This war, that is now on the verge of exploding the lives of billions, has been directly and purposely courted by Joe Biden, but if you think of Joe as a puppet, who wins by pushing the agenda of a world war? Hint: it’s people who have openly declared their contempt for the United States and who have pledged to destroy it. And, it will be the destruction of the United States if and when it finally kicks off. We are in no way prepared for the costs or the consequences of a world war. After Biden took office we were no longer able to hold Afghanistan, much less fight a global war, especially when the current regime has declared half of the population enemies of the state, (unavailable for military service), something that almost purposely prevents the national cohesion required to sustain an all-out attack by another world power like Russia, China or both.
It might still be a problem for them to occupy America, there are still rifles behind every blade of grass when people feel like a foreign power is invading and they’re protecting their own property and lives, but we don’t have the military we had even in 2001. Our soldiers and sailors spend their time earning equity points instead of learning the best and easiest way to kill people and break things. These are the circumstances that ended Russia; that allowed it to transition into the Soviet Union. Read this with that in mind.
Having witnessed the abdication of responsibility, intellectual curiosity and morality in 2020, I have no hope for our neighbors to recognize when they’re being played and even if they do, they don’t have the backbone to stand against it. The few who read this blog will probably be way ahead of them when disaster strikes, but disaster will strike nonetheless and affect everyone, even the most prepared, the most trained.
Joe Biden, or whoever’s behind the curtain, has been running around picking fights with everyone like a drunk with a death wish, but it’s all of us who are going to get killed, our families will die by the thousands, because once this war of attrition begins, it’s our already de-rated infrastructure that’s one of the targets. The green initiatives have reduced our power generating capacity to barely sustainable levels as it is, you hit one or two vital links in the chain and the whole electric grid falls flat on its face. In days, we might be sitting alone in our bunkers, with weapons galore, but without the means to keep the heat on, the water running or the sewers to take the filth away. Our credit cards and bank cards won’t work, gasoline will be hard to come by or unobtainable, propane, too. You can’t run a generator on “I told you so’s”
The incredible swiftness and devastation of simply losing power is something those suffering from hurricane Ian can appreciate about now. Even if they’re well-prepared, have Jack Lawson’s books on their shelves, because most people have only practiced that with the idea that it’s only needed until the linemen can get the power going again, a few days maybe. But what if there’s no way to get the power going again? That’s the difference between a hurricane and a war, one is an inconvenience and the other is likely permanent or intermittent enough to feel permanent.
But understand, ninety-five percent of the hardships will have been designed by the woke, communist dirt bags in your midst. Your local power companies have been anxious to obtain the federal assistance available only by destroying or failing to reinvest in the power infrastructure that we know works in favor of wind and solar brownie points and tax credits. Trillions of dollars of lost improvements and hardening initiatives, encouraged by logic, have been derailed by the traitorous power executives in every form of energy production, including oil and gas. Few have the inner strength and commitment to the capitalist system to stand against a federal bureaucracy bent on their destruction.
The true victims are the individuals, who struggle along every day putting in 8 to 12 hours a day, maybe with two jobs and now, with inflation running amok, they can’t even feed, clothe and house their children on their pay level. When inflation isn’t making every hard-earned dollar with less and less, the government forces them to put more and more of their income into the hands of everyone else. Ron Paul described foreign aid as taking money from the poor people of a rich country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country. The bait-and-switch method of governance ensures that whatever your taxes are promoted as paying for from education to military defense, it’s being collected, but spent on everything from male prenatal training to Hunter’s crack and porn addictions. One thing it’s not being spent on is securing the southern border.
At one time, when I was in business and had a lot of equipment leased or financed, I could hardly sleep, worried that I’d default on those obligations if something happened and business slowed down to a trickle. Then, I realized that I’d made smart, logical investments in my company and that it would take an economic disaster to ruin me. That was in 2005, three years later, that’s exactly what happened and I held on for two more years, hoping it would turn around, but it never did, not until six months after I had to close the doors. The point being, as difficult as it might be to envision the worst that can happen today, it can still happen.
What we’re seeing today is the purposeful and intentional destruction of the economy and power generating sources. It’s designed to create the conditions that occurred with Russia as a result of WWI. On top of all of that, one cannot even trust their doctors and alternative medical treatments and practices have to be rebuilt from the ashes of knowledge from the 19th Century. Everything the government and their allies in business are doing is designed to drive the modern United States back into the conditions of the 19th Century to force change to a different system, illogically, one that will keep them in the 19th Century forever. They’ve corrupted the vote, so there’s no possibility of turning the behemoth around when these policies prove disastrous.
Nothing they have done is designed to enhance the power and abilities of the individual, the source of all economic growth and sustainability. It’s in the power of the individual that America grew into the richest most powerful nation in the world. Strong individuals focused on their area of expertise, i.e., finances, production, logistics, defense and weaponry joining with others in different fields to accomplish that which no individual could achieve on their own is the means to prosperity. Everything the government touches, from taxes to financial aid corrodes that relationship and ultimately destroys it.
In the wake of the inevitable doom that approaches, we need to focus on the powers that built this nation and instead of capitulating and accepting communism as the answer, as many of us are willing to do, there needs to be as many as possible taking the opposite into the war of ideas, that it’s in the power of the individual that rests all prosperity. This is what the communists already know, it’s why they’ve focused on subjecting the power of the individual to the group consensus. We need to absolutely reject that.
Very well said, T.L. To me, the single most important sentence is this: "It’s in the power of the individual that America grew into the richest most powerful nation in the world". The individual is - and has always been - everything!
"subjecting the power of the individual to the group consensus. We need to absolutely reject that." Myself, I've been rejecting that premise forever, it seems. Hasn't made life particularly easy for sure. I know for a fact that I'm not prepared 'enough' on any level (due to numerous injuries) as I 'should' be. I have no control over that, unfortunately. I strive for more knowledge constantly, as a result of my physical ailments. Though limited, they're not totally neglected either.
As T.L. is, I'm worried that more folk can't (or refuse) to be informed, in time. I remain cautiously optimistic (I have to!) that we as AMERICANS can and will prevail. If *anybody* can, it's AMERICANS and AMERICA! Now, if folk in general can 'get it together' it'll work. I seriously doubt that the previous thought applies to the folk who read this letter, though! Now, if only there was a wizard that could just snap his fingers, or wave his wand, and remove the blinders from folk's eye's! But hope is NOT a viable option! Brings to mind the old commercial - 'Just do it'. We're seeing that mindset in real time, right here in good ole FLA., as we work on getting outta the mess Mr. Ian left for us!
Nuff said for now.
Y'all take care,
T.L. Davis... your fricking book "9 Principles of Freedom" is fantastic!
It is eloquent, but simplistic articulation in writing about the purity of RIGHTS. For this dyslexic A.D.D.
person, it even keeps my attention.
This comment is not just from 'Brother' to 'Brother' of the 2008 financial crash (my wife and I lost the largest part of the ten million dollars we'd busted our chops for over the previous 25 years to build from nothing), but from Author to Author.
You drive the nail deeply into the wood... your words hammer home your message. I love reading your essays!
Jack Lawson
Associate Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada
Author of the “Civil Defense Manual,” “The Slaver’s Wheel,” “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil” and “In Defense.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn lamented the Russian peoples' lack of preparation and resistance to the Soviet take-over in his Nobel Prize winning book "Gulag Archipelago…
Quoting him from his book-“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security Operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” - Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn from “The Gulag Archipelago”
From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1977-79