I’ve become so tired of watching red line after red line cross under this society without any reaction at all, other than rage at the gods. The first time I hit a red line was in 1987, the seat belt law. I knew that was my own red line, that recognizing and resisting government intrusion into my actions in my car, short-circuiting my decision-making process that had no physical impact on anyone else, no matter which decision I made, to wear or not wear, was not common, nor popularly supported. The insurance companies would say that they should have a say, because they would pay for my injuries. Well, not if I died, which was the reason to wear one, to keep from getting killed in the accident. Also, the insurance industry is nothing if not a gambling organization, betting on the odds that this particular event will or will not happen, but charging all comers at the table for the risk. As long as the odds are stacked in the insurance company’s favor, they’ll cover that risk. But then, it’s not the insurance company that’s paying for my injuries, it’s the other players at the table.
Isn’t it the unpopular view that’s protected by the concept of individual rights? Isn’t that the whole point of a republic rather than a democracy? The idea that an individual with rights can suffer from a whole slew of bad decisions, but be blessed by the good ones? Democracy is the process of letting everyone else have a say in those decisions and it’s why almost every government official speaks about the republic as a democracy.
We have a long way to go before we get back to any semblance of a republic. This is where the civil war has been raging all of these decades, in the minds of the people at large. Joseph McCarthy, in 1952, railed on about communists in the government and when enough of those communists recognized that he was getting traction, he was destroyed by the system, the defamation machine that thrives on steroids today was in use then. This was a public cancelling before social media. Despite the fact that he never proved any of his accusations, something very difficult to do, internal investigations resulted in the exposure of several communists within their departments.
The truth of the matter is this: in order to form a resistance, it needs to take place within the states themselves. This is the purpose of voting, to try and get some of the people with the right frame of mind into office. The Civil War did not start in the fields, it started in the legislature when enough local politicians decided to take a stand. One of the few that have tried to make a difference is Marjorie Taylor Greene. She’s right now suffering the McCarthy treatment for speaking out, trying to hold someone accountable for the January 6th prisoners, for the stolen election and the constitution. She’s getting hammered from Democrats and RINOs alike, has been SWATed a few times, even.
That’s the ongoing war, where do you stand? Federal agents visiting citizens for one reason or another is terrorism, the fear of being targeted and unjustly accused by those who do not need a warrant, but just pay a friendly visit to remind you that there’s always someone watching. The terror of the unknown is the backroom machinations of a tyrannical government. “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”
We get a few good, decent fighters for the republic into office and they’re left to twist in the wind by those who see no utility in voting. That’s a defeatist attitude that’s pervasive in the friendly-fire contingent of the patriot community. When one can’t seem to have an impact on the rest of the world, they can always attack those in their own camp, the unprepared, and unguarded. It’s a fact of life I recognize, that’s all. It simply is and always has been, I only speak about it, because we’re at a crucial juncture, not the only one, several have passed and the world has gotten worse for it. I pray, “please God, let us finally realize we must do something, now and stop killing each other before we strike the enemy.”
There’s a lot of frustration and anger out there, but as a member of the resistance, I look for those who are fighting and try to help. The convoy I covered with the help of those who subscribe to this blog was something, there were fighters. It might not have ever had a chance of success. Is that the only time to support those who are in the fight, who’ve put their names and reputations on the line, perhaps their careers, maybe freedom, when success is known? It’s a good thing Eisenhower didn’t play by those rules. It’s a good thing Lee didn’t, because even in failure and defeat there is the solace of knowing that one did their best to forestall the inevitability (it seems) of totalitarian rule.
I can’t do anything, but help where I can. I own nothing, I run nothing, I don’t have credentials that speak of my combat acumen or my bravery. I am not in congress, or the leader of a giant corporation. I’m not even particularly well-known as a writer. I work and run this blog. I write novels with the crucial messages built-in. But I try always to support those with an idea, a strategy, even when I know deep down that it’ll fail. It’s those intrepid strugglers that deserve my support and aid. If that comes to physical resistance, I’ve prepared those around me for it. If it means prison at some point, it’s a future I’ve accepted. If 12 Round Productions is targeted by the 87,000 armed IRS agents, I go down with the ship. But I will not go in silence. It might be my protestations that draw fire on me. The truth though, is that it could not happen, none of this, in a republic, only in tyranny, only when the wolves are voting on what’s for dinner. It is, however, relished by a communist democratic socialist system as we have now.
Have you noticed that every societally destructive notion has come from the left? Those are not merely happenstances, they are strikes against the republic, against order and justice. The more society tolerates, the more they get, because the intent is not to get justice or freedom for the underrepresented, it is to break the current system and pave the way for the new. That’s one side in the civil war attacking the other. There is no one on the right willing to take on these abuses of government, which tells you that most of them are captured pawns. This is ongoing from McCarthy’s time and only now are a few people recognizing it for what it is: war. Unfortunately, too many will only recognize the obvious when they have a chance to chat in the boxcar. I’d prefer for it not to go that far, if I had a choice.
Thank you all for your support over the years and even today.
The old Albert J nock's essay comes to mind:
Keep talking, even if it's just to the Remnant
McCarthy was right, as later proven by decrypted soviet documents (search venona). He had plenty of evidence even then, but the emerging left didn't want it heard. They still dont. A good report is still available in Blacklisted By History.
The dems will continue their oppressions as long as we continue to allow it. There are no good dems. Every dem is either evil or stupid. They declared war on us years ago, but we ignored it. Now we're paying the price for our complacency. We must crush them.
Don't be terrified. Be focused.