border, they’re breaking them. They’re guilty of being accessories and accessories after the fact. Who else? Non-Governmental Organizations (largely funded by tax dollars in the form of grants) are guilty of being accessories after the fact, hiring buses, renting hotels to aid and abet the escape of lawbreakers.
The taxpayers who pay for all of this cannot opt out of paying taxes. The same corrupt IRS that Lois Lerner (found in contempt of congress) ran will demand that the laws be enforced against honest citizens, but not against illegal immigrants, border jumpers.
The media covers it all up and why we revised Lies of Omission for 2021. The trailer is here. They were all over Trump when it was reported that there was a hint of conspiracy, but they’re absent when Hunter Biden arranges deals with the CCP in broad daylight. Is that because the media owes so much to the CCP? They’re traitors and have been for a long time, because they promote the destruction of the United States, cheering on BLM and ignoring terrorist attacks. What did they call the guy who threatened the school board parents with 1000 armed militia? A patriot? Huh.
This is how crime ceases to have meaning. When the definition of a “criminal” is someone who exposes crime, it’s safe to say that the criminals are running the law enforcement organization. What they have been doing is making examples of the people involved in January 6, where the only people killed were killed by cops. They call it an “insurrection” and they’re right, when the cops commit the crimes, organize violence against the public and attempt to prevent the people from having a say in government (a republic and a democracy), the insurrection has been accomplished, but by the communists in law enforcement, not the people still loyal to the republic.
I see where the feds are coming from. Sometimes, some examples have to be made to convince the greater share of the value of compliance. There just needs to be a couple of high-profile cases to illuminate, Kyle Rittenhouse, Tina Peters in Colorado, Sherronna Bishop, because what says “criminal” like a police cadet, a county clerk and a leader of a mothers organization? Stand back drug dealers, human traffickers and pedophiles, make way for these true criminals. Or, are they just enemies of the regime, anti-communists, law and order activists? It can get confusing. Who are the criminals again? That’s right, in this backward society of communist double-speak, the criminals are the cops.
It's time to be men and stop worrying about what one has to lose. The truth is, by silence you lose everything. The first thing to go is self-respect. That’s what they’re about right now, like any bully, convincing you that you don’t deserve respect. They’re only powerful, because they’re breaking the law and no one has stood up to them, yet. Standing around in a circle waiting for someone else to stop the bully is not being effective.
Silence makes them stronger, compliance makes them bolder and all you have to lose is your freedom.
The new trailer. Shadow Soldier and Home to Texas for sale direct, discounts applied. It might be a good time to think about Christmas, what with shipping issues and the like.