Like many things, I’ve tried to prepare, to warn, to motivate people toward positive things they can do to alleviate the suffering of this nation. Not all suffer, not all prosper, but the decay, the foundational rot that’s taken place can offer no stability for the future of the nation for either. One might hate what it has become and others might think that it’s moving in the right direction, but there is no illusion that it operates from a solid base of understanding; a common core of beliefs. It operates now on fraud, lies, misrepresentations, misinformation and the driving dogma of the left in which sections of the population are allowed to violate the laws, morality and decency, while others are restricted from participating in society at all. To illustrate this, a conservative might write a ground-breaking, explosive book that identifies major issues and their solutions, but through traditional means of communication, this can’t be brought into the light, it must be sequestered for fear that it will move public opinion in an unapproved direction. A leftist can write any dogmatic, nearly nonsensical piece of propaganda and be hailed as the next great writer of the age. This is how it is, this is the division of the nation, where some ideas are embargoed while others are forced, even driven into the skulls of those unprepared or incapable of defending against it, especially children.
The horrendous callousness with which the left targets children for extermination, sexual, physical and mental abuse while somehow maintaining the higher moral ground can only be accomplished by a perverted and participatory press. Teachers and administrators have established a coup against parents, in some cases turning their children against them, a familial revolution of sorts to the glee and nodding approval of leftists nationwide.
The real and greater question I’ve been asking for a long time, is how do we disentangle ourselves from these monsters? I did it personally by recognizing the education system as flawed long before my children entered public school and made sure that they never did, at least not until they were able to choose for themselves. It was a heck of a sacrifice at the time, too, but one I recognized as necessary. But that doesn’t free me from the little Marxists being churned out over and over again who have taken root in every agency with which I’m forced to deal.
There’s talk of the great reset. I listened to an interesting podcast the other day about the two coming resets, the first one conducted by government and globalist authorities who establish it just long enough for it to fail and when it does, the other reset occurs, one of real value trades, no more futures. The second reset will largely end up being an economic system based largely on what Russia is trying to do, which is commodity-based currencies, no more of this “full faith and credit” nonsense, if it isn’t supported by some representative commodity it doesn’t have a value.
As much as this nation and many Western nations are looking toward the great reset to get bailed out of their bad decisions and astronomical debt loads, it won’t work out so well for them, because along with the economic reset, there will be a political reset. That’s not what the globalists have in mind. They want these Western “democracies” to continue on in their corrupted form and serve the international communities over their domestic interests while they impose a social credit score on their populations. All fine and good, but if the currencies they devise wreak the sort of havoc one might easily suspect they will, should a political reset not accompany the economic? Yes, it should. Now, will it? Likely it will, but I’d like to make sure of that.
How hard would it be to agree that when they take everything we own, put us on a social credit system, one in which people like me won’t be able to purchase a hot dog on a street corner, much less make any sort of major purchase, like gasoline, or food, that we impose a political reset? Nothing as extravagant as a revolution, that’d take too much energy, just a little request as to where the new authority lies to impose all of these economic and health-based restrictions and regulations? For those who want to have a more spirited discussion with the supposed new overlords of American society, that’s fine, too. I’d agree to that.
But, just to be clear, the questions about authority are sufficient, if enough people ask for them and determine the line, the direct line, between their legitimate vote and the people imposing the restrictions. Some supposedly elected official signing off to an international body violates that chain, they cannot cede what they do not own. One cannot assume authority they do not achieve through the established republican form of government. And, if they claim that its all legal and proper, you know you have just entered the fight of your lives.
We have lived now under the conditions of a political coup for a year and a half. How’s it going so far? I’d say that this whole idea that some cabal can run the United States Government is a bust, that it’s failed already. Somehow all the little pieces of the puppet keep moving even though the strings have been cut long ago. How is that possible? It’s not, but as long as people continue to see a puppet move, rather than to recognize that it lies on the stage motionless, we will be held in this fantasyland, believing that the person before us is an elected president, believing that he has the power of a duly-elected president, that the DOJ operates legally, that the U.S. Treasury actually performs its duties, that the Department of Labor is anything other than a propaganda tool for the illusion of government. None of it is true.
Until we understand the level of catastrophe that is about to engulf us all as a result of a corrupt and illegitimate government pulling strings attached to nothing but our belief that they still exist, we are destined to suffer the greatest of all injustices until we shake ourselves awake and respond to this coup the way it should have been responded to a long time ago. Only then will we be able to see the leftists abusing our children for what it truly is and hold them responsible. I am aghast that this continues to take place in public with no backlash, no one forcing these people into prison cells.
I’ve always been on the fringe of society and for good reason, i.e., the public is insane and I’m not. But that leaves me disconnected from the levers of power and influence. What about all of those who are not? Are they blind? Corrupt? They have to be one or the other. Those who suffer more, are closer to the injustice and pain of it, where is their reaction? If they can’t see and do for themselves, how am I supposed to do it for them? How are any of us supposed to sort this out if those whose children are being violated right now, today, not going to stand up? Are they waiting for yet another election run by Dominion to figure it out?
At some point the whole game is so corrupt and rigged that one must just wait for the implosion, the tottering tower to finally crumble before anything they might do will have an impact. I know, I’ve tried every other possibility and come up short. Russia very likely will create the conditions for the ultimate reset, the last one, the one that brings down all of the bankrupt Western democracies and their BS currencies, because, as they said in the podcast I watched, no one trades something for nothing and the truth that our dollars are worth nothing is about to be exposed. When it is, they want to shift then to the new system, but I wouldn’t let them. Fight for your property.
I am a follower of Jesus Christ, albeit a very poor one I must admit. I am aware of Biblical prophesy enough to know that these things we are experiencing must come, culminating in the defeat of the evil that has ruled this world. A wise man that I listened to said that there is no political solution to a spiritual problem. We have a deep spiritual problem and no election can fix it. No politician can fix it. There will be no "White Knight" riding to rescue this once great republic. T.L. used the example of how a great book authored by a conservative wouldn't see the light of day for fear of the evil ones that such exposure to the public would create problems. Even if a book of that nature could be widely distributed, I wonder how many would read it. We are no longer a literate society. Public education, ie, indoctrination. over half a century demolished that skill. Critical thinking? Forgitaboutit! People like us who seek out information and knowledge in alternative sites are a true minority. We are the fortunate ones who, with the help of some deep thinkers like T.L. and others that stimulate our own cognitive abilities to put the pieces together, plainly see the troubles that are already here and growing daily and can prepare. It is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because we have been taking steps to mitigate the risks to ourselves and our families. A curse because we understand that what was is no more and we must prepare and adapt to a new reality not of our choosing or we will not survive. Whether they know it or not, the other side has already lost. But in their growing desperation they will become even more dangerous. Thanks, T.L.
A great word arrangement and context, TL!
I am amazed that I am living the end days of my life, as I'm closer to the end than to the beginning, in a parallel scenario to people living during the Fall of Rome, 476 CE (Georgian Calendar, same as AD).
I've often tried to imagine what people in that era felt like... but now I know because I'm living it. Normalcy rapidly disappeared on my watch.
Like a friend of mine said... an intelligent, conservative man (and he's a lot darker than me), "I was planning on being in the Bahamas on the beach with my wife, smoking a cigar, drinking a rum and coke and watching the sun set. No longer. They've (Globalists and leftists) have taken that from me." He's over being pissed off... and now full bore into preparing for what is to come.
Like the saying goes… “It’s not over until the fat lady sings!”
There will be one hell of a fight before they accomplish what they intend. Too many of us. But they will use the ultimate weapon… starvation.
Prepare… store water and buy lots of rice and beans.
Jack Lawson
Associate Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada
Author of “The Slaver’s Wheel”, “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil,” “Civil Defense Manual” and “In Defense.”
“Whenever there is a jackboot stepping on a human face, there will be a well-heeled Western Liberal to explain that the face does, after all, enjoy free health care and 100% literacy” – John Derbyshire
From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1977-79