As most readers know, the problem with the American system is not the system itself, it’s the disregard our elected representatives have for that system, an almost hatred of it. Instead of a governmental system that takes care of all of the background administrative necessities, like enforcing the borders, enforcing tariffs on other nations, responding to threats against the interests of the republic as a whole, it has devolved into looting the public’s pockets for the interests of their donors, who, in gratification, return some of that loot to the representatives themselves, or other organizations that support these representatives while taking a cut.
The system, as it exists, is a fraud, perhaps has always been a fraud, but that is not the fault of the citizen, but letting it continue is. What they promised is not what we have, and to that point, it should be altered or abolished. The question, really, is who should do the altering and abolishing? If the people themselves cannot do so without being labeled domestic terrorists and subjected to the same punishments as foreign combatants, it seems to be a conundrum. The American citizen fighting for the founding principles, individual rights against a massive federal power, is not the same as attacking a foreign nation to conquer it, but they pretend that it is.
There appears to be no level at which the government is introspective enough to admit they are criminals, traitors and thieves, they just won’t. None have accepted that their abuses led to the deaths of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of Americans during the pandemic and the mandatedk of unapproved, untested, dangerous vaxx, for which all of them ought rightfully to be indicted, charged and executed. But that is a bit of an extremist point of view, it seems.
Should I, personally, be responsible for the death of even one individual, my life would be instantly undone. I would be jailed and if I had murdered someone of a “protected class” probably executed for it. That, itself, is impossible in a land where there is equality. There can be no “protected” classes of people whose lives are worth more than any other, the penalties for killing them higher. Yet, we live with all of these contradictions imposed on us by some ruling elite who decide who is favored and who is disfavored especially where that determination is by race, the Caucasian race. All of our laws are written to prevent this, and yet, we see it day in and day out, supported by the courts, the officers, the judges.
It’s a fundamental flaw brought to us by communists who obtain power in pushing these contradictory values to obtain their goals. White people are instantly racist for some crime of history, like slavery, but that same idea of slavery is ignored when it comes to Muslims and cartels, in particular, who still practice slavery as part of their religion or business model. This isn’t designed to get into any religious argument, but to point out the truth, a truth that is inconvenient and repudiated, but not with fact, but emotion. “If you don’t want to be a bad person, you have to allow yourself and those you love to become victims.” That’s as irrational as it is illegal, but I see no one being prosecuted for that victimization, but rather the victims themselves.
It’s the illogical nature of our current existence that is vexing. I don’t hate anyone as a group, but I do hate individuals of almost all groups. I don’t even particularly care for people like me. I might not even like myself were we to meet. I repudiate completely that I must accept, like and support someone I wholly I find mentally disturbed to maintain good standing within my community. That’s the sort of thing that makes a human being, a citizen, a natural human, tell the community to piss off. Which I have done in a manner of speaking long ago.
They, the communists and sympathizers of criminals, are going to try with all their might to prevent the mass deportations we have been promised. These people were brought here for a purpose. They have a mission and that is to abuse the morality of the people, force them to accept the most unjust conditions to maintain some Christian ethos. It’s a means of making someone’s decency a bludgeon to be brought down upon their own heads. It’s all very clever and Hegelian. These deportees are going to be raised up as the salt of the earth, the Good Samaritans of our society, no matter how many crimes, how many murders they’ve committed, as the beneficial antidote to our original sin of slavery, which we were neither the originators nor are we the practicioners thereof, but those we are trying to rid ourselves of are engaged in it as a form of control or for sheer profit, sexual slavery and indebted servitude to the cartels.
It is this ever-shifting morality that the communists are known for, that is their brand and banner. They use the power of emotion of the intellectually inferior masses to see one sin and ignore the other, even when the distinctions could not be more clear. It is that willing intellectual dishonesty that marks their every utterance, so they are not hard to identify and therefore dismiss out of hand.
The benefits are legion. Crime overall will drop by probably 60%, rapes and murders maybe even higher than that. Since the federal government cannot be relied upon to accurately assign criminal alien crime to the criminal aliens, but pretends that it is an overall increase in crime, blaming it on whites wherever possible, even categorizing clearly Hispanic or black criminals as “white” on official documents shows one their intent to hide the crimes of those criminal aliens and heap them on those who are innocent.
Deporting the 20 or so million criminal aliens is a societal necessity. Diversity is not our strength. It can be, in certain circumstances, just as it can be a detriment in most circumstances. This is proven by the fact that there is no nation on earth clamoring for more whites to live with and among homogenous nations to increase their diversity and provide strength. One cannot ignore the truth that whites of European descent are targeted for dilution if not outright extermination. This is odd to me, because whites make up only about 13% of the world’s population and when that fact is raised, the value of the minority disappears from their arguments. It shows the disingenuousness of their claim that diversity is a strength. I do, as an American, appreciate the diversity of this nation in that it has brought insights and aspects to American society that have made it an entertainment and industrial powerhouse. It is that diversity of experience from poor, middle-class, upper class and insanely wealthy that provides a determination to excel, to go from poor to wealthy within one’s lifetime; that drives innovation and invention. That and the desire to get out from under the perpetual toil of manual labor. Necessity is the mother of invention, but laziness has a role in that play as well.
What I reject categorically is the idea of magic land, the big rock candy mountain, that Americans are only prosperous and comfortable because they took the best land the world had to offer and greedily kept it to themselves. Communists obviously refuse to admit that it was the political system that made it prosperous and comfortable, it was freedom, not control. It was the unhindered dreams of the lowly laborer who found a way to get out from under the daily toil by inventing a machine that would do his hardest work for him. Instead of plowing the 100 acres with a horse-drawn plow, he invented a tractor. That tractor had so many obvious uses for other things that capitalists (the most important part of the American economy) sought to buy the rights to manufacture and distribute it, something the inventor did not have the capital to do. This allowed the laborer to rise in society and gain wealth. This is the principle that has driven America to heights that few other nations in the world have been able to reproduce. Should a laborer discover some ingenious means of avoiding labor in other nations, he would be sent to prison for failing to provide the state with his labor and drawing useless sketches that were a waste of state property. The idea of a gold rush would be nonsensical to a communist nation, because all the gold is the property of the state and miners would be forced to dig for it until they collapsed from starvation and abuse. The state would get the gold, the communist form of slavery. Instead of breeding this desire for wealth they would squash it under the heel of totalitarianism. They would prevent invention except by those assigned that duty, but since they did not suffer in the fields and did not have that inspiration and intricate understanding of the process, they did not understand the task and therefore could not conceive of a solution to a problem they didn’t know existed. Instead, their inventions have to be mimicked from capitalistic nations.
Mass deportations are necessary to provide the environment for a safe and stable society that attracts those whose minds have been muzzled by communistic governments. They are necessary to free up government expenditures so that Americans are able to build the capital to invest in innovation. Mass deportations will not solve all of the nation’s problems, but they cannot be solved without reducing funds being spent on them at present. The prison system will be lightened, the demand for healthcare will lessen, the amount of people receiving welfare funds will decrease. This all amounts to billions of dollars, but more importantly, relieves the stress on the entire system, reduces the demand for rental property, reduces the demand for goods and services, shortens the lines at shelters and food pantries. Over four years there have been crises in almost all of these areas, but the people are forbidden to look at the 20 million criminal invaders and recognize that their return to their homelands as a solution. Now, we can and now we must.
But who is going to mow your lawn, cook your food, build your houses? Historically, a lot of criminal aliens came to the United States to fill jobs, build businesses or get a better shot at life through our educational system. This is not what has been going on since 2015 with the state-sanctioned caravans that were assembled in Central and South America, encouraged migration by Barack Obama to attempt to break the American system, overload it’s hospitals, schools and welfare programs, it’s all in the communist playbook. It’s not even effectively refuted. It’s open. And, under Biden, it has been industrialized and with an all-expenses-paid excursion to the land of free meals, housing, education, healthcare and debit cards. During that time, enemy nations infiltrated military-aged men into the crowd, fentanyl and even more dangerous drugs came with them. Cartels branded their property and demanded that they continue to pay for their crossing the border from funds allocated by the U.S. Government. It was a plan that brought America to the brink of disaster, physically, emotionally and financially, left its streets filthy with feces, its homeless population soaring beyond anything that empathy and kindness could overcome. It was an attack, nothing less, and there is no way to move forward (or backward in this case) to a safer society, a more healthy society, a more educated society, a richer society until we get that yoke of humanitarian burden, the past two Democratic administrations have lashed bout our necks, off.
The only way is mass deportations and if that means holding public officials and CEOs to the same legal standard as the common American working stiff, so be it. I encourage it. I know what my fate would be, were I to violate state and federal law; they should, too. There is no room for sentimentality and empathy where they have been complicit in the overall degradation of our land, our home, our peace and prosperity. There can be no reconciliation until there is a clearing of the past egregious acts. It has to start somewhere and it might as well start with the mass deportations of people who, largely, just took advantage of the incredibly generous opportunities they were promised. Who wouldn’t? But that has to come to an end and the sooner the better.
Whenever I am confronted with images of crying children brought here illegally by their parents, mothers who are being deported with their children, I will invoke the memories of Laken Riley and probably a million other women who have suffered at the hands of criminal aliens over the decade or so of Obama/Biden policies. I have not forgotten Kate Steinle or any of the other murder victims over the past few years. The victims of criminal aliens are U.S. citizens and that outweighs any other consideration in my mind. There is sadness to be endured and their being deported will not bring anyone back, but it will prevent thousands of future victims and that’s going to have to be enough. They will not be murdered in the streets as their victims have been, they will not be subjected to sexual assault or pumped full of drugs until they overdose, so no matter how many tears are spilled, it still will never be even.
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"I repudiate completely that I must accept, like and support someone I wholly I find mentally disturbed to maintain good standing within my community. That’s the sort of thing that makes a human being, a citizen, a natural human, tell the community to piss off. Which I have done in a manner of speaking long ago." T.L. Davis
I agree with T.L. in the quote above. I've told our community in our small town of lefty Democrats to "piss off." I live like a hermit.
There is no country like America. I watched a video yesterday of a Syrian who came to America when he was 18 on a student visa with $400 in his pocket. He worked hard. The Syrian wanted to make movies. He needed capital. So, he moved to Las Vegas and opened a pizza parlor. He opened another. The Syrian saved his money.
He went back to LA and produced a movie. Then he made another and another, each bigger than the last. Now, he lives in a multi-million dollar mansion in Beverly Hills.
You can't do that in any other country.
"There appears to be no level at which the government is introspective enough to admit they are criminals, traitors and thieves..." -- There is a certain blindness that comes with unearned power and self-assumed privilege. It prevents the afflicted from seeing with any comprehension that he has become evil and a threat to others.
"Mass deportations are necessary to provide the environment for a safe and stable society..."
As well as put Law back into the Rule of Law.
Happy New Administration - let's hope it turns out as promised...