The Light Show
In the world of disinformation, with the quality of video manipulation and false flag orchestration, nothing one sees on video can be trusted to be the truth. I recognize the psychological intent to produce that effect and just being aware of it minimizes it. But that only proves that there is a level of psychological conditioning going on that is impressive and terrifying at the same time. On one hand they have, by manipulating or withholding video evidence, in conjunction with a full media blitz and congressional hearings, convinced some of America that the January 6th peaceful protest was an insurrection and that the riots over the summer of 2020 were peaceful protests. The psychological desire to resist the clear evidence that the whole system is corrupted and evil must be strong to pull it off. That’s what they’re counting on, so that convincing video evidence of wrongdoing on their part can be dismissed. They can even leak a debunkable video as evidence and later, when they debunk it, they can destroy the credibility of those who shouted: “look, it’s right there on video!”
We are in a time of war, the fog of which is purposely manufactured, but the timing is off and they know it. It’s the race I brought up in a previous post. Truth must win the race and there are signs of it starting to eek out in ways they had not yet secured. One is the actuaries of life insurance companies that are alarmed at the number of claims for deaths and long-term disabilities being filed across the country. Again, I gave the perpetrators of this whole depopulation scheme too much credit, thinking they would have buttoned down that aspect of the story before this video was released.
They gave the insurance companies an out by being able to refuse the claim based on the fact that the client had taken an experimental drug. I mentioned that they would do this in the post The Race. When I saw the video, I thought: “I guess this guy at One America Life Insurance didn’t get the memo, that’s bad for team evil.” In the video the CEO of that company says that the deaths and disabilities are “Covid-related” as if Covid is causing it, but one must dissect every noun and verb of any public statement and I think it’s clear that he’s trying to lay it off as the “deadly” Covid, but is, in fact, confirming how deadly the vaxx is. Taking a “vaccination” against Covid IS Covid-related.
The thought that this is not going along the timeline the perpetrators planned is exposed in this video of Reiner Fuellmich, who, as also mentioned in the referenced previous post, is bringing his charges to the International Criminal Court (ICC) of crimes against humanity and genocide, fully recognizing that the trials and theoretical, but highly justified executions, must be conducted by an international body and perhaps a totally independent authority with the aid and support of member nations or organizations.
Those two videos I can stand behind as authentic, one because it sends out completely the wrong message and I can only figure out the motive for it by assuming that the CEO of One America came out with it to bolster his ultimate claim for relief from the federal government; another bailout by you and me for evil done in our names without our consent. The other video is attributed to someone willing to take part in it, so, I think I’m covered there.
There is another video, however, I cannot verify and have absolutely no ability to verify and have not even been able to find again, having seen it only once, but IF it is true and there has been a lot of support from other sources that it very well might be, the war has been joined and now is the time for law enforcement to clue in and choose a side, already. The video shows heads literally venting steam from the skull, overheated innards, the purported cause is the ramp up of 5G. It is purely coincidental, by the way, that another virulent strain of the dreaded Covid, the Xi’an strain, that causes bleeding from eyes, ears and nose has been discovered in the city of Xi’an. Though clearly and openly sworn to as complete conjecture that the two might be related, is the fact that Xi’an was scheduled to roll out 5G at approximately the same time as this bleeding began. Now, is it another bioweapon from China? A different strain of Covid that is more virulent than the previous, something virologists will attest as being highly uncharacteristic, i.e., the increasing virulence of a virus mutating. It usually goes the other way.
Getting back to the point though, is that they intend to kill us one way or another. Nothing is more clear to me than that. I’ve believed that for a long time, but one cannot profess that which they believe without something solid to hang one’s hat on. If the video I saw was legitimate, then this sort of thing will be witnessed more and more. Another thing that leads me to believe that the combination of the injection and the 5G share a linked purpose is that recently Verizon and AT&T were asked to delay the rollout of 5G near airports. One might conclude that it isn’t simply an electronic issue that might present a problem, but the effects of 5G on those who have been vaccinated. It’s one thing to crash a jet because the pilot’s head started to vent steam, it’s another thing to do it near an airport. One might be done in privacy when the plane goes down somewhere in flight, but when it crashes in a major metropolitan area, that might raise eyebrows.
One other story came to my attention that fits in nicely. While I had heard of remote villagers who had suffered a deadly wave after 5G antennas were installed close to their village, who then destroyed the antennas and the deaths slowed to a trickle, the linked story was an evolution on that theme. Deadly or not, the antennas still represent a considerable leap into the future and I’ve heard nothing good about it, except that it’s much faster internet.
To be clear, I don’t know what makes 5G work, I’ve heard a lot about it from people who do know, but if it isn’t part of a drilling rig, I have no expertise. I don’t know if graphene oxide is in the injection or not. I’m not claiming any superior knowledge, but if it is and it’s activated by the microwaves emitted from the transmission of 5G, we’re in for quite a light show.
The reason for this post is to get people ready. I know most of you are, but this will flip as quickly as the narrative. Look at how quickly Ted Cruz flipped. It's getting unpredictable. I wouldn’t look to 2022. If we get that far, go vote. If the Senate passes the ridiculous voting act passed by the House several months ago, you're going to need to send in 500 ballots to make one of yours count. But my guess is, if they do pass this, most people will finally, after a decade, recognize that we have stopped being both a republic and a democracy and have become ungovernable by any so-called authority, much like Kazakhstan. If you watched the video, remember, that’s why we’re trying to organize now, because they will do the same here and there will be a time to question the purpose and loyalty of those who started it. You can expect them to exchange what little there is left of the republic with total communist rule. Now is the time to gird up. Settle for nothing less than what this nation was founded on, but go farther, demand more.
Visit Texas TL in Exile podcast for some great interviews with CA of WRSA, George Gramlich of the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel and hopefully Robert Gore, author and financial guru on Friday night. We have conservative/Christian type novels and a few non-fiction pieces at In the world of today, I'd suggest getting a few hard copies of Nine Principles of Freedom. That will be instructive when we need it.