I caught a couple of clips the other day of some of the big podcasters or candidates and their counterparts on the other side of the spectrum. What became apparent from the beginning was the fundamental misunderstanding of who and what Trump is. Now, that seems ridiculous given the amount of time that Trump has been in front of the cameras, the near hysteria with which his every utterance is screamed across the internet, both positive and negative, but it seems true.
I know people don’t want to hear about politics, especially at this stage, but this is not about elections, but in understanding what foundation exists for consolidating political power once the façade of “democracy” drops and a greater share of the citizens can see that films like Police State are real and they are going to be confronted with that reality as the election approaches. The chances of the election taking place will diminish as the police state ramps up.
First of all, Trump didn’t create anything. He is not the source of MAGA, though he did coin the term Make America Great Again, but that goes back to Reagan. At least the sentiment of it resides in the question Reagan asked on the campaign trail: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” To which, the answer was always no, because Jimmy Carter was a completely ineffable buffoon.
The phenomenon of Trump is the product of the people, the blue-collar, the white-collar, the entrepreneur class. He’s the product of Christian disenfranchisement, of the lost industrial base, neglect of the energy sector, the open border, the slow decline of the United States in power and prestige across the globe all of which came from eight years of a Muslim Marxist, whose attention was decidedly on bringing the United States down to the economic and military level of its peers, Russia and China, or below. Obama’s purpose was to weaken the United States with internal strife to the point that totalitarianism would be embraced to restore order. It is such a classic Marxist tactic that it was easy to see for anyone who understood history.
To do that he had to encourage division and push the United States to more closely resemble a Third-World Nation. This is when irrational “sanctuary cities” and refusal to enforce a number of laws began to exert dominance, though they didn’t hit their stride until Trump took office when the media could blame it on “fascists.” If they didn’t allow Trump to win simply to keep Hillary out of power, because not even the billionaire globalists felt safe with her at the helm of the U.S. military, they did it so that Trump could be the focus of all the evil they had to unleash to get to their goal. That doesn’t mean that they ever intended to allow him to wield presidential power, because they did not.
It was out of this environment that the significant political movement arose, nearly pushing Trump forward rather than the other way around. Yes, he said he would embrace the border wall, tax breaks, etc., but the difference between Trump and any other Republican running for office, is that he seemed to mean it while the Republican base knew that none of the others did, because they never had. His competition were Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Lindsey Graham, Rick Santorum, etc., a virtual laundry list of ineffectual politicians who never would have championed any of the objectives of the America Firsters.
Trump caught the attention of the dispossessed by the Republican Party and he took advantage, like a clever businessman, of the dynamics already present. There have been two Republican Parties for nearly thirty years, though it wasn’t as clearly delineated as it became when Trump announced his candidacy in 2016 and sent the establishment into hysterics. There are the establishment Republicans and the America First Republicans. There’s an internal struggle for control that is evident in almost daily reporting from the House.
The trouble is, everyone gets hung up on Trump himself. They either love him or hate him. Some used to love him and now they hate him and the other way around. The point is, Trump’s irrelevant. That’s not the question and falling for that paradigm is exactly what the left wants. They need to make it about Trump, so that taking him out will destroy the America First wing of the Republican Party, but it won’t, because I felt the way I do about individual rights and freedom as far back as I can remember, so those values aren’t going anywhere. I don’t care what embodies those values as long as it pursues them with vigor. They aren’t, as the left believes, a product of Trump brainwashing me into compliance with his fascism.
What I have been struggling with is some way to link arms with everyone else who feels the same way I do, who have the same enemies that I do and for the same reasons. There is a lot of evil to be combatted and no matter how hard I fight, I won’t win standing out on a tree stump challenging all comers. For the moment, Trump helps to consolidate all of that. He helps to establish a powerbase from which to work, but if he isn’t there, if we’re left to flounder politically, we still maintain the core principle that freedom is better than enslavement and that needs to be the focus of patriots. How we get there is the central question of the counter-revolution.
This is how it needs to be understood. There was a coup, perhaps one in 2016, too. I know a lot of people want to take credit for Trump’s victory, but I’m not convinced that 2016 wasn’t a scrambled response to Hillary’s plans, that when she started revealing them to some of the other communists, they panicked and allowed for the Trump votes to be counted. What I’m saying doesn’t mean that Trump would not have won, because I think the greater share of people would have voted for him, but that the fix that was in and it was undone. I mentioned this earlier.
There was definitely a coup in 2020, evidence is still coming out about how that was accomplished through the FBI, CIA, machines, mail-in ballots, Google, etc., so a coup established one revolution and now, to get back to a constitutional republic, we have to have a counter-revolution. That doesn’t have to be kinetic, but if not it has to be accomplished politically. It can be done politically and they’re working on it as they dream of a second Trump presidency, but it has to take place regardless.
I know that it goes back further than that, that there have been several such things, but we, the American people, have until now failed to broadly recognize it as such any of the other times. This is not meant to devolve into semantics. We have to focus all of our attention on the task at hand, to coalesce around one vision and that’s a return to a constitutional republic. Who are the others, besides Trump, that need to be supported; who are engaged in this same struggle, not just using these terms of patriotism for some lunge at popularity and power. I’m talking about those outside of the political spectrum, even, who are those who recognize the value of individual rights and are willing to fight to preserve or restore them? How can we bring these individuals together? If you watch the movie Police State and do not understand that this is an existential moment, then nothing I have to say will matter to you. We must coalesce or die.
DISCLAIMER I have no connection or part in the movie Police State. There is no compensation or benefit at all. I don’t know those involved or want to. I get nothing from pointing out the significance of it, except a better understanding of what I’m trying to say. Our film Lies of Omission makes it’s own statement on that subject and did so in 2017 for a fraction of what they spent to make theirs.
Rebel and Rogue are novels that will appeal to those thirsting for freedom, while Shadow Soldier and Home to Texas are a little more relatable to our current situation beginning in the Civil War/ WoNA. Available in paperback at 12 Round Productions and through Amazon (in Kindle and paperback) along with my other novels.
Wow, this read has been excellent, so thank you.
The people in the US have been hypnotized, bamboozled, and ripe for the taking.
As a whole, we took very little seriously. We accepted, as children do, what we were
told and were passive when confronted with the facts. Concrete operational we call
it when children are ignorant, do not understand that Santa Claus is a myth to delight
children. We were naive and had no call to duty, feeling duty wasn't our task, we had
elections to hire others to do the thinking for us. We were free to play smartie pants
with our smart phones and social media and deny responsibility. Endless shopping,
keeping up with the neighbors, going to restaurants for countless meals...so we forgot
how to cook. We forgot how to be responsible adults and take charge when we needed
to. Now we are in a sorry mess and few have a clue of how entrenched the mess really is.
We sought to deny reality and play along. What could go wrong? Now we are being
steam rolled at a dizzying pace and catching up will be a royal bitch of a job. We had
better "repent", so to speak, and wake the hell up. Our very lives are on the line this time
around and we better pray we have chance to reclaim our duty to our fellow man.
The sleeping giant needs to be awaken.