Murder by Media
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A lot has changed in a few months. It’s no longer possible to take a higher view of the battle, to stand on a hill overlooking the battlefield, directing troops. It’s time to tromp down the slope to join the fight. That fight is everywhere, growing out of control. It’s already hand-to-hand combat and time to fix bayonets.
Patriotism is illegal. If that statement seems outlandish or hyperbolic, that’s the government view under this administration. It started with vetting the military surrounding the capitol, chasing patriots out of the ranks. They used the vaxx mandate when vetting wasn’t efficient enough. Veterans have been isolated and demeaned, because this administration favors illegal immigrants over veterans and US citizens. They illegally opened the borders, violating the law, their duty and the constitution to flood the nation with border jumpers, opportunists and criminal gangs.
Do you know you're being attacked? As an example, Sherronna Bishop runs an organization in Colorado called that works to get conservatives on school boards, but had nothing to do with the 2020 election. Nevertheless, being a friend of Tina Peters, the County Clerk and Recorder of Mesa County, she had her home raided by the FBI, busting down her door, abusing her eighteen-year-old daughter by dragging her around by the hood of her jacket. They handcuffed Sherronna and put her out on the curb in front of her neighbors to insinuate she had committed a crime. They confiscated her electronics with a warrant from some obviously corrupt judge only to ultimately leave without charging her with a single crime. An overzealous and, at this point, criminal FBI did this for no apparent reason other than political intimidation. At the exact same time, as if busting a drug-smuggling operation, they raided Tina Peters home and a couple of other county employees associated with the election. Why? Because Tina Peters had the audacity to catch the Secretary of State in collusion with Dominion voting machines destroying evidence of the rigged election. Tina had copied the drives before Dominion came in to do an "upgrade" that wiped the election results. This is a felony by both state and federal law, but they did it anyway and then attacked Tina Peters for catching them at it. They harassed Sheronna Bishop, because she was a concerned parent and worst of all a friend of Tina Peters.
If this is the America you want, fine. If it isn’t, what are you going to do about it? Complain? Whine? Talk about what should or should not happen? “Should” is the worst word in the English language, because it confers the obligation to act on someone else.
I understand that such events are designed to get patriots to overreact, to do something stupid. Well, do something smart, instead. Sherronna’s organization flips school boards from liberal to conservative, she flipped 9 in Colorado and was visited by the worst sort of Stasi tactics at the behest of Merrick Garland and his illegal, out-of-control Department of Justice. But you can’t just blame Merrick Garland. Republicans allowed him to take that seat, voted for his confirmation. Democrats put him in place to target conservatives with political punishment. Also, it isn’t like the FBI just started acting in this manner, but understand, it now operates without authority, without the backing of the consent of the governed, without legitimacy and it feels no obligation to those principles. They know, they recognize who they are, they are communists and have no barrier to acting like it. They're above the law, because when they seized power, they obliterated accountability and the GOP watched.
There is no institution that is operating appropriately, not in America, not anymore. Those days are over. If it’s ever going to function as designed, it will have to be after the 2020 election is properly reversed, the civil war is won by patriots, some foreign government invades and is beaten back by citizens, because the military today is no better than the Department of Justice. It's all corrupt from beginning to end and cannot be fixed in 2022 or 2024. Those elections might push back against the downward trajectory of this nation, but they cannot turn it around. The damage done to the republic between now and November of 2022 will be massive and heart-stopping (literally).
But that's the battlefield. Did you really think they would come and fight on the patriot's battlefield? Where they have all the advantages? I swear for all of the people who've read Sun Tsu, it seems that few have learned from it.
Do know you're being attacked? As an example, the media and the administration are trying to force you to take a shot of chemicals they call a vaccine, but what it’s designed to do is trigger an immune response in the human body to attack a specific virus. Some believe, with a degree of credibility based on the chemicals they’re using, that it isn’t designed to do anything but destroy the immune system. Before there was a vaccine, when better alternative means of addressing Covid were suggested, the media, more than any other group, came out to denounce those better alternatives, creating negative public opinion about them, giving credibility to Fauci so they could be taken off the table. How many died as a result of murder by media? Those methods have now been shown to be very effective in dealing with Covid. They willingly participated in destroying the best medicine for nearly 90% of those who contracted Covid. Where are the doctors? Where is their credibility? Their honor? Their integrity? They allowed Covid to be sold by the media as a superbug, but it has never been the killer the media has portrayed it to be. A 99.7% survival rate is better than one gets with the flu, but they don’t care. It’s about control, propaganda and force. They will never tell you the truth again.
Now that the new variant has been released, it turns out that all reports show that it’s much more deadly to the vaxxed than the unvaxxed. In fact, the previous vax has engineered the immune system to ignore the variant while it continues to search for the original. Those with natural immunity from contracting Covid are much better able to deal with the variant, because the T-cells are looking for a much broader range of viruses to attack. What should be done? I can only tell you what I would do. First, taking the vax only confuses the immune system so that variants are much more deadly, so I wouldn’t take that. Next, if you have had Covid, your body is better prepared to fight this variant and every other one that comes along. My natural attitude would be to try and get Covid as soon as I could, because I haven’t had it and I haven’t been vaxxed. In the absence of that, or in conjunction with that, I’d take Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to give me an edge against this and other variants. But you do what you want. I’m not a doctor and right now, I wouldn’t trust a doctor to give me the straight, scientific and moral prescription for anything more serious than a headache.
The problem is, that under communist rule, the doctors will never give the advice they should, because they don’t care about you, dear reader. They care about their licenses, their reputations, their status, their grants, their shares in Pfizer, Moderna and J&J, but they’re more than likely taking Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine themselves. When you watch an honest doctor, like Dr. Robert Malone give such advice, acknowledging he has been vaxxed, you see a man who recognizes that if what he’s saying is true, and he believes that it is, that he’s in danger of succumbing to the threat. This is murder by media, because they won’t let us hear the truth, won’t report the facts and won’t point the finger at the real culprits, i.e., the Communist Chinese Party and those beholden to them via graft.
The media is involved in all of the nefarious business of an illegitimate government run amok. They hide the truth and refuse to acknowledge the threats, then stand back and let crimes and murders happen. They lighten the skin on the BLM terrorist than killed 6 people and injured many more. They don’t even recognize BLM as terrorists no matter how many people they kill, how many homes and businesses they destroy. It’s all murder by media, because they refuse to let the truth dictate response.
When the Department of Justice thinks the biggest threat to the nation is a homeschool mom in Colorado, you can bet that it’s not America they think is in danger, but the Communist Democrat Party. When those who expose the felonies committed by the Colorado Secretary of State and Dominion Voting Machines are the targets of early morning raids rather than those who committed the felonies, it is not the law they are enforcing, but oppression. When patriots are the enemy, who’s the opposition?
Things need to be fixed, though nothing will be solved, except on the other side of whatever horrible future we’re destined to suffer. In the meantime, though, support Sherronna Bishop by doing exactly what she was doing, trying to get conservative representation on local school boards. Get involved in the local GOP as poll watchers, election officials and precinct chairmanships. It’s easier than you think, because only communists are holding those positions right now. Yes, even the GOP folks in those positions are compromised, get rid of them and start anew. That’s where the fight is. That's the battleground now. Get in a position to demand a return to paper ballots. Watch carefully as they try to steal every election they can. Call and email representatives in Florida, Georgia and Texas to get redistricting changes that benefit MAGA conservatives. If you watched the horror with which MSNBC and CNN discuss the progress made on those fronts by conservatives, you’d realize how important those small battles are in the larger war for America's soul.
Don’t let people tell you it’s too late to do that. Until lead starts to fly, there’s still time. Even after lead starts to fly, for those not inclined toward or capable of throwing it, they might as well be working to set the politics right. We deserve representation for our views in all government offices and positions. If it wasn’t important to the Communist Democrat Party, why would the DOJ raid a homeschool mom’s home, assault her daughter, cuff Sherronna Bishop in front of her neighbors only to leave without filing charges? Do you want to see that in your neighborhood? Is this what you think is the result of a free and fair election? Or, does it feel like this is the result of a coup, a hostile political party seizing power over the nation and punishing political enemies? Is the imprisonment of the January 6th protesters the act of a legitimate government, or an illegitimate government determined at all costs, the constitution they hate be damned, to quash any opposition to their coup? Why do all of the media insist on stating that it was a free and fair election, if they weren’t trying to convince the 56% of people who now recognize that it was tainted and that a lot of illegal things took place prior to, during and after the election?
Is this the nation you want? If not, you have to fight on all fronts, not just the ones you’re most suited to. And, by the way, if those most suited to the real fight, the down and dirty fight are too busy waiting to see how the politics turn out, the politics are the most important game in town.
The beast can’t be any different than it is. A weasel can’t be a lion, no matter how hard it tries, but if the weasel can roar loud enough to convince you it’s a lion, that’s good enough for the weasel.
Great Christmas gifts, the gift of knowledge. Shadow Soldier and Home to Texas, discounts applied, shipped direct to you, hardback and paperback. A lot of history, Civil War to Frontier Texas.