You will, one day, be on the run for your life from your own government; from the people you voted for, yes, even the Republicans. The few good ones out there are already suffering from the new totalitarian state. They’re being made examples of for us, so that we might learn from their mistakes and convert to communist sympathizing rats. I’m reminded of the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers and the scene in the end, where two of the survivors, who had pieced it all together, saw each other on the street and as they neared, one of them with a slight grin on his face, until Donald Sutherland pointed him out screeching in an alien roar. That’s the future. The bodies of your friends will be captured by the communist aliens and sent to seek you out, identify you to save themselves.
It’s a new world, one that I’d come to dread. I marked all of the little ratchet clicks along the way and they just kept coming, click, click, click. Tighter and tighter drew the noose around my freedoms, first this, then that, then speech, thought, documents on my computer, cameras and microphones everywhere recording my every action in the name of interdicting terrorism. Turns out, the terrorists were in our government, in the bureaucracies, the courtrooms and the congress, preying on us, learning what it would take to break us down, what we would tolerate, how far they could go under the old system, before they had to reveal the new.
All of our pain, all of our worry, all of our fears are being fueled by those in power. They’ve done it in the open, with nodding support from the media and corrupt corporations, Big Tech. The idea of “going green” is the cover for their actions. Who wants to destroy the planet we live on? But without proving that going green will solve anything, or even that there IS something to solve, they proceed with actions that will starve us, freeze us, leave us open to the millions of illegals pouring across the border and they’ll be treated the same way Antifa was treated during the riots in Portland and Seattle, with a wink and a nod, but one true American with a rifle ready to defend the lives of his family and everything he’d worked for from these terrorists, and the whole of the corrupt legal system comes down on him.
It’s how it’s done. First, alienation driven by pushing the most disgusting and disturbing actions human beings can conceive of on the population as “normal.” That alienates a bunch right there, who are forced to not only tolerate, but to accept and even laud these disgusting acts, these perverse tendencies. When LGBTQ wasn’t enough, when most people thought that what others did in their bedrooms was none of their business, they went further, pedophilia, transsexual operations on toddlers. It’s designed to break us down, drive us apart, force us to recognize that we’re the odd and exotic and our resistance to it makes us perverse in a different way.
All this totalitarian state really wants is rebellion, a reason to unleash the vast power of the U.S. military on their enemies, us. I don’t know what sort of world they think they’re going to live in once we’re gone, but once they’ve facilitated the downfall of the U.S. and half of its population (the productive, inventive, wise half) have been dumped into pits, they’ll serve no further role in whatever evil plans are afoot. There’s always a cherry on top and those cherries are the ones driving this fiasco. “Thank you, Sheriff Collaborator, your county is now clean of MAGA, your services are no longer needed. POP. It’s how it’s done.
All the soft edges are gone. Recent actions of the FBI and, more importantly, the DOJ have made that plain enough. I do wonder, though, about those who are just following orders; those who do not share the political philosophy of communism, but continue to do its dirty work with clean hands. Every job I’ve had, I’ve evaluated by whether or not I was being asked to do something illegal or immoral. I’ve quit several when approached with those tasks. My soul is worth more than a paycheck. The ability to look in the mirror, while not necessarily pleasing, is still important. Do these wretches not have mirrors or are they so destitute of soul that they’re content with being just someone’s scapegoat for a little cash? And, that’s what will be left when we’re gone, a nation of these people ruled over by tyrants and pedophiles.
Let me just point out that no amount of degradation or humiliation sates the thirst of these globalists, they lap up the degeneracy of the common man like milk from a saucer. It’s a show to them, the human carnival of the odd and exotic. They have the power and the money to distance themselves from it as they choose and lavish in it when it suits their contemptible desires.
Now that all of my dread has been fulfilled; that the long slide from freedom, decency and honor I enjoyed for so many years has been submerged into the cesspool of self-serving, hypocritical narcissism produced by these horrific characters that populate our government and our corporations, I recognize that at least I have those memories; knew the feeling of flying down the road with the music playing and the wind whipping through the pickup with a grin on my face, because I thought the future was going to be miraculous.
That’s being sold out, driven from our children. Why do they hate them so? Or, maybe it isn’t hate, maybe it’s just that these monsters see them and are driven mad by the idea that these children have something they never will have, cannot conceive of: purity.
1/6/21 was an honest mistake made by some honest patriots in trusting the Feral Gov. It won't happen again, the Trust is Gone. Many of us didn't have any in the first place. Too many Betrayals, too much water under the bridge going back to Waco & Ruby Ridge and just continuing from there.
I got a kick out of the people of Sri Lanka storming their presidential palace, but it got pretty bad before they did that. We are PAST that point however, I couldn't give a Spit about DC. an Occupied Coup City of Bolssheviks and Crooks. It has already Failed, and Will Fall, it's a Dead Man Walking, Bankrupt Financially and Morally. Just a matter of time. Beyond Redemption. CYA and Prepare for the Spring planting, it was tough in April of 1865 in the South too.
They say it's darkest before the dawn. That's not actually true, but it is dark. We'll find out as Nov 8th approaches that things are getting a little brighter. But darkness isn't the time to give up. As Josey Wales coached his team, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, you gotta get mean. Always remember they want you to give up.
We're fortunate that most of the disciples of the regime are stupid, and simply following a fad. And we're fortunate that those fad followers are fickle. They will tire of the oppression soon and will shift their support to the next "thing." We need to encourage them to make that shift.
My favorite tool is ridicule. Everyone should watch Jackie Mason tapes to hone their insults. Engage them on twit, at town council meetings, school board meetings, bars, churches. I wear a MAGA pin just to remind them its not their world. Only a few want this decay. We can handle them.