I hope the American people are starting to realize how serious the situation in America is. It’s not just that liberal/communist policies are bad, or that they hurt the economy. They are devastating and we are systematically being devastated by them, even though it’s only affecting isolated spots around the nation.
In a lot of ways, I understand the sense that the liberal/communist areas are suffering from their decisions, victims of their own policies, and it’s tempting to simply let them suffer, but the more they suffer and endure the hardships, the stronger the forces inflicting them will get. Soon, sooner than most realize, those same forces will move into places that have not voted for such policies and do not deserve the devastation.
Specifically, the sanctuary cities of Colorado are now suffering from illegal alien invasions of gangs taking over whole blocks and apartment buildings, marking their territory, United States territory, as their own private sanctuaries from which to further their illegal and violent activities. This is a cancer that the officials of these towns and counties will not address, either because they are paid off or threatened, which is the same thing: “take the money or the bullet” agreements. So there is no protection against the gangs, they’re just doing what they do everywhere else, except that it’s here and it’s now. The officials, the cops, the DAs, the mayors and county commissions work for them, not the citizens. That’s an important truth. In a capitalist world, it makes sense, the criminals pay better or offer more drastic consequences than the citizens do. That needs to change immediately and I’m not talking about giving raises.
That’s the part that needs to be addressed, the consequences part, because it’s the same at the federal level. We’ve already been witness to the consequences of a corrupt federal government, who believe that they have the whole power of the military behind them to quell any sort of resistance from the people themselves. That’s Cicero’s sword of Damocles they hold over all of our heads, expecting us to suffer everything to avoid the thin thread they can sever at any moment.
No, the election doesn’t matter. To whatever degree votes will change things, we should use them, but contingency plans need to be made, even if that means internalizing the resolve to act at a given time or set of circumstances. When your neighbors are being raided by criminal forces (whether with the appearance of propriety, or not) , it’s time to act. If they put enough of us in prison for these actions, we only grow stronger. Consider that there are prisons that are basically run by Muslim gangs in Britain and probably America, too. I know there are prisons that are run by criminal gangs in America, maybe all of them, where whatever time is spent in them by their fellow gang members to provide the illusion of normalcy, it’s nothing like the time spent by the unaffiliated. That, too, can change.
Consider what silence is giving consent to. We, by our silence, or inaction, are giving consent to a dark cabal of leaders in Washington D.C. that are controlling greater and greater parts of our lives, making a joke of the rule of law, substituting one presidential candidate for another, not to win votes, but to provide an excuse to rig the polls, to make it seem more likely that the new candidate has changed some perception in the public’s mind. That, in turn, allows for the cheat to take place, it’s more acceptable to the general public that there couldn’t have been enough cheating that would swing the election. This is all defensive actions for what they already intend to do. Not news, of course, but that should be enough to spark action, on it’s own, but it hasn’t. All of these outlaw state governments that refuse to rectify their laws to provide free and fair elections should already have been dealt with by the public. Our silence, or inaction, allows it.
Militancy doesn’t have to be overt or belligerent, but it must now be something all of us understand. We are the forces that have the power to right all wrongs, but not if we stay in a sense of powerlessness, with the sword being constantly held over our heads. While that might be a way to survive, it is not a way to live. Software provider Microsoft recently put out a warning that to continue to use their software after September 30, opens one to the new terms of service. Prepare to go dark. Banks warn that they have the ability to confiscate one’s assets. Prepare to live without it. It’s all coming to a head in the next couple of months. The more prepared we are, the shorter the period of chaos will last. Prepare now. If, somehow, we get past this moment, we can simply continue to function as we do now, but if we don’t, it’ll be a good thing to have prepared for.
The biggest issue, as far as I can tell, is in the mind. We have the weapons to defend ourselves, we have the ammunition, we have the food to get past a period of supply chain disruption, we have the backup generators and solar-powered charging devices, we have the precious metals hidden away. What we don’t have, in my estimation, is the mindset that looks at police forces, militaries, mayors, governors and the like and recognize that they are now allowed tacit consent that is as likely to change and as suddenly as Microsoft’s terms of service, or a bank’s recognition that our assets are there for our convenience until the government decides to take them.
We cannot allow ourselves to accept the role of victims. We’re in charge. We have allowed their excesses and criminality to persist, because it’s not yet worth the disruption to our lives to provide the intervention, but that must be a contingency that we hold forefront in our minds.
Don’t think they aren’t terrified of when we change our terms of service. Everything you’ve seen over the past thirty years is an example of it. Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge was one example of their fear of our autonomy. Waco was another. All of their false flags designed to impose gun control are others. No, they’ve been terrified for a very long time, at least as long as they have been willing to hurt and punish our professions of rights and autonomy. It is no coincidence, at least not in my mind, that 9/11 happened before the 2008 market crash, the theft and bankrupting of millions of Americans. Putting in place something like the Patriot Act to monitor all of us, treating us all as terrorists was a vital part of the ultimate avoidance of responsibility. But they’re just trying to negate the sword of Damocles above their own heads, by putting one above ours. We have to reject it, assert our sword over theirs.
If we are poised to mobilize the minute these terrorist attacks begin, recognizing that the governments federal and state, have largely funded and facilitated them, we will be a force they cannot resist. If we demonstrate that we are poised, we could back them down altogether. All of it starts in the mind, though and that’s what needs to be reconciled. I don’t mean idle threats and curses, I mean a true understanding of when it all must be risked and prepared to make that sacrifice. The only way to survive is to win, because losing will look exactly the same as not putting up an effort at all.
*My daughter has a substack all about her love of coffee called Panhandle Sunrise and I thought some of you might enjoy it, so I wanted to make that connection. It’s free, though the software does require the option of a paid subscription.
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Assuming that the Biden Crime Syndicate has been financed by Ukraine, China, George Soros, and others who hate America, it must be acknowledged that challenges by drug cartels and child trafficking gangs can only be met by a tougher, meaner gang. If the Federal government actually has an interest in preserving the nation, it must be understood that the government, as it exists today, is simply another criminal gang. On the other hand, as is most likely, the current Marxist government is in league with the gangs and Kimberly Cheatle still has four months to complete her mission of assassinating Donald Trump.
I hesitate to say more because I have no desire to be another of Biden's political prisoners.
Suffice to say that as long as the Marxists have their goons in the FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, et al, any who would stand up to Leviathon is taking his life in his hands. But what is life without freedom?
What you said about capitalism hit a real chord, TL. I've come to think that it is ultimately as destructive to a society as communism. It takes longer to wreck a country, but wreck it it will. Everything devolves on the highest bidder. I haven't had time, with my many projects to study it, but I think the old Catholic doctrine of distributism deserves a nod. It isn't about distributing the wealth someone may have to others, but about distributing the means of production: instead a multi-thousand acre mega farm, you would have 50 family farms, etc. Be that as it may and in the realm of 'I wish....", I think we are in for a big collapse regardless of who wins the election, the country just isn't working right any more and the animosity the various groups have for one another means we are sitting on the plug in Mt. Vesuvius. Anyway, God speed to all of you, and let's hope we come out of this situation alive.