The problem with civil war is not many people remember the beginning, only the end. So, when it comes to another one approaching, no one looks out and whispers to themselves, “oh no.” The moment passes by in silence until one day, the civil part of the civil war comes to a crashing halt and the kinetic part breaks onto the scene in the form of burning vehicles on the way to town and bodies, rotting bodies, with no particular designation or affiliation attributed to them that would show they belong to one tribe or another. Maybe, their deaths were not associated with the civil war, but the lack of law enforcement made it exceedingly easy to get away with murder. Maybe there aren’t even sides anymore, just killing to rid some undesirable from the neighborhood.
I bring this to mind, because the civil war, our civil war, has already been raging in Washington D.C. for two months. The actions that “the Bidens” have taken (and I use this term to denote those in the shadows crafting policy the non-conscious Joe Biden adopts as his own and signs at the yellow tabs pointed out by his handlers to make it official) to purposely keep Trump busy trying to limit the damage caused by them and divert him from his campaign promises. This is another attempt to drive a wedge between what the left sees as Trump worshippers and Trump himself. The more they make deportations difficult, the better. The more they present him with almost insurmountable debt and spending practices that extend into the next four years, the more it will look like Trump failed. That all of this is harmful to the people doesn’t even register on The Bidens’ list of concerns, much less at the top.
Couched in environmental concerns, stopping offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is a disaster, if for no other reason that it doesn’t stop other nations from drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, it just hurts the U.S. Just like shutting down coal plants in America, causing people to suffer brownouts during peak demand, doesn’t stop any of the coal plants being constructed in China or India, the two worst offenders of climate policy. Climate policy, if not invented by the Chinese, still works to their great advantage, because it cripples other nations, makes them less independent, less militarily capable, bankrupts industries and makes them vulnerable to cyberwarfare against an already weakened grid.
The far more serious of the actions taken against Trump, and therefore the nation as a whole, is one of the easiest things to overlook. On January 3rd of 2025 Joe Biden issued an Executive Order to designate the line of succession within the Department of the Treasury. The purpose, one can only surmise, is to handcuff Trump’s economic team with people already in place with the design of thwarting any effort Trump or his Secretary of Treasury might make in the months before a Secretary can be confirmed. The serious nature of this comes at a time when Trump will be forced by failed Biden policies to rectify the economic situation as soon as possible.
What you see in this action is the way in which Washington wages war, in the details, the minutia of agency policy, ensuring that with enough internal support, an agency might operate completely outside the authority of the president and rely on those details of daily operation as a defense for their actions.
“Well, so what? Who cares if he rearranged the deck chairs on the Titanic?” It matters, because this is where the true power lies in the United States Government today, in the weeds, the obscurities of day to day business. I think it was Steve Bannon or one of his guests who pointed out that Trump had directed his subordinates at the State Department or wherever to massively overhaul the H-1B program early in his first term. That’s where it stayed. Some three years later it was discovered that nothing had been done at all on the program and he was incensed, but it was too late to force it through in the last days of his presidency. Trump, like most businessmen, expects that his mere utterance be taken for an order, where, in the business world, it usually is. Not so in the business of government where little careerist mites hover in the dust and route activity around what they want to protect out of some familiarity or simple spite. Corralling those forces is a monumental task in and of itself, much less being able to inspire them to act honorably.
These are the headwinds and it’s no mistake that it was the Department of Treasury that was targeted. They don’t want Trump to come in, make some changes and get the economy going again. That was one of the primary achievements of Biden, to destroy the economy, run up the debt and badmouth the resulting inflation. The purpose was to wreck the American economy where white Christians would suffer the most from the policies they enacted. Any government that can select white, Christian fathers and mothers as domestic terrorists will neglect any and all action that might benefit them in the slightest; and where they can be punished, all the better. The economy was one weapon and they used it over and over again.
Had the election gone the other way and Harris had been “selected,” there would have been no end to the debt accumulation until the whole house of cards came down on their heads and in that chaos, install the communist regime they’ve always dreamed of. If Harris had been “selected” it’s easy to suggest that there would never be an accounting of the election that satisfied the right and any resistance to Harris’ draconian rule afterward would have resulted in internal conflict. It might have been short-lived because the world was watching and once Putin knew that there would be no change in foreign policy, I think his response to long-range missiles fired on Russia by Americans in Ukraine would have taken a much different form and function.
Now, with the constraints of 37 trillion in debt, more than 1 trillion in debt service and minimal growth to show for it, Trump has to make some immediate moves to save the dollar from ultimate demise and a loss of it as the world’s reserve currency. That has to be initiated from the Treasury. Also integral to righting the ship before it sinks is the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that supplies the strategy for economic salvation via proposals for defunding useless agencies and their staffs. These are the nuts and bolts of how to clean house on the administrative state/deep state actors. Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy would bring their findings to the OMB and they would craft the language that would be put in the form of an Executive Order or legislation.
Here’s the problem, the whole world is looking at the United States. Think of them as our creditors, even if they are not exactly, they have to believe that the U.S. Dollar is stable enough a place to store their wealth. China and Russia have already learned the lesson the rest of the world is waiting to learn, that the U.S. Government is incapable of austerity measures. They’re holding back for the time being to see if Trump can institute his plan of reducing the size of the U.S. Government, something that Biden, the Democrats and half of the Republicans will resist with everything they have. Part of their power comes from the careerist mites in the dust, the disobedient saboteurs waiting to put sand in the gears of anything that looks promising. If Trump cannot make headway almost immediately, the rest of the world will lose faith in the dollar and to be honest, that faith is the only thing that has kept it viable thus far.
People harken back to the economic meltdown of 2008, but that’s a poor comparison. At the time of the economic meltdown, in the 3rd quarter of 2008, the debt to GDP was 67%, now it’s twice that, hovering around 120%, but even that is specious, because almost all of the GPD in the last year has come from government spending, just as almost all of the employment gains, if there were any, went to other than citizen employment. Think of Tyson firing all of its domestic workforce and hiring illegals by some work-around by the labor department ensuring that even without documents these illegals were hired. So all of the numbers are skewed to benefit the appearance of a healthy economy, but it’s much worse than these numbers show as far as productivity and a workforce that spends its money within the community and those that send at least half of it back to their home countries.
Trump will face 37 trillion in debt. At the time of the economic meltdown there was only 10 trillion in debt. There’s no room to move. Every dollar of debt now increases the damage done exponentially, because of the deficit which is annually 2-3 trillion. All of the deficit has to be printed, the 2-3 trillion over receipts from taxes and the 1+ trillion for debt service. When you have to print half of the budget, because tax receipts won’t cover it, inflation is the only result.
This doesn’t even cover the human factor. Raising taxes on those already hammered by inflation leads to homelessness and deprivation. Add into that sad equation about 20 million criminal aliens supported wholly by taxes and you’ve got a raging storm of economic bad news and no way to fix it. But “fix it” Trump believes he can and he might be right, if he had the team in place that he needs to do the things that need to be done. Enter the civil war in Washington designed to deny that option to him at all costs. All Costs.
Two things should be done immediately. Part of the inauguration speech should include a declaration of economic emergency allowing him to vacate some of Biden’s dirtiest deals. The second thing that should be done is to declare that from the time of the debate it was apparent that Biden was incompetent. It’s why the DNC removed him from the campaign and it’s why his actions after the debate are null and void. Any opposition to that would have to be met with a demand to hold a competency hearing. Since all that the Bidens did since the election has been to sabotage Trump and harm the nation, it has to be looked at differently than the Clinton crowd removing the “W” from White House computer keyboards before Bush took office. That was small time, this is all-out treachery.
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This is a bit off topic. The fires in Los Angeles have been raging for days now. Pacific Palisades has been pretty much wiped out. PP is an expensive area full of celebrities and Democrats. Sylvester Stallone lives there. Methodists found Pacific Palisades. The fire destroyed the big Methodist Church. Maybe God isn't a Methodist.
What you won't hear on the news, is that a year ago or so, Governor Newsom vetoed a bill that would send more water from NoCal to SoCal as it once was sent. This would help the farmers in the Central Valley and the cities in SoCal.
Instead, Newsom sent the water through the delta into SF Bay and the Pacific. Millions of gallons of fresh water wasted to save some damn fish called smelt in the delta.
I think he did it to satisfy his Eco-Nut base and to piss off the farmers in the Central Valley who vote Republican. Newsom didn't think about his rich Democrat donors in LA who just had their mansions burnt down.
So, do you think the celebrities who lost their homes will lose faith in the Democratic Party?
I doubt it.
The above info is never on the news.
I've come to wonder if the forces against us are even communists, or whether they just want to destroy for the sake of destroying. I really think most of these people are insane, and to try to deal with them rationally is impossible. By the way, a statistic I came across the other day, and which was verified by someone who deals with such matters, is that from 2020 to 2024, only 6% of the people hired in America were White men.