Recognizing that there are some things the right believes that may not be true, though offhand I can’t think of one that has not or will not be proven true with a release of certain documents on J6, Epstein and Diddy, there are so many more elemental things the left believes and should be ashamed of themselves for believing to the magnitude that they do.
For instance, I might believe that Michelle Obama is a man in drag, but I’m perfectly willing to believe that she is not. It doesn’t matter to me to an extent that I would put any of my fortune or honor to defend my position. I might believe that the Joe Biden I’ve watched on television since the 1980’s is not the same person I see being hailed as Joe Biden today. The head’s not right, the ears aren’t right, but most noticeable is the very squinty eyes that mirrored his straight line of eyebrows, the straight nose forming a sort of distinct “T” shape. Not so with new Biden. Okay, that’s my belief. I can’t prove it and don’t really care enough to try. Those are rumors and to some degree just to be humorous or demonstrate the very real contempt I have for Obama and Biden.
What does bother me, though, is that it doesn’t even seem ridiculous, as it should. The left has lied about so many actually pertinent things that these lies don’t seem incongruous with the lies they tell all the time, like “diversity is our strength.” The lies they tell have far-reaching effects and become incorporated into government policy. They are even more egregious, because they are spouted by people who are otherwise quite intelligent.
My relationship with doctors in general has plummeted severely over the Pandemic and especially the vaxx. The reason I use “vaxx” instead of “vaccine” is that the reference to it can’t be more legitimate than the actual thing, so a made up name for a made up vaccine. The vaxx was never a vaccine and it was a lie so bold that they had to change the very definition of vaccine, to sort of normalize the concoction they had foisted on the unsuspecting as a true vaccine. We all understand how a vaccine works, right? One takes a degraded version of the disease, watered down, so to speak, and inject that into a human being to alert their immune system to that particular disease that’s weak enough that the normal immune system can vanquish it and leave behind basically soldier cells to guard against it in the future.
Honestly, intelligent people couldn’t seem to navigate the common sense that an experimental drug, something one would only take if their death was assured and the experimental drug was the only possible chance of survival, became mandatory. This, despite the fact that Covid 19 was so innocuous that the first advice from medical professionals was to stay home. Don’t rush to the hospital, don’t expect to be quarantined in large camps to save the population, but stay home. That’s a logical disconnect I never could quite fathom. Stay home unless the symptoms threaten one’s life. Sorry, that’s not a disease so pervasive and deadly that it requires extraordinary measures.
One doesn’t have to read very much of the Nuremburg code to sort out the evil contemplated by our doctors. Yet, these people I once respected, with degrees galore, couldn’t seem to make that one conclusion that an experimental drug should not be mandated by anyone toward anyone. But they did. The extent to which the lie was furthered through secrecy and support of large bonuses only bolstered whatever suspicion already existed, but the true proof of this scam came from the fact that no one actually implementing or devising the vaxx or mandates were mandated to take the concoction themselves. Exempted were the manufacturers of the vaxx, the WHO, NIH, congress and White House staff.
Now, I go to every doctor’s visit as if I’m engaging someone who will gladly, willingly kill me if given the chance. I enter a doctor’s office the same way I enter an oil field bar, ready to defend my life, even from the most innocuous, kindest person I meet. I weigh every word as if it were in preparation for sticking a knife in my back. More importantly, I didn’t do this to them, they, the whole profession, did this to me. Of course, I know some good doctors and surgeons, one in particular who is likely to read this, but they are likely to read this because, in most cases, we are of like mind. So, my apologies to him, but that does not extend to the rest of his profession.
Even that is something we have largely overcome and are prepared for this time around when it comes to H5N1. So far, almost all of the known cases of H5N1 have resulted in little more than a cold and hardly any hospitalizations. It seems very difficult to transmit human to human and of the deaths attributed to H5N1, I’m not so sure that isn’t propaganda. The last I heard, all of the supposed cases were confined to those engaged in the slaughter of infected birds.
The worst lie, by far, though, is the lie of CO2 being some sort of pollutant. Even a sixth-grade science student understands that CO2 is produced by trees that consume it and exude O2, or Oxygen. That’s relative, more CO2, more O2. Now, considering that Oxygen is only about 20% of our atmosphere and the rest is largely Nitrogen, the worldwide assault against CO2 can only result in the absence of plant life, which would cause planetary famine, or reduce the amount of Oxygen in the air to the point that breathing would do no good. In fact, some of the suicide chambers and methods involve the use of nitrogen ingestion as a soft death.
In my world of the oil field, confined spaces were of great concern for a couple of different reasons; one being the occasional presence of H2S, Hydrogen Sulfide, and going into a confined area where that might be present as it could and likely would end one’s life. To do so required the presence of a monitor that could show the presence or lack thereof of Oxygen and/or the presence of H2S.
To rid the world of CO2, the “dangerous pollutant” according to the big lie of the left, and all that has been done to senselessly do so, when it is extraordinarily necessary to plant life and therefore human life, is an unconscionable lie engaged in by the whole of the scientific community, the smart people, those relied on when making laws. The logical conclusion of this push to rid the world of CO2, is to end all life on the planet. Oh no, I might be engaging in hyperbole here. They don’t want to rid the world of CO2, but to manage it, reduce it to a magical level equally beneficial to all life. That their “manageable level” seems to derive from the same method as the magical six feet to defeat Covid and wearing of some face diaper that Fauci himself wrote a paper on claiming that such practices cause Bacterial Pnemonia, that Fauci claimed, in his paper, caused the majority of deaths during the Spanish Flu epidemic, not the flu itself. That might be where he derived his proscription to wear masks, the evil little brat.
What do we have to do to meet this specious goal? Simply stop using oil and gas, which also means ending the use of plastic. We have to stop using coal that still generates most of the energy we use to heat homes and cook food and since we no longer allow oil or gas to be produced, we can’t heat homes or cook food with that either. For some reason natural gas (one of the cleanest forms of energy) and nuclear power are also excluded from use in this drive to reduce CO2. Go figure that, I can’t. We have to rely on renewable energy, vast destructions of the earth’s surface by layering it with photovoltaic panels and deadly wind turbines that don’t quite ever produce as much energy as they consume during production, erection and replacement, but it looks good on the “good intentions” scoreboard.
When the left talks about The Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen they present it as the worst of all possible lies, but they discount wholly the really big lies of the left that if not now, will soon kill millions, from their vaxx and/or leaving them at the mercy of the elements with no food or shelter.
If I expect anything from the Trump Administration it is simply to deport as many of the invaders as we can to secure the lives and homes of American citizens. I expect the medical syndicate that has fostered lies and prescribed the deadly vaxx to come under scrutiny and penalty. I expect the “green energy” fraud to be exposed and wherever possible totally dismantled, hopefully by regulation so costly it offsets the benefits as that would be the easiest route. Of the rest of his promises, I’ll take what I can get, but those are the three that most interest me. Any one of which would be monumental gains and the rest we have to do on our own with a somewhat friendly DOJ for the first time in decades.
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One of the saddest vaxx results was given by an Irish father. He had been doing some work in Australia when the dreaded Covid hit. He was unable to leave the country, and when he was speaking to his wife on the phone, she told him she had gotten the vaxx for herself and their pre-teen daughter. (I can't remember exactly how old the girl was, probably around eleven). He said it was like he had been punched in the stomach, hard. The girl developed uterine cancer within a short period of time. Imagine an eleven year old girl with stage 4 uterine cancer. The medicos managed to keep her alive for a bit over a year with their nasty chemicals. He finally did get back in time to be with her before she died. She told him, "I will never have a boyfriend." There is no forgiveness, nor quarter, to be given to these fiends. The lives they have destroyed, the people they have disabled, the misery and suffering they have caused is too profound to ever grant them an inch of consideration.
As usual a great post! Thanks. Unbeknownst to me my wife took the jab as did my daughter. Neither gave me an opportunity to challenge the decision. My wife has had auto immune issues all her life. Now I feel as though I’m living with a ticking time bomb. I can see things piling up that never existed before. I have to remain silent and supportive. It’s really f’d up. Keep up the fight. We are entering uncharted territory and I can’t believe that Deep State will allow DJT to take office. Peace. Be well. Be prepared