The natives of the MAGA/America First supporters are growing restless. It doesn’t take long to disappoint and lose support, even from the staunchest defenders of an ideology when rhetoric doesn’t match the action and the Trump Administration is balancing on that knife-edge.
The concern I’ve always had for Trump has been his penchant for lousy hires. It was not much further into his first term that the disaster of Jeff Sessions was revealed to his base. Attorney General Sessions recused himself from the Russia collusion investigation, something he never should have done and for which there was no reasonable argument, but his Senate buddies encouraged him to take the “high road” which usually only enables one’s enemies to take the lowest one. That’s what they did, too.
This week, two of his other choices have bombed out on him: Pam Bondi and Amy Coney Barrett. This more readily reflects Trump’s penchant for hiring women wherever possible and while he might decry DEI, it’s alive and well in his cabinet.
The problem is, many of his supporters are not there because they idolize Donald Trump, no matter what the MSM writes and talks about to themselves. This is a probationary relationship. Of Trump’s supporters are people who have been lied to over and over again and watched the feckless Republican party get its head handed to it by Democrats whether the Democrats were in power or not. That’s not a good record, but Trump was supposed to fix that, it’s what he promised.
I know, promises of a politician are suspect from the very utterance, but after watching the ruthlessness with which the Democrat machine came after Trump, showed its ugly face on every level, one would think he’d come in with a righteous vengeance. See, what the Democrats did to Trump, they’ve been doing to his supporters all along, all the way back to the first globalist George HW Bush.
The United States actually ceased to exist in 1861. There’s been wins and losses along the way, but more losses than wins until after World War II when they were almost exclusively losses. Yes, some like George W. Bush, were better than Al Gore, but marginally, and not in any substantive way. Dubya earned particular scorn for the Patriot Act and the way the financial crisis of 2008 was handled.
While Trump might understand the internal war, few of his cabinet picks do. It’s a little too early to tell about Kash Patel, but Pam Bondi doesn’t seem capable of bringing down the hammer. Refusing to release the Seth Rich file was a particular slap in the face to add to the head fake of the Epstein file release to MAGA influencers, taking their reputations down a notch in the process.
Trump’s supporters want him to set everything right, because he said he would at every rally. Most of us knew that was hyperbole for the campaign, but now there’s over 77 million Americans who are tired of the lies and wasteful spending that they all knew were there and just want to see something happen.
The frustration comes from watching the J6ers put through hell for four years, dumped in a grimy cell, some in solitary confinement, restrictions on who they could talk to, contact with their families seldom granted all for taking an unannounced tour through the capitol building and some not even going in, some not even there at all.
When you put that up with the way Tina Peters, a County Clerk in charge of elections in Mesa County, Colorado, a gold star mother, who discovered the cheating and copied the information before Jena Griswold could have it wiped (a state and federal crime), was put in prison for exposing the cheat. This is the same Secretary of State that tried to have Trump kept off the ballot in Colorado. There is no larger irony than that. The people want justice, a simple thing to ask in what’s often referred to as a free nation.
Those instances alone cry out for justice and make anything Trump might do seem reasonable and moderate, yet it’s a slow-moving train and the people are growing impatient.
It’s all corrupt, we know it and they know it. In fact, it’s so corrupt that those benefitting financially from the corruption willingly align themselves with the waste, fraud and abuse of the federal bureaucracy. They hold rallies to expound on their demand to keep the corruption going. They don’t have the decency to at least stand and applaud victims of crimes committed by criminal aliens, or testosterone-laden men in women’s sports at the State of the Union speech. The Democrats have chosen the worst possible political positions, but are nonetheless brazen enough to try and get the men and women working hard everyday to put eggs in the skillet, to agree with them. They encourage them to believe that the causes of their pain and suffering should be continued. That’s a big ask, but it’s indicative of their arrogance and criminality.
All the people want is for those newly elected to do so, to do it, to hold someone (as many as possible) accountable. Crack the whole corrupt egg wide open and let the people see it. We’re all adults, have faced horrible crimes before. We know all about drug addiction, murders in the streets, cartels sex trafficking children. What could be more horrible than that?
These are power politics and those who expose it and dish out consequences will be rallied to, but failure to do so will align this administration with all the others. The shine of Trump will not last forever and when that shine comes off, it will shake the very foundation of the republic, probably destroy it, because now the citizens have proof of the corruption and where their tax dollars are being spent. The people see that all their hard work has been robbed as soon as it hit the treasury and then new dollars were printed to pay for the things those taxes were intended to pay for.
This may be the last time the people are willing to give anyone a chance. There are no more Trumps in the basket, the only ones left will be RINO Republicans that have led to the same old disasters over the past several decades, probably a century. Even Trump is going to have to get down and dirty in the fight, because his Supreme Court pick of his first term just put the knife in his back, in the back of the whole republic, by ruling that federal district court judges can control the Executive Branch.
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"The United States actually ceased to exist in 1861."
Lincoln was the first traitor and tyrant to occupy our White House.
Assassinated five years too late.
I really don't understand Trump's fascination with putting women into powerful positions. It's early in his term and already the choices he made in putting women in positions of power is destroying his credibility.
If JD Vance has any notions of being the next POTUS, he better press hard to bring the Cabinet and various departments into compliance with Trump's agenda.
While I might agree that bills should be paid for contracts completed under the previous administration, alleged "conservative" justices are cutting the legs out from under Trump, allowing lower courts to undermine the Constitutional power of the Executive Branch.
Every day it seems that some new stench emerges that strengthens my belief that there's no hope for the survival of the United States in its present form.