Militarization of Illegal Immigration
There can be no illusion that illegal immigration is anything other than a form of military invasion. When speaking of the military, one naturally thinks in terms of arms, planes and ships, but the biggest, most important aspect of the military is its troops. Troops are capable of invading, taking and holding territory. Overcoming resistance to that invasion usually requires arms, planes and ships. But what if there is no resistance? Then, troops are the only required element of the military. The destruction of a nation need not be physical, it can be internal destruction; demoralization and devastating poverty, overwhelmed social systems. This is what we’re seeing on the southern border, more efficient, because to whatever degree real families are entering, establishing permanent homes in the conquered land is that much easier.
In order for the troops to invade, occupy and hold land without resistance requires someone on the inside. In ancient warfare, where there were castles and gates, motes and the like, it took some traitor or infiltrator to open the gates and drop the draw bridge. In more modern times, it can be a coup, or a president to leave the borders unguarded, the bridges unmanned or manned by facilitators to the invasion. When word of free land in a different nation gets out, the world pours in. Michael Yon has done some fantastic work on this issue, going deep into South America and monitoring the routes the invaders take.
While that’s part of the issue, the bigger part is human trafficking, something reviled through speech, but encouraged through action. Joe Biden knows that human trafficking is taking place, that children are being brought into the country with the purpose of being used as sexual devices for the perverted among us or to sell to other earlier invaders, who practice perversion openly as a facet of their religion. Joe Biden knows this and recently allowed these children to be picked up by anyone on the American side of the border, without identification or verified kinship (read between the lines of the propaganda. This is not like before, no one knows where these children are actually going once they leave the processing area, there’s too many). Why would one do that unless it was to facilitate this child molestation, slavery and sexual exploitation?
Everything the communists do is from an optics standpoint, the fear of how it looks, regardless of the harm actually done. This is not out of any sense of modesty or shame, but rather in order to hide the failure from view, because communism always fails and fails spectacularly, so their chief purpose is to hide that failure until they gain iron-fist control. The only excuse Biden could possibly make is that a failure to require identification or verification of kinship before picking these children up is to avoid the optics of “kids in cages,” but even that doesn’t explain the willful disregard for the future of these children. It might solve an optics problem, but the evil of communism is that the result of communist policy is never questioned or regretted. It’s shrugged off with the willing cooperation of its propagandists.
The militarization of illegal immigration was clearly acknowledged by Afghanistan, who demanded that $10 billion in seized funds by the United States be released (again, the source is tainted by propaganda), or Afghanistan would unleash a flood of migrants on Europe. While not put that indiscreetly, the demand was there along with the threat for non-compliance. The larger point is using immigration, or the threat of it, as a military weapon. These illegal immigrants, the world over, are protected by propagandists who will not allow a negative article to appear no matter how vile the act of the illegal immigrant might be or the damage they do to the existing culture (think random rapes and murders).
These questions are not being asked. Why are these illegal immigrants, who can arrange for transportation, enjoy the benefits of friendly NGOs, who claim they are being persecuted by hunger and poverty, still fail to fill out the paperwork necessary to become legal immigrants? Obviously, that’s because it allows for vetting and they will not be allowed into the country if vetted, so why should they be allowed into the country if they can’t withstand a background check? The only logical outcome would be to intentionally flood the nation with people of suspect backgrounds. Matt Bracken goes into this method of replacing the existing population in Lies of Omission. What nation would allow that? Logically, one who holds its own people in such low regard that it does not see a need to protect them from criminals and/or disease.
At the same exact time, the people of the same nation are being subjected to all manner of restrictions for fear of spreading disease. Illogical actions are the playground of the communist. It confuses the opposition and diffuses the response. A number of illogical actions fractures the opposition into smaller and smaller groups. Those irate at the invasion at the border might not have children in school. The teaching of racism through CRT, gender fluidity through “tolerance” and forced injections through a plea for “health” might enrage those who have children. Fraudulent elections might enrage voters. Where one might be all three, they are really, really angry, but anger without action is irrational.
Opposition has to be rolled up into one common cause. All of these disparate problems along with a few others like a broken supply chain, the threat of hyperinflation, increased surveillance, careers being threaten by injection mandates and a weakened military are all by-products of stolen elections on the national, state and local levels. Don’t give into it, vote, especially in the Virginia election on November 2nd. Clinton’s bagman, McAuliffe, should never hold office and if he’s allowed to steal this election, he’ll go into overdrive on CRT in the schools. While that’s a local issue, CRT is a means of injecting communism into the school systems nationwide, turning children against their parents like the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
American patriots need to understand that vigilantism is a natural response to a lack of justice. That is a fact, not an opinion, not an instruction. It’s the recognition of nature. When accumulated evidence of crimes are presented to a shrugging sheriff, a recalcitrant judge and a worthless district attorney, the only solution to the threat posed by criminals is direct and personal. The lack of justice is not just a personal issue, right now it’s a significant national security threat. A threat that is being ignored, or worse, facilitated by the military. Americans are on their own and must band together. Wreck the corrupt system. Throw sand in the gears of the communist machine. Right now, that can be done by turning out and voting in the Virginia election on November 2nd, 2021. Tomorrow, that might be sitting on a jury and nullifying it. Anyone who has been arrested for defending themselves, their property or their children should not suffer the wrath of the system that caused their predicament. Everything is on the table, the system they are implementing must be destroyed. If one can’t get there by playing fair, stop playing fair.
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