You see now that it’s the information that must be banned. It doesn’t matter whether that’s information on UFOs (UAPs), Biden, crime statistics, Epstein’s client list, etc. You simply cannot be trusted, because if you knew all of these things, things about the WHO, Ukraine, corruption, sex and drug trafficking and who’s behind it, you might become justifiably upset and the Western powers guilty of withholding the information want an unjustified reaction, something they can punish.
The Western powers, especially the US Government, is built around the idea that you can know nothing about what they’re doing, where they’re spending tax dollars, how they’re robbing the Middle Class of wealth through regulation and inflation, but they demand, pass laws to know, every single aspect of your lives, right down to what you bought for lunch, or at the mall, how you got there and what sort of fuel you used to get there.
This is not just an American problem. The Western and Scandinavian people are being betrayed by their governments, hiding information that would lead one to a logical conclusion about what to do in the nation’s interest, their interest. One cannot recognize the world in any rational way without recognizing that no other nations on earth are required to be diverse, except the traditionally Western countries. The Asian, African, Hispanic nations don’t need to be diverse, only the Western power nations. Only Western nations are racist for being naturally homogenous, especially if they like it that way, but all others are absolutely dedicated to ensure that they remain homogenous.
These same Western nations refuse to allow their people freedom of thought, freedom of speech, self-defense, oddly even a diversity of opinion. What was once the world’s bastion of freedom, is now the bastion of restriction, of cancellation, of censorship and it has been a willful and purposeful transition. That is a betrayal and the only thing keeping them from suffering the wrath of the people is the amount of control the governments currently exert over them. It’s a pressure cooker they’ve devised only intended to be unloosed when the governments decide.
They have framed the world where one must become a rebel, a resistor, a revolutionary to simply have the freedom, the autonomy of thought and pursuits they had throughout the centuries. They have forced the people to react in such ways, it isn’t the other way around. The people didn’t wake up in freedom, breathing the free air of a human being, cooked their breakfast on whatever appliance they had at hand and decide to resist the government.
All resistance to government comes from its own belligerence. If there are “domestic extremists” they created them, spurred them on, drove the wedge between their happiness and their survival. Presented them with the abuser’s excuse “don’t make me have to hurt you.” These are the terrorists, the ones who decided one day that no one could defend themselves from criminals in the streets; who looked at the people and said “privacy is not for you;” who took their money and gave it to banks, because the banks, who support the Federal Reserve and therefore the Treasury, became too greedy and reckless with the funds entrusted to them by their depositors. And, a lot of the money they took from the people came back into campaign finance funds by the very banks they bailed out.
This is the source of all “extremism” which is not extremism at all, but natural rebellion against injustice, an instinct to stop the threat against one’s freedom and independence, one’s home and family, the main objects of their labor over the decades. It is not extreme to recognize flood waters approaching one’s home and to put up sandbags. But this is what the governments have done, all across the Western world, they have opened the dam and stood by with guns to ensure that those villages could not be protected, that no individual would be allowed to hoist a sandbag. They use the arms purchased by the people for the protection of the village to ensure the floodwaters would destroy the village. This is what they did on January 6th, they intentionally and openly violated the election laws in swing states, held up cardboard to prevent the witnessing of these crimes as they stole the election. In response the people legally and rightfully sought to express their opinions of this injustice, this coup, and the government officials seeking to punish them, denied the offer of extra security, refused to protect that which they claimed was threatened, all so they could use violence against their citizens.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is drafting amendments to their charter to allow the abolition of national sovereignty. The WHO will decide when to lock the people down, what vaccine to give them, what effective medicine will be banned from use. Despite the vaunted “democracies” of the Western world, these governments will allow this to done by those who are not elected, not accountable and have no particular stake in the well-being of any nation. This is a dissolution of sovereignty that no elected leader, or even congress or parliament has the right to cede to anyone. But they will enforce these edicts with your police organizations, paid for by your taxes. Their proposal is a system of surveillance and punishment that cannot be allowed to stand, much less enforced.
The very utterance of such a design, if we had proper and responsible leaders, would be denounced and the WHO would be disbanded immediately upon this design being proposed. Why isn’t it? Because these same traitorous Western government leaders see in the WHO a kindred spirit, a helper on the path to worldwide enslavement, one who is unaccountable to the people. It’s one more step along the path of creating “extremists.”
Why would the governments be willing and seem bent on creating a condition where their people, their citizens, rise up in anger and hostility toward them? Because it gives them the excuse to use violence, something they desire greatly. Look at every war if you want to know how badly nations want to use their deadly force. Look at the seemingly thin threads of justification they have used to start these wars, when they have sometimes provided those thin threads themselves. Until there is a rising up, the use of violence will be too openly and apparently vicious. The governments still want to couch their violence in justification, so they will squeeze and squeeze until the people finally break and rise up.
Surely, that seems far-fetched, that nations are eager to go to war on their own citizens, will impose drastic injustices and even massacres to enrage them to reaction. But it has been in the works for a long time as a means of population control.
Consider the drafting and implementation of NSSM 200 specifically and the Ford Administration’s NSDM 314 where the plan for population control was put into effect. All of this is available from Robert Malone MD. This means that the pandemic and the way the government spokespeople went about making sure you did all of the wrong things and none of the right things for your health are, like so many other things, part and parcel of the plan to reduce worldwide population.
While the NSSM 200 speaks largely about this population control as being directed toward Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) it has given up that focus and made it about worldwide population. However, now they seem focused primarily on the Western powers, because their citizens are easily manipulated by the pretext that they’re free nations with elected representatives who share their views and opinions. In order to stop something that is fundamentally criminally harmful, one has to “vote out” the bad people and put new better people in charge, but there are no “better” people to elect and elections have been made moot.
This is, like many things, existential. The fact that there are so many existential crises taking place at the same time, i.e., the war on reliable power generation, WWIII, the vaxx, the fentynl epidemic, the war on fertility, i.e., the confusion and castration of children, sex trafficking and sterilization by vaxx, tells you that it’s time to risk whatever consequences there might be to stand up and start building sandbags around one’s own civilization, something that can only be done through the extremism they’ve willingly fostered against themselves. You must embrace extremism if you want to be free. It’s what they want, but be prepared for the violence they so desperately seek to unleash.
Our Red Pill film produced by us at 12 Round Productions LIES OF OMISSION.
If you prefer good novels you’ll want to share, try Rebel and Rogue about a young man, growing up trying to do the right thing (not always successfully). Available in paperback at 12 Round Productions and through Amazon along with my other novels.
Good essay, I'll share parts on my substack, perhaps with a few notes of my own once it starts to cool off here - got to 106F, now down to 100F - but that's nothing compared to the summer of 1973, when you could fry an egg on the sidewalk, and cars left furrows in the asphalt...
Whose at fault, the abuser or the abused? I say its the abused. Whether its a single individual or a society, being abused is a choice. Deciding not to be abused is also a choice. So, why would anyone choose to be abused? Maybe its ignorance about their options due to abuser indoctrination that muddies and disables the abused critical thinking. Fear of being punished for choosing not to be abused and losing one's comforts may be a reason even while those comforts, and even freedoms, are systematically being stolen from them by the abuser. Either choice comes with pain for the chooser. Choosing not to be abused likely will come with a lot of pain. Not making a choice is still making a choice, so there is no escaping it. Unfortunately, too many think that if they shut up and don't call attention to themselves the tiger will eat them last. But they will still be eaten. So, kill the tiger.