Illegal, Immoral and Evil
Whatever could have been done to save the United States has been done. Republicans have won a lot of elections over the past twenty years and still there are people like Mitch McConnell who sell out not just the Republicans, but the whole nation, giving into a completely weak and feckless Joe Biden. Why? Because, in his view, Republicans are getting too powerful. There are too many patriots (what they call Trumpers to minimize people who believe that the U.S. congress ought to focus on the American people FIRST) in the Republican Party and they need to be stopped. When have you ever heard a Democrat take that position? Maybe a few who fear AOC and the squad, but not many, certainly no one in leadership positions and none that would betray their whole caucus to do it.
I say this to help people who still cling to the idea of politics as some answer to our problems. I've never believed that, but it's a front on which to fight and prepare. It's an active battleground against the communists. Politics will not solve things, but there's no reason to throw in the towel, either. Voting, even with its inability to change anything, still serves a purpose, if just to deny certain communists power. The trouble is not who to vote against, but who to vote for. There are still election roles and the like to take part in locally, because those politics do matter. When it comes apart, counties and states will have to do some tough work to preserve the idea of freedom and individual rights. Some part of what happens when the lead flies might be based on just such local politics. Will you be in a position to guide that transition? To help it along? To hold hearings on local traitors?
Again, if lead isn’t flying, there’s still more to do. Consider the idea of trying to save as much as possible of the national resources before the congress sells it all to gain favor with China. They've put their money on China and are determined to make sure it comes out the winner, even against us. If they can leave America a massive, smoking hole for us to inherit, they will. They’re already doing it. Mitch McConnell just agreed to a 2.5 trillion dollar increase in the debt ceiling, neutering all of the efforts of the people, against all of the sentiments of the average American who heartily opposed spending such large sums of money at this time, under these circumstances, even some Democrats.
The average Joes even know that It’ll kill the dollar; it’ll increase the debt to GDP ratio and ensure poverty and hyperinflation into the foreseeable future. They may not be able to explain it in those terms, but they know you can't print money forever and especially not when no one is buying our debt anymore. It funds all of the most horrendous, anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-industry proposals put forth by AOC and Bernie Sanders. It was an enormous and unnecessary betrayal. This is why one can't go into a shell, even though it will not have the dramatic effect one might want. Voting and public pressure can sometimes stop them from doing some truly horrendous things.
At the same time, the prospect of open war against Russia has been getting traction. Joni Ernst, (R) on the Emerging Threats and Capabilities subcommittee and Roger Wicker (R) both came out hard against Russia over the prospect of war with Ukraine. Wicker even suggested that a first strike of tactical nukes wasn't off the table. Who said that? Austin or Milley? This suggests that the Biden Administration and the Republicans are on the same war footing. This, after the disaster of Afghanistan, wokism in the military, lack of training, lack of commitment, decimated by vaxx mandates and they want to start a war with Russia? They’re seeking an opportunity for America to lose an existential war, succumb to foreign domination and you and your family are going to get stuck with the disaster they’ve planned.
Our enemies are mostly in congress on the Republican side of the aisle. They continue to betray their voters, refusing to bend to pressure from the people. They’re happy to watch the debt of centuries piled onto the backs of our children and if there is any possible way to save the important parts of this nation, i.e., it’s military and economic strength, things that have kept us free these past centuries, I don’t see how it can be done politically. Show me the road back and I’ll take it, but everyone knows that there is no road back. One cannot simply turn around and go the other way. It’ll take a seismic shift in the terrain to offer a way back.
What I mean, when I speak about enemies, is enemies of the American culture, of freedom, individual rights being paramount. I made that clear in Nine Principles of Freedom. There are things you cannot forfeit without forfeiting freedom itself. I also mean the Republicans, who know they are the only alternative to out-and-out communism, but have no respect for the American culture, either. James O’Keefe just put out a video on Alex Stovall that should end his political aspirations on the right, but it’s no different than the views held by Mitch McConnell and Dan Crenshaw (TX). They’re all grifters and for them to speak of grifters with contempt makes one believe they don't know the definition of the word "grift.” As if their focus groups told them that "grifters" would put a negative spin on someone's character, not recognizing that pretending to be someone or something else, like Dan Crenshaw pretends to be a patriot, only to get donations and corporate backing, is a form of grift. So they go out to boldly denounce what they are in fact doing at the moment. It shows an amazing lack of respect for the people. The reason for it is, they're globalists. In other words, they seek to be citizens of the globe, not any given nation. To operate not in the interest of the United States or the people thereof, but of what is good for global corporations and their own individual power. We have the ability to take that power from any given individual, like Mitch McConnell and Dan Crenshaw, but if we do not change the entire paradigm of what being an American is, it will not change a thing.
The implosion is near, maybe all out war with Russia (God only knows why) because these people are out of their minds. They are bent on our destruction and we have to stop them or lose everything this nation has stood for, not only here, but worldwide. Everything the government is doing is illegal, immoral and evil.
One thing we must do, is focus on our faith, because ultimately that’s the only thing that’ll get us through. On that note, I ran into an extraordinary documentary in the making. I have nothing to do with it, but I know many of the readers of this are Christians and this documentary strives to document the ongoing Christian genocide worldwide. These are some brave, hardworking folks who just got back from Iraq and Syria getting some compelling interviews. Give the trailer a view, I know you’ll be impressed. If you can help, great. I know it’s the Christmas season, but maybe send them a little bit of your normal tithing, they need it.
Watch Lies of Omission 2021 for FREE on Rumble. Or rent the original on Amazon on “other viewing options is the SD version for $1.99.