Covid Amnesty? I think not. Let me explain.
While there has been great and deserved vehemence directed toward those who now seek absolution for their sins, there’s better reasons to refuse to allow them the quick and easy self-exoneration they offer in their snide little article. They put forward this olive branch as if the other side, the right side, the thoughtful and contemplative side, might bear some of the blame for their behavior. Amnesty suggests that theirs was a sort of societal error, not exactly the mea culpa one might expect and deserve, but rather a shrug of the shoulders, a “well, I didn’t see that coming,” sort of error. They see this as a war and they just lost a battle, so they wave the white flag and ask for a truce after killing half our battalion with poison gas.
But it has not been a war, it has been an unmitigated attack on everything valuable to the unvaxxed lives, their career, their ability to go about unmolested. It’s been a mugging and they want to pretend that it was an easy mistake to make. It wasn’t. One had to go to great lengths to ignore all of the truth that was daily offered for their consideration. The elimination of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine from the medical protocol alone caused the deaths of untold thousands, if not millions and they shrug. “Oh, so sorry, did I kill your mother, wife, brother or friend with my stupidity and inability to see anything outside of a political context? We should have an amnesty for that.”
You know that the article was just a trial balloon anyway, to get the conversations started about what to do with those who are guilty of minimally manslaughter and maximally murder. Some mitigation, a week off with pay for their crimes.
It’s not unlike Ben Shapiro, who in the midst of his vaxx delusion could be seen for the weasel he is. It goes along with his neo-con approach to government, a lesser of the spoils, but the spoils of government nonetheless. He was a favorite of some of the younger conservatives, but he reeks of Mitch McConnellitis to me. These are hard times we’re in, elections are being stolen, the vaxx is killing young, healthy athletes at an astonishing pace, excess deaths are through the roof, the fed is desperately trying to put a lid on inflation that’s being driven by multitudes of things that aren’t affected by interest rates, like keying in another trillion dollars of debt every time a billionaire needs a bailout and a politician needs a handout. On top of that we have a puppet for a president who seems intent on starting a nuclear war with Russia and China on the world stage and a civil war at home. Our borders are a sieve, except for the people we would like to come here. We need serious thinkers and all we have are Ben Shapiro and Sean Hannity? It’s no wonder communism has made such incredible leaps; we have no defense, much less offense.
The time for being easy on our enemies is over. The time for ignoring crimes has reached its statute of limitations. I know saying so won’t do a blessed thing, something has to happen, some action has to be taken. Maybe from the rubble of the economic nuclear bomb that’s set to go off right on schedule with an election looming, or shortly after the steal has been solidified (it may take a week to get all of the excess ballots counted, Joe said so himself) people will be in enough pain to stop absolving others of their crimes and hold someone accountable.
If you want to see what America should look like, look to Brazil. That’s doing something; the greater share of the population came out into the street to ask the military to audit the vote. We didn’t do that, we just complained and worried that we might get J6’d if we spoke up.
All of the gears are in motion for whatever comes next. It’s a little late in the game for any big shifts to take place. But we can start with these unapologetic, coercive, demons who for nearly three years beat the life out of anyone who actually followed the science and found that the whole fraud was radioactive. We can start with the snarling, belittling weasels who supported this death jab and debilitating mask mandates. We can start by getting rid of health mandates of any sort and holding the biggest culprits responsible, but I doubt that it’ll get anywhere; there just isn’t the political will to do anything other than wave the white flag. There is the knowledge though, that hubris will have its consequence.
Consider these books, also available from 12 Round Productions.
Hello T.L. Davis,
Well, perfect intro. A montage of little videos shows us how police, eg,
treated people with their mask askew. That really isn't the issue however,
as it is a bigger issue than mask/no mask/poorly fitting masks. It isn't even the
mandates from state governors, (Trump encouraged) or the people having bizarre
"punishments" suggested by the compliant. It is that varying concentrations of
"medicino" in the vax, and now we are discovering some of the ingredients are
programmed to kill. There is no amnesty for premeditated murder. Emily Oster of
Atlantic magazine suggested we all shake hands, forgive and forget and that may be
a "trial balloon" but many will see it as a call to instill renewed resentment against the
establishment working in harmony to harm people, kill people, ruin whatever economy
we had left, and divert us from noticing 5G towers being placed hither and yon.
The business of placing the C-jab on the schedule for childhood vaccines and jabbing
infants and toddlers or children seems a ploy to avoid litigation. Learning theory suggests
it takes about 6 mos. for paradigm changing information to gel in the brain/integrate the
data fully. That last is the most outrageous to date. Let us start gelling please.
"The sequel to Rebel, Rogue is a continuation in the story of Lane Daniels and his search for freedom and his place in a changing world." that quote per Amz book sellers. I called it Rebel II, sorry.
It wasn't just the criminals who caused the disaster, but the rest of us who silently acquiesced and tolerated the oppressions. We should all seek forgiveness. But as Jesus said to the thief being crucified with him who begged forgiveness, you're forgiven, but now you have to take your punishment. Those who caused the disaster are criminals and must be punished if our civilization is to survive. But the rest of us who enabled it are accomplices under the law and also deserve judgement for our failures to resist. Maybe we'll get off with time served, But we can't punish everyone, so many will escape justice, for a while. But if we punish the most egregious offenders, it will send a message. If we don't, the message will be, "lets do it again."
As for Shapiro and Hannity, even mitch, we should encourage them when they do some good, and punish them when they fail. Nobody is perfect.