There’s no point in debunking all of the cluelessly ridiculous ideas like wind and solar power to run the nation, electric cars and Artificial Intelligence (AI). None of those things are going to work precisely because they rely on a massively expanding electric grid, batteries from nothing and chips for free. To point out why I am not going to go into it, we can’t make the chips needed for AI, can’t power it, can’t even power the cooling units needed to keep the massive servers functioning. It’s so mind-blowingly demanding that the big AI creators don’t even ask that question, not even to themselves, because that’s how we handle questions in the 21st Century, we pretend they don’t exist to maintain the narrative. The idea that over a billion people a second can query a computer and ask, “which is a better color for me, red or brown?” and invoke the power it takes for these AI sources to search all possible combinations and arrive at a logical and valid answer to that stupid question tells you that it can’t be done. That’s not saying that they won’t be able to come up with some incredible demo-bots, but little else. It’s just energy economics and it might be one of the reasons they want to trap you in your walkable 15 minute city, because AI will need all of the energy you now use to work, to generate answers to ludicrous questions. I mean if it actually works the way they depict. The first question I would ask is, “how many terawatts of power will it take to make a fully functional AI platform for the masses?” I don’t mean the kind of startlingly lifelike robots who regurgitate liberal responses, some green energy pie-in-the-sky, but actually scour the known information and extrapolate reasonably accurate hypotheses. Keep in mind we only use about 4,272 terawatt hours of electricity in the U.S. right now, of which maybe 15% of that is wind and solar, and that is just capacity, not production, production is closer to 5%. One of the largest Chinese data centers uses roughly 400MW of energy, 40% of that going to cool the servers. Add in line-drop from the energy expended to get the electricity to the data center and it adds up quick. Also, that’s just the 181 zettabytes of data already being stored.
Onto the real subject at hand: war. We’re being forced into it one way or the other, foreign or domestic. What is the first target of war? Power. What do we all need in order to function in our current lives? Power. If Pepe Escobar is right and Israel intended to drop a nuke over Iran from an F-35 before the Russians shot it down, as the video suggests, and it’s his credibility on the line, what was the purpose? It wasn’t to nuke Iran, but to blind it, EMP. The veracity of Pepe Escobar to the side, this is the state of modern warfare, like it or not. Dependence on electric power for everything from one’s alarm clock to preventing the sewer from backing up into one’s home, relies on it. Add electric vehicles and modern electronic ignitions and gadgetry and one would be better off with a 1975 pickup to haul a camper around from one drain to another. As Jack Lawson will tell you in the Civil Defense Manual, sanitation is the key to modern survival. Most deaths will be caused by lack of clean drinking water and diseases produced from lack of hygiene. Upper atmosphere nukes create EMPs that can wipe out entire continents of electronics in a single blast without killing people directly. That is a weapon for the ages, like the neutron bomb on steroids.
Within a fortnight, (what is that, two weeks?) we could be living on a very cold, dark planet. We can’t build precise parts anymore without computer programmed milling machines, so rebuilding, or building to the 1900 level will be extremely difficult. No one knows how to hand-turn that stuff, even if they could power it off of a 1975 pickup on jacks to use the spinning wheel as a power source.
The running time on a power grid given a peer to peer war is about the moment the flag drops. Thinking about that post-blast world, even the presumed victor, having sustained a few hits itself, might reach out to all of the highly advanced societies to degrade their systems as a means of survival. As buddy-buddy as China and Russia are today, neither one of them would want to be left in a position of vast inferiority to the other. Maybe goodwill can be salvaged, but world wars don’t usually go that direction.
If the video is right, there is something very dangerous on the horizon. America and one of its allies has already attempted an EMP attack on Iran. The retaliatory strike might come any day, or not at all. But it doesn’t matter, because our grid is already seriously weak; ramp up AI and start drawing heavily on the more than 7 million data centers worldwide and the first grid to fail will be ours.
This is the way government runs in a corrupt society. Instead of beefing up the grid and putting on more power plants to accommodate electric vehicles and AI, they gain political power and control over the grid by buying off the power companies with subsidies under the “green energy” agenda. The power companies allow themselves to be driven to irrational and illogical conclusions for cash to pad their bottom line while the people, their customers, pick up the tab. Cities and towns get the economic impact of manufacturing wind turbines, shipping them and higher employment rates, all of which will be made useless by an EMP. They still need computers, they still need cards and chips. You can’t even drive your truck out to maintain the things without electricity. What pumps gasoline or diesel into one’s tank? How do you pay for it? The days of wire transfers would be gone.
The separation point is this: EMP or electrical failure? With an EMP, it wipes out the computers that run everything and the grid. With electrical failure, the computers might still work, but you can’t turn them on after the first battery drain. There are some things that are possible with a loss of electricity that doesn’t affect the nation as bad as an EMP, like engines. Generators can still be fueled, only not in the old way, but it’s possible with battery-powered pumps on engine batteries and the like. Pipelines could run. It wouldn’t be so easy for those big gas and petroleum plants to run much longer than fuel reserves, but those should be given priority. Pipelines could be powered to push the fuel. Refineries would have to be re-rigged to work on manual valves and such and better technicians, if they exist. So, to me, a lack of electricity would be the preferred of the two.
But it’s not all downhill. The same things that make living in a grid-down world a huge stinking mess affects those who plot and plan our extermination, an extermination that can’t be carried out without the grid. Cities would burn, but they burned in 2020 because some criminal died of an overdose in a police car. They can’t track people without electricity, can’t call from some distant FBI office and send some yokels out to harass anyone. IRS can’t function, banks are done, money, for the most part, erased. The price of gold is what someone else will give you for it. Barter and cooperation take over local economies. The whole gigantic apparatus of oppression disappears. Those who survive the first die-off from lack of water or hygiene will most likely be free, until the diseases start to come around, but look at what modern medicine has done to us over the past century. They created the pandemic and the vaxx. In any other world, that would warrant a guillotine.
The problem the government has, is it offers nothing better. It offers worse. It promises poverty, disease and subjugation, not many selling points there. They have poisoned half the population, are determined to make the rest eat bugs, destroyed their crops, ruined their businesses and they’re just getting started. What it comes down to is whether the people let them drive this planet into the ground, take every good thing about being human and grinding it under their heal, or they decide to make the choice themselves. Sometimes, one has to inflict pain to save the soul. Doctors know this, they say it to their patients with a casual glance to the side. “Yes, to cure your cancer we are going to have to nearly poison you to death, but hey, if you make it, you’ll be cured.” I’d say the same thing to people who are facing the totalitarian world that is being drawn tighter and tighter around our necks. Maybe it’s time for a reset, maybe a good EMP wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen in the cause of freedom. With every advancing minute, they are boxing us all in, taking away our options, dragging us under their total control. If electricity were the only thing to keep the open-air prison running, why not get rid of electricity?
None of this is my choice, I wish there were a rule of law so we could straighten out the criminality that’s been thrust upon us with such casual nonchalance, but that is nearly impossible at this stage. I’ll listen to anyone who can explain how that’s possible without starting with: “the election…” because I don’t think that’s going to happen. If it does, vote, if Trump wins, wait until he takes office before you claim victory. Either way, everything moves apace, with or without politics. Politics can certainly make it worse, but not better. Making it simultaneously much worse and much better can be done without electricity for a while.
The novel Into Exile is now available for pre-order and the paperback will be available for pre-order in just days. Visit 12 Round Productions for novels and DVD. Shadow Soldier and Home to Texas, the first books in the series are available through Amazon or direct through 12 Round.
Sheesh, and I thought I was black pilled! ;-)
I'm hearing of more date setting that the last week to 2 weeks of this month, something HUGE is supposed to happen...I'm not holding my breath. For 15 years I've heard a collapse was 6 months away. Is one coming? Absolutely. Is it coming soon, perhaps.
I'm just so tired of daily evidence that our country has completely gone to hell in a hand basket. Bastards like Soros just keep funding riots and other nefarious things. A congress (both sides of the aisle) that don't even care that they are doing things in the open now that show they are a uniparty doing the bidding of their globalist masters. <sigh>
Above is a link to a story I wrote about my wife and I surviving the Kincade Fire 5 years ago. Our town was under mandatory evacuation orders but we didn't leave.
5 days and nights with no power, internet, natural gas, and hiding from the police in our house.
Is that the future?