The sheer inhumanity of the reporters cloaking themselves in righteousness while causing vast swaths of pain and cruelty is astounding. They are not humane, or they would see that sending live human beings unmolested, other than to wear handcuffs for a few hours, back to their homes where they once lived; among people who cared more for them than to use them as banners for their political purposes; where their friends or family have histories and similar tales. To compare that, even remotely, to the kidnapping of children from their families and forcing them to walk with strangers twenty miles a day, those strangers who might get raped themselves, or rape the children, has no sway in the hearts of the mainstream media. They care not for the trip toward the US complete with daily sexual abuse, the random beatings of people being coerced to take the long arduous trail to America only to be murdered when they become inconvenient, I find it all rather sickening. What level of abuse would they not cover up, hide and dismiss if it hurt a Republican or helped a Democrat? I don’t know that there is a limit to that. They haven’t shown one, yet.
I’ve been watching it now for four years, well, that’s not fair to Barack Obama under which all of these organized caravans of poor indigenous people began, at his direction, for his purposes. They were forced through the Darien Gap, one of the most dangerous places on earth, all to serve his political ambitions, not caring one whit about the true and dangerous consequences these people suffered at the hands of himself and his collaborators. Raped to death on the trail? Well, it’s not so good for the optics, so all of the reporters should look away and show only the benefits, the optics that benefit Obama and then Biden. All so Democrats might win a few elections, nothing more, no greater ambition than that, the consequences be damned.
The lie is, they never wanted to come to America, not the one a normal illegal endures. They wanted to come for paid debit cards, free housing, free food, free education and health care. None of them wanted to come to work. It was only feasible to make them work when whole factories could be disgorged of its American citizens and replaced with Haitians or Somalis. It was only on that large scale that the logistics and financial benefits worked out. And, they had no say in this, either. They could not have predicted that they were going to be entered into a sort of involuntary servitude, wholly illegal in America before the Democrats/communists abandoned the rule of law, because it was just too hard to get what they wanted if they obeyed it.
Many of them used the massive, coerced migration to hide their more nefarious purposes. Nations could rid themselves of prisoners, empty their prisons and integrate them with families; or they could sneak terrorists in, whole foreign military units, in some cases, or move some of their gang and drug smuggling activities further inland. This was readily complied with by the Bidens, the whole group of them that covered up for the sick and demented president, by asking where they wanted to go and provided either plane or bus tickets to get there. What a traitorous service they provided. It also provided for the child sex trafficking to pick up speed, especially when the Bidens spiked the responsibility to ensure that the child and the person accompanying them, their handlers, were related by taking DNA tests that would prove or disprove the relationships. His excuse? “It slowed the process down.” Yes, that’s when we knew the truly evil heart of the Democrats, not just the politicians, but the whole leftist lot of them. The line should only move as quickly as the precautions can be taken, no faster than that.
What do Democrats, and especially those in the MSM, care about? Though, why anyone bothers to watch it at all anymore is way beyond me. What they care about is the crying mother or child, not on the other side of the border when the crying child is watching his pleading mother raped by ten or twelve gun-slung, quasi-military cartel members, before being pushed along a dangerous path. They don’t care about that mother and child relationship that was all too common on the road to America. They do care about it when it goes the other way, though, because then they can point their hate-filled fingers at their own countrymen, that’s something they love to do, their hatred for themselves is palatable and they subject the rest of us that sort of love ourselves and our people to that hatred, attempting to make us responsible for their insanity.
I don’t even think most of these people understand the level of disturbed thinking they demonstrate to the rest of us. It seems perfectly natural to them to show the mass protests in Dallas and encourage it to somehow back down the government from its purpose of securing the borders. When these criminal aliens they’ve invited in, despite the howls of injustice by their fellow Americans, commit murder, rape and robbery, largely against young girls and the elderly, they merely shrug. They have no concern for that. They convince themselves that it’s not really happening, that it’s just a bunch of redneck memers and nothing to worry about, but then want to stand before the American people and exude their vast knowledge. No, they know very well what’s going on and they encourage it for some demonic reason only they can fathom, I surely can’t.
So, no, I don’t care what inconvenience being sent back to some place from which they never would have ventured but for the inducements offered by these political organizations, bribes to subject themselves to murder and rape for a selfish political party in the US. They never would have ventured, but for the bribes of UN associated NGOs, the Catholic Charities and other nefarious evil organizations who played them like pawns to get the optics they wanted and the political solutions that benefitted them and their “refugee resettlement” money-laundering ambitions. If anyone should be hated and despised by everyone involved, it is these organizations who promised the land of milk and honey for no down payment other than the risk of being murdered in the jungle, then disappeared when the return trip was required. Where are they now?
That’s the obligation of the American people and their representatives, that these filthy organizations get rooted out and exposed for the criminals they are. Several of the CEOs of these so-called “charities” and NGOs must be dealt with harshly as they have proven over this issue alone that they are really Marxist organizations that have no charitable purpose whatsoever, but to use the plight of other peoples for their own diabolical enrichment, taking deserving charitable funds from smaller organizations who are actually trying to solve problems and using that money to spread the idea of color revolutions among the anti-globalist nations.
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If you put out honey, you attract bears. Decades ago, I went with some friends to Chesaw, Washington, up north in the Okanagan. They had a cabin in the woods there. I brought along hamburger patties I'd made, and we got a fire going. I cooked some of them for dinner. Then we drove to the small town of Chesaw and drank beer at the only tavern. It was in an old log cabin built in the late 1800s.
When we returned to camp that night, we saw bear tracks all around our campsite. My cooler had been thrown against a tree, but it stayed locked shut. Coleman makes good coolers. We figured the bears were attracted by the smell of the cooking burgers.
Take away the incentives for immigrants, and they will stop coming.
Here in Sonoma County, CA, the average wage for farmworkers is $26/hour. The local Mexicans take the jobs. They don't want any Anglos or illegals in the vineyards and keep them out.
Wow...that was a mouthful! All true. Why are so many peeps greedy vultures?
Remember Haiti? Where did the charity $ go? The main population live in one
area, but the other airstrip/airport, hospital, and accommodations were built.
A huge hospital ship was anchored at port as well. Planes landed and patients
needing organ transplants were treated and then flown out. Are people aware of this?