Open Letter to Congress
Open letter to Congress
Resign. It’s the only way out. The dark winter is coming and the diabolical bills you’ve passed will be the end of your career. You’ve flouted fiduciary responsibility for the people’s money and enslaved them with debt. Already, the spending bills you passed as Covid relief, that largely helped every other nation but your own, every other people but your own, are driving inflation to unsustainable levels, the likes of which only Venezuela has seen and because of the same policies. The infrastructure bill that put in place communistic programs and restrictive laws while offering only one third of it to actual infrastructure, will ensure that rival communist nations will benefit far more from them than our own people, destroying jobs here and making jobs there. Thirteen Republicans voted for that, who are not only traitors to their oaths, but opportunists and political hacks.
Only a handful of you legally occupy the seats of the House and Senate. Some are frauds through election tampering, some are frauds through a violation of the oath of office, some are frauds through bribery and corruption. Is that why you refuse to look at election integrity when 52% of the people believe the election was tainted? Fifty-two percent isn’t enough to get Republicans to embrace a national audit, not a recount, a forensic audit? You refer to this as a “democracy” over and over, yet you ignore the mandate for these audits by democratic means.
You wonder why the people think you are cowards and frauds? Democrats should be as interested in an actual accounting of that obviously flawed and illegal election, because it is their legitimacy on the line as much as Republicans. More so, because they are accused of the criminal activities that allowed it, but they are silent. Is it because they are guilty?
This congress, both sides of aisle, will be held responsible for everything Joe Biden does. There are Republicans who sit back and think they’re going to enjoy the show in 2022, but they won’t be there. Anyone in congress, who was not vocal and demanding a forensic audit of the 2020 election is complicit in all of Joe Biden’s actions and their ramifications. Right now, when chants spring up at athletic events shouting “F*** Joe Biden,” they are speaking to all of congress as well. Whatever Joe Biden does, he does with the aid and assistance of everyone in congress and even when the Republicans had a chance to separate themselves from the chants, thirteen representatives threw the whole party on the bandwagon with him.
You have left the border open, numerous times refusing to complete the wall, allowing border agents to be used as abettors to criminal activity violating the laws otherwise passed by better congresses. You have made National Guard units to abet those same crimes. Meanwhile wholesale crossings continue and the word has gotten out to the world. Document dumps on the Mexican side of the border reveal people from India, Malaysia, Iraq and several other nations. There is no vetting and a great deal of the lawlessness is child-sex trafficking, but your voices are silent, watching in amusement, I suppose, while those you have impoverished watch as jobs disappear and what tax dollars they pay go to sustain and payoff those wreaking havoc on our southern border towns. You have allowed this administration to bus them all across the nation. What spending bill allowed that? Where is the money coming from, if not from you, the sole origination of spending bills?
There is no forgiveness, because we, the American people, handed you a strong nation, a powerful nation, a wealthy nation and you squandered it for self-aggrandizement and power. It now suffers from an energy crisis when only nine months ago it was self-sufficient. It now suffers from empty shelves, when nine months ago they were full. It now suffers from a worker shortage in hospitals, transportation and construction, because the fraudulently installed Joe Biden decided that there would be a “vaccine” mandate that has been ruled unconstitutional by the Fifth Circuit, because there is no “dire emergency” in America except that it suffers from a corrupt congress and a pathetically incompetent and tyrannical administration.
You have allowed the Department of Justice to threaten parents over speaking out against the racist Critical Race Theory curriculum in schools, mask mandates and transgender policies that anyone with common sense knew would result in rapes of young girls in school bathrooms and when it did, you did not speak out for parents and demand a stop to it, or even an investigation, or pass legislation that would stop it. No, you sat there in your publicly funded chairs and counted your campaign cash.
This letter is not in defense of Republicans, nor aimed at Democrats, but rather at the whole of the congress which, from any rational assessment is corrupt, illegitimate and dangerous to the safety and welfare of the people.
When concerns were raised by some in the medical community about the “vaccine” which is not a vaccine, no matter what definition the CDC has self-servedly changed to allow it to call what is being injected into unsuspecting people, a “vaccine,” you sat there, silent. When subsequently proven effective treatments for the Covid 19 virus, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were announced, you sat there silent while the media went on an assault to prevent them from being used. You were not interested in investigating this issue, but allowed how many thousands to die, while treatments were available all to avoid angering your benefactors in Big Pharma corporations. This is a level of treason and bribery that exceed anything yet known other than the fraudulent election itself, because these treatments were not used and distributed.
At every crossroads where the people have trusted you to do the right thing, you have acted in the opposite way. Every bill passed has been to support those industries that contribute to your political campaigns, not the people who fund the entirety of the government. Malfeasance, we had gotten used to, recognizing that we had elected incompetents and would do better next time, but the earth-shattering realization that you would not only be aware of an illegal election taking place, but cover for it, swear to its authenticity is a step too far. We know now that you are not only treasonous, fraudulent usurpers of the will of the people, but actual antagonists to our freedom and the republic.
Resign, because this winter will prove to one and all your treason. When they are starving for lack of food; cold because they are forced to choose between food and heat; homeless, because you did not stand against vaccine mandates; broke, because their money is worth much less and everything costs twice as much, they will come looking for you. They will do this, because it will be apparent that the illegitimacy of your offices, your cowardice, ambition and treason have caused it. Not since the 1930s have people been forced to endure such hardships as face them now, but then they blamed the bankers or Wall Street, somewhat nebulous entities, but now, because of your carelessness and ruthlessness, they will blame you, individually. If the people cannot wait to vote you out, they will throw you out. That is not a threat, it’s a recognition of history repeating itself. History, you have refused to learn.
A PDF of this letter is attached Open Letter PDF for you to fill out with your name and your representative and/or senator if you choose to.
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