As light dims on the American Century (the 20th) and all that can be made out through the mist are lost freedoms and individuality, we know we’re nearing the end. Governmental abuses that once would have been shocking are commonplace. There’s a president in office who’s only vaguely aware of his surroundings and tenuously recognized as the president. Yet, he stands before a haunting color scheme to denounce more than half of the population as the enemy, not just wrong, but a serious threat to, (wait for it) democracy.
We actually have no president, because no one is sure who’s dictating Biden’s rambling speeches, or who actually wields the enormous power of the office. It’s someone, or a group of people, but only they know for sure who it is, because the media is so busy distracting the public from the disastrous policies the green new deal is made of that they neither have the time nor the inclination to discover it and since the media is the people’s investigators, the watchdogs on all that we cannot see from our distant abodes, their complicity with this treason must not be overlooked.
I say all of this, because I know, or sense deep down in my soul, that the 2022 elections will never be held, but it doesn’t matter, because the election system is so broken that an election, should it take place at all, will be no election at all. These are not elections that we’ve been having for a decade or more. They’re fixed, known by those who control the count.
Long ago and far away on the eve of the 21st Century, the dark century, the Democrats revealed how far they would bend the law to win. With google-eyed inspectors searching every ballot for dimpled chads, suggesting that any appearance of intent must naturally be in their favor, any objective defect must go their way and when that didn’t work, they decided to break election law, because, at heart, they’ve been communists for a century or more, at least half a century and elections don’t matter to communists, they’re window dressing for consent to make their power palatable to the masses.
This is unAmerican, yet they stand before the sparse crowds, with cameras outnumbering their supporters and blather on about Domestic Violent Extremists (DVE) as a threat to democracy. There is no democracy without untampered with elections, so, logic, something that has never held sway over the brain of a communist, would dictate that those involved in ballot-stuffing and modem-equipped ballot tabulators are the threat to democracy, but there is no interest in preserving democracy by ensuring the vote. This is an inconvenient hypocrisy that the muted and treasonous press never questions.
Every democrat seeks to corrupt the vote, because they’re unAmerican. They have re-introduced the forever Democrat government bill H.R. 8873 that violates the constitution in any number of ways. A simple bill cannot change the constitution, that can only be done by amendment, but they’ve been getting away with that for so long, I don’t think they even recognize the nonsense they’re proposing. And, if they did, it wouldn’t stop them, because they’ve been doing that for decades as well.
All of the shenanigans that went on during the pandemic were highly illegal and still are today, but mask mandates and vaxx mandates remain in effect, even though the tide is turning. Too many people are dying, too many young people in peak health are dying from heart attacks. A lot of the proponents of the vaxx have died, who stupidly took the thing as a show of support for “science.” Only an idiot propagandist would actually take the shot. The idea is to get other people to take it, not yourself. I thought they were all just bought-off, but a lot of them actually took it. Doctors took it, for heaven’s sake.
So, we don’t have a republic, because the founding of the republic is the constitution and no one has paid any attention to that, not even the Supreme Court, whose only job is to rule on it, for decades. We don’t have a president, because the mannequin in office didn’t get there legitimately and no one knows who’s exerting the power of that office. We aren’t a democracy, because the only way to have a democracy is to have untainted elections.
Yet, when any of this is brought up, the tainted election, not only 2020, but the primaries of 2022; the incapacity of Joe Biden; the out-of-control DOJ and FBI, they’re accused of being a DVE. This enables all of these anti-American communists to exert their unconstitutional and unprincipled raw power against individuals, who have no recourse in a highly politicized judicial system.
When these people accuse anyone of being unAmerican, or a DVE, it’s the very actions they take that make them unAmerican, undemocratic and full-on communist. They use the tactics, the methods of communists and still expect one to wave the flag and nod their head, but this is not the United States of America anymore, not when all of this is taking place.
The U.S. is not a name, it’s a place with people who believe in these things. If these things, the constitution, proper elections, borders, rule of law, freedom of thought and speech, privacy in one’s personal effects are not sacrosanct to those in high office, they are not American, they’re just run-of-the-mill communists who’ve found a way to obtain power without the pain and suffering of a violent revolution.
All right, that’s today, what about tomorrow?
Well, when you lay down with communists, you wake up with purges, genocides, prison camps, invasive surveillance and bureaucratic torture. One by one, there have been purges of the military, first, of Trumpers or believers in the constitution, then by vaxx opponents, anything that separated logic and principle from those willing to blindly follow orders.
There have been genocides, we’re living through one right now with the vaccine deaths that have swelled and continue to grow. Those who caved to the pressure to get vaxxed are dying and those who refused are likely out of a job. I was personally not allowed an interview, because they asked about my vaxx status and I went off on them.
There are prison camps for political prisoners, one of them in Washington DC housing the victims of the January 6th entrapment by the FBI, who, even under Trump’s DHS, was maintaining the effectiveness of a coup from his first day to his last denying him the rightful powers of the office.
The Patriot Act and the FISA court resulting from it have allowed for invasive surveillance of each and every American, right up to and including the duly-elected President of the United States. At the same time, with one source of federal investigations, they have been able to preserve the power of their fellow communists by hiding, destroying and redacting evidence of their crimes. They even raided the former president’s home to get some of the incriminating evidence out of his hands before he made it public.
Bureaucratic torture is evident in the form of IRS audits for any who speak out about the criminal and communist nature of this regime and I say “regime” because it has not satisfied the necessary requirements to be an official government of the people. It has not obeyed the constitution, the laws or been duly-elected. It’s nothing. It’s a cabal of those who have usurped the power of the vote, the legitimacy of the democratic nature of our system and used it to enrich and aggrandize themselves. The need for 87,000 new IRS agents is at once a threat and a logistical necessity if the communist nature of this regime is to continue to fill the many, many more prison camps they are building for the other half of the population.
Those engaged in government, today, with all that has been revealed about the election, whether it’s just the FBI hiding necessary information from voters and working with social media sites to ban and silence their leadership’s political opponents, one cannot, in all honesty, claim to be without guilt. There was a time to stand up against these evils and not enough found it within themselves to do so. Sheriff’s did not arrest those guilty of treason at the drop boxes or unloading vans full of fraudulent votes. Here’s a tip, in case you’re one who still believes in 81 million votes for Biden. Nowhere, not ever, has 100% of registered voters voted, not 100% of the registered voters, but certainly not 100% of eligible voters and in way too many cases more than 100% of eligible voters voted in the 2020 election. That only happens where? Communist countries and they only get 100% of the population to vote, not 112% like many counties in America.
When they wave the flag and talk about what is “American” you can bet they have no clue what America is, or they wouldn’t be using that name as a shield for their communist tactics.
In the coming month or so, you will see the true evil that inhabits their hearts, because they will not let this election take place if they will lose and without cheating or using some excuse to put it off, effectively giving all present seat-holders indefinite terms, also a violation of the constitution, they will lose, by a lot. They need it like an addict needs a needle and they did not come this far, destroy as much as they have to let anyone hold them accountable. The line has been drawn at this election and whether it happens and their manipulations work, or they postpone it because we are suddenly at war, know this, no logic you use to expose their hypocrisy will carry any weight. They have power now and they will not relinquish it for anything. They’re too close to tying the bag shut around the constitution and the republic to turn back now. Now you get to see what accepting treason, or denying reality produces. Stock up, before they restrict your purchases.
The thing is, when they came for the children, you knew they were deadly serious.
Exactly right. T.L. at his best.
For those who are unaware, we are already at war. It was declared in 2016 after having festered since 2020. Joe confirmed it with his demonic speech last week. Some still seek negotiations, hoping that appeasement will prevent escalation, apparently unaware that never works. It will get worse before it gets better.