To save the reader the suspense, it doesn’t get any better from here. This is communism. This is what we reviled when presented in the Soviet Union and China. The sense that the state is an everyday concern is now a fact. Americans have been slipped into that cocoon of communism inch by inch. While myself and others have warned about it, read with dread the words of Solzhenitsyn and presented each ratchet click of authoritarian rule to our readers, it’s here.
What are BLM and Antifa if not government thugs unleashed on patriots, seemingly untouchable, while every minor infraction on the right becomes a threat to “democracy;” an insurrection? The committee hearing on the January 6th protesters is one example. The Kyle Rittenhouse case demonstrates in full color the tactics and the response. When patriots are the insurrection, it’s logical to conclude that those who fear them are, in fact, communist usurpers. Is that an admission? I believe so. When the fraudulent president holds an inauguration and surrounds the capitol with barbed wire and troops, is that not an admission? I believe so.
What was the significance of the November 2nd elections when Glenn Youngkin was elected governor of Virginia? It was a rejection of the state as the owners of the children of Virginia. Parents rebelled and used whatever peaceful means they could. They filled the GOP slots at polling places, upwards of 100% of those positions were filled to make sure the votes were properly counted. That’s the price of a republic, civic duty, participation. Matt Bracken said it well in Lies of Omission when he professed the communist belief that: “conservatives are just interested in making money and having babies, they don’t care about this stuff; the infrastructure of society...” This is where that mentality has gotten them, pushed out, rolled over, out-manned and out-maneuvered.
Every aspect of life in America is under assault, employment, banking, medicine, entertainment, dining and even the right to protest one’s daughter being brutally raped in a school bathroom by a skirt-wearing male pervert. All of these things are leverage to force behavior. Right now, that’s accepting the injection of unproven, untested, dangerous chemical solutions. If they can make Americans submit to that egregious show of power, they can do anything. The communists can make them eat bugs, freeze, starve, restrict travel and bankrupt lives.
The influx of illegal aliens at the border has become an invasion and soon, an armed invasion. The group coming up now and, in the future, have been told by NGOs paid for by tax dollars and Soros funds that they have a right to immigrate anywhere they want, that it’s a crime to deny them entry into the United States if they want to go there. What other definition does one have for invasion than that? What other definition of treason is there when such efforts are voted on agreed to and funded by our congress? It gets worse. Wait until these same government-funded NGOs start running elections. If you think voting was pointless before, you haven’t seen anything, yet.
This and the rise of BLM and Antifa are the instigations toward civil war. The patriot is being baited and has been this whole time. They want the reaction so they can confiscate guns, populate labor camps and bring in UN troops to do the dirty work. The communists in government have been busy neutering the military, destroying morale and ensuring that only those faithful to the communist agenda wear the uniform. All it would take to initiate these actions is an act of civil war, of resistance strong enough to get their attention.
What the communist regime has been doing and as far back as mere globalists like Clinton et al, is a disappearance of radicals. They did it to Assange, any number of Clinton associates, Seth Rich seems plausible. Communists act on the Aristotle principle of tyranny “The tyrant, who in order to hold his power, suppresses every superiority, does away with good men, forbids education and light, controls every movement of the citizens and, keeping them under a perpetual servitude, wants them to grow accustomed to baseness and cowardice, has his spies everywhere to listen to what is said in the meetings, and spreads dissension and calumny among the citizens and impoverishes them...” The pandemic achieves all of this and Biden’s plan of having citizens report others for not being vaxxed, achieves even more.
The communist plan relies as much on patriot cowardice as it does bravery. Where they cannot be forced to act, they will be humiliated, watched, reported on, disappeared and rooted out. What does the American patriot do? Pretty simple, actually. Treat them as you have been treated. It is not in the major movement of men and materiel that will achieve the patriot’s goal without giving the communists a victory, it is in adopting their tactics of silent, imperceptible disappearances of the communists. It’s the only way left.
Patriots have relied upon the police to arrest criminals, believing in the system and the oaths they took to enforce the laws equally, but they have not. Patriots have relied on judges to rule correctly according to the constitution and their oaths, but they have not. Patriots have elected and relied upon their representatives to uphold the constitution and their oaths, but they have not. Patriots have relied on the military to uphold the constitution and their oaths, but they have not. There is no anticipation of fidelity to that which veterans have secured over the past centuries and this Veteran’s Day celebration is a slap in the face when communists control all seats of power; when they have transformed the vaunted United States Military into a woke, sychophantic mob swearing allegiance to power, not the constitution or the people.
Patriots have tried voting and the communists have corrupted the system to such a degree that not even 56% who believe the election was fraudulent, the 35% who simply want it overturned are given the respect of an honest investigation. Joe Biden’s support has dropped to 38%, yet he acts as any tyrant, with the certainty that he is right and everyone else can pound sand. I wonder, when looking at Biden, what Ceausescu thought in those final moments.
What should be done? What have they done to patriots? America is at the point in all communist revolutions where the people, if they have weapons and will, can stop it dead in its tracks, can reverse centuries of abuse and infiltration into the culture and the system. They can extract an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, or they can watch the nation be flooded with the world’s population through the southern border. They can watch the justice system turned into a process of patriot persecution. They can watch an endless string of trials like Kyle Rittenhouse that’s nothing more than a demonstration of the power of the state to ignore law and reason and put on a show trial of intimidation. But for the aggressive, hostile and biased attitudes of the prosecution, Kyle never would have been tried. But they had to send a message for their little Antifa brothers. The message being: if you defend yourself against the violence of government sponsored goons of BLM and Antifa, you will be put on trial for your life. It’s a question of allowing oneself to be intimidated or to become the intimidator of oppressors and tyrants no matter how petty they are. No one gets out alive. It’s time for serious men to do serious things.
Shadow Soldier and Home to Texas are available for direct purchase (discounts applied). The DVD of Lies of Omission is too. Nine Principles of Freedom (after a quick re-edit) is available through Amazon, or if contacted directly, by PDF.