I wrote the preceding mea culpa to get back to the serious business of the border. While I respect the value of signaling the support for any given movement within the United States and using that as a means of getting people to realize the power they have within themselves, nothing is “solved” by demonstrations or rallies. That’s not their purpose. As corrupt as our politics are in the age of George Soros, the UN and the federal reserve the power of exerting one’s voice with representatives still works. Exhibit A is the Border Security Bill negotiated and raised by Senate Republicans. This was a disaster, but the text was hidden by those negotiating it with the idea of springing it unread on the Senate and forcing a vote before they had a chance to digest it, because it seemed like a good bill.
Without being too overly cynical, I know that one senator does not swing the vote, nor are Republicans necessarily interested in the views of those they represent. I know that politics in America are largely sorted out at the top levels and we’re all left out of the dialog. Donors of one sort or another hold all the power. All of those things can be true and still arrive at a groundswell of anger and frustration that kills a bill so disastrous that not even the sponsor nor McConnell may ultimately vote for it. That’s what has happened since staffers leaked the text to a couple of friendly reporters that brought it to the wider attention of people like Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino. Lost in the discussion was all of the MSM, who are laying people off at a record rate. There’s a new media and it isn’t communist. That’s what this really says.
The number one issue in America today is the open border. Despite three solid years of reporting on it, as Michael Yon and Ben Bergquam have, the wide-open and NGO organized invasion of the southern border remains. It has slowly climbed up the ladder of important issues from their reporting and larger outlets featuring them on-air.
The power game used to push this phony border bill was simply this: use the importance of the issue to do the bidding of donors and the Chamber of Commerce to bring in millions of low-wage workers and to codify it into law. Left unsaid and unaddressed by this tactic was the enormous amount of terrorists and criminals that have used their objectives to their own purposes. That’s what the majority of our elected Republican senators sought to do. Pretending that the border bill would solve the porous border, they wanted to use it as a lever to get the people of America to sign away their sovereignty with a promise. A congressional promise with all of the value that suggests.
Bongino did a good job of pointing out that the insanely high limit of “illegals” would be lowered simply by making them “legal.” No reduction in crossers. In fact, the 5000 that they allowed to cross “illegally/legally” before closing the border would only be reached by citizens crossing from contiguous nations. Citizens of non-contiguous nations, like all of them aside from Mexico and Canada, but through those nations, would not be counted at all. At all! The bill also paid the NGOs that are currently organizing these caravans of illegals in other nations. UN payments (tax dollars) are to supply them with food, clothing, phones, housing and cash. The bill made Mayorkas, who just narrowly avoided impeachment 214-216 (due to traitorous house Republicans Gallager, WI, Buck, CO, McClintock, CA and Moore, UT) the ultimate authority on the border and as a caveat, made the DC Circuit the only court where immigration law could be heard. Hire someone like Mayorkas and a few corrupt judges and there’s nowhere to take complaints. How’s that for a bill to address the issues at the border?
After the staffers leaked the text of the bill they were writing, it was spread widely and was recognized for the fraud that it was always designed to be. The people turned it caustic by spreading it across social media and the phone calls and emails started flowing. It might even cost McConnell his position as the minority leader in the senate. That would be truly earthshaking, but he put all of his weight behind this bill and it cratered. That has never happened before.
What this signifies is greater than any one bill. The establishment wing of the Republican Party has lost an enormous amount of clout. My preference would be to destroy the Republican Party, just as it took over for the Whigs when they could not be marshaled into one set of cohesive principles. The civil war, right now, is within the Republican Party. The RNC is broke in a year when it should be receiving donations by the boatload, because the RNC only supports and promotes the establishment candidates. It has never worked to secure elections and has not filed one lawsuit to address it at all. Instead, the people are giving to individual candidates. The opposition is largely MAGA or America First.
Jerome Powell, the chair of the Federal Reserve, came out the other day and said what we have all known for a long time, that the debt is unsustainable, but he couched it “in the long run” but that isn’t true. It isn’t sustainable in the short run. So now, we have all of these aid packages that are being voted on for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and none of them can pass, because they’re designed to secure the borders of those nations while ours is left in disarray. Israel has a bigger problem, because of the loud and obnoxious Palestine lobby that’s creating a civil war in the Democrat Party. The problem Powell and politicians have at the moment is that none of this aid can be supplied by anything other than debt. In Ukraine, too many associate their aid with corruption, kickbacks and payoffs.
I don’t care. It’s the debt that bothers me. Two things are truly vital in American politics, the border and the economy, both of which are in disastrous condition and all the Senators and Representatives can do is play games with it. Leveraging the border issue to increase funding to foreign nations for which the United States has to go further in debt, print money and push inflation higher and higher. The debt is starting to be felt by many more Americans than it has in the past, because we are getting to a point where every spending bill is drawn from debt, not taxation. Our taxes are soon going to be swallowed up on simply paying interest on the debt and non-discretionary spending. In other words, there is nowhere to cut in order to spend, it all has to be printed and that’s a death spiral for a healthy nation. When you look at it from the perspective of a sick nation, i.e., one that is losing the power of the petrodollar and the world reserve currency, it’s a death sentence.
The one thing, the only thing, that can save it is a motivated electorate. Not just in terms of voting, which they have largely vanquished, but through emails and telephone calls against their actions. I’m telling you, if you want to see political capital, it’s in your hands at this moment. Never have the American people been able to express their opinions with more effect and that statement can be proved out by watching what McConnell does in the next few days and recognize that it all stems from our rebellion against this bill.
Visit us at twelveround.com for contemporary novels of freedom Rebel and Rogue (links to electronic versions in the description) Literary Westerns (like those done by Cormac McCarthy and Larry McMurtry) Shadow Soldier, Home to Texas and Deputized. Also, the film Lies of Omission can be purchased as a DVD or a there’s a link to a free version on Tubi TV.
RINO’s live as 4 so-called House Republicans voted against the impeachment of Mayorkas whose department leads the border failure.
I think we owe some thanks to Elon Musk. Much of the almost instantaneous opposition to the treasonous immigration bill as it spread with a life of its own across the nation originated on 'X'. And, thank God for all the alternate news sites. MSM's goose is cooked! God Bless the freedom talkers that are ready and able to deliver that poison pill whenever necessary to the Globo-homos who, until lately, always got their way because the people were kept ignorant. Its not time to rest... not one second. Its time for the kill shot! I called my congressman yesterday to let him know of my disappoint and distain that House Republicans couldn't impeach a traitor. I had asked him earlier in the week when would the House GOP do a damn thing for Americans? I called my worthless Democrat Senator and told him I would be brief.... "Any congress member of either house that votes 'AYE' for that immigration bill is a TRAITOR!" I meant it. Its treason!
Can you feel it? I can. I think the worm is turning, and its turning globally. Is it too late? I just don't know. But after bad news day after day for the past three years, seeing fed up people finally standing up and saying "Enough" and the elites not knowing what to do about it is encouraging. I used an analogy here once about the elephant. The handler can boss the elephant around only to the time the elephant says "NO!". The real power is with the elephant. Not the handler.