We are not losing the culture war, but we are in a culture war. We are losing the propaganda war. If they seem to be winning, it’s only because we are being told that we are losing. There are increasing indicators that more and more people are rejecting their message, but that doesn’t mean they are not inundated by it. It’s like being held underwater, one might want to burst upward to get oxygen, to survive; one might be desperate to survive, but as long as they can flood the area with toxic messages, they can drown more people than escape, because giving up is easier than fighting harder.
I don’t suspect that many in this audience are among those on the verge of giving up, but go to Walmart and 98% already have. That only means we need to fight harder for our own piece of territory. We cannot cede the territory of free speech. We cannot cede the territory of gun ownership. We cannot cede the territory of private property. We cannot cede the territory of private thought, papers and effects.
They’ve done damage to all of those territories and will not stop until they conquer them completely, but that should only mean that these will be perpetual battle lines until we are victorious. My novels championing these values, the American culture, are getting harder and harder to publish, harder and harder to market (especially during Pride Month), but I maintain they are invaluable to the fight. More so than people recognize. They attempt to keep alive a mindset of individuality, self-sufficiency and honor. They’re in reaction to the fiction that I was encountering more and more often in my own reading, this soft-handed, pasty-faced tradition of conciliation to whatever societal quirks the liberals wanted desperately to promote. They are a rejection of the new norms, because I find nothing valuable or important about that mindset and it’s ultimately quite destructive.
A reader pointed me toward this video that illustrates the danger of accepting that mindset. This is happening and has been happening for a long time. A lot of what he recognizes in 2022, I saw first-hand in the 1980s and recoiled. But I was safe from its demonic influence in the oil field, on the rigs, among some of the most masculine and rough characters around; men of cold, but accurate assessment of cause and consequence, where I could express myself freely without censorship or guilt. I was among people who considered life a temporary condition at best and many had no expectation of survival, either in their occupation or their lifestyle. The demons even changed that, because they had time and intent on their side.
Emerging from that cocoon of common sense and masculinity, I was further shocked and confused by the world of literature. To me, every perspective is important, it reveals the true world around us. Some of the most important perspectives are those one rejects instinctively, but nonetheless reads and considers for the messages being delivered among the prose. A story isn’t just a story, it’s a medium for a perspective, a mindset told in an engaging way to encourage acceptance. If every writer expresses their perspective and readers read as many different types of literature as they can, they come to an understanding of the world unmarred by stereotypes and prejudices, because the perspectives illuminated are from friendly, understanding sources, not mere vehicles for the expression of the opposite.
War stories are a good source of the same type of material that express clear-eyed realities, but the logical mind always reverts back to the idea that war is an exceptional crucible where these realities might only exist. By placing the narrative in the regular world, the civil society, the message carries greater weight; the realities are then inexcusable and must be faced head-on.
I’ve noticed in some of the word processors and grammar aids being promoted today that they are being programmed to remove certain terms, to force a writer to follow an agenda, to edit out their actual statements and replace them with “acceptable” terms and descriptions. This is how desperate they are to kill the sort of writing many of us engage in and want to read. If the left cannot take your ability to advertise, restrict your distribution, they will ultimately alter your message.
This is why it’s important to fight with every weapon available. This is war on every level. Their agenda is so massively destructive, so openly contradictory to nature and reason that it must be defeated. A combination of a couple of different policies of those demonic forces currently in charge of America’s government are exposing their long-term goals to more and more people. At the border, they’re giving up actual territory to the cartels, who are moving deeper and deeper into the United States and establishing control, but that’s only inflaming the patriotism of those at the ground level who recognize that America, a land of laws and relative safety, with all of its flaws, is better than what they now experience where chaos and lawlessness reign.
It shouldn’t have to be demonstrated in such glaring and bloody extremes, but for some it is and the bloodier it gets, the more people will look back on the society they once blamed and lamented as suddenly extraordinarily valuable. That tide is turning, so what was the answer for the left? They bought up all of the conservative Latino radio stations that promoted the values they shared with American culture.
When one has to cheat to win elections; silence to forestall resistance; degrade and humiliate to force acceptance of immorality and perversion; lockdown and sequester the population to forestall rebellion; they are in the final, desperate stages of a losing endeavor. Their support is rapidly diminishing. Having the power to do something does not equal acceptance of what has been done. At a certain point doing something simply because one has the power to do it, in contravention of a growing popularity against it, produces only rebellion against that power.
They have the power to pass and sign into law gun restrictions, but those on the border and those in towns across the nation increasingly beset by young, angry illegals, their subsistence paid for by tax dollars, unconnected to the society around them, hostile to the laws that bind everyone else is not the environment that gun confiscation will be accepted by many.
The tide is turning, take advantage of the momentum.
Excellent article and right on point. I think more people are finally waking up to the absolute evil that we are confronted with. My husband understood the trends back in the 1980s like you did, but at that point, with no internet, there was no way for people to connect and support one another, we were like little chips being tossed on a stormy ocean. All of us can do small things, not only becoming more self sufficient, but also informing 'normies' of what is going on. Not being confrontational, but explaining things to them, and being able to back up your argument with facts. People have been conditioned to trust the government over decades. I was telling the woman in the bank how I was glad her daughter in law hadn't gotten the covid shot since she's pregnant, and I could see this woman was terrified about covid. She seemed to think that the mortality rate was about 30%, but I told her that it was less than 1%. I told her you can't trust anything the government tells you, and she said, "I have to trust something, I have to trust the government." I told her to trust God, but I don't think it really got through. I'll give the parasites one thing, they sure did effectively brainwash a lot of people. This woman is triple vaxxed, of course. Before I leave, I want to warn people about 'ordinary vaccines'. My cousin's husband had covid and got over it. His doctor wanted him to get a covid shot, but he refused (my cousin and her family were alerted to the dangers of the shot before they took it). However, his doctor talked him into a pneumonia vaccination. Three days later he developed blood clots. He's mad as hell and is now on blood thinners at least until July. This may mean that ALL vaccinations are now tainted with MRNA, so think carefully before you get a shot of any kind.
Those of us old enough remember the turbulent 60's. The Weathermen, SDS, anti-war protests, "The Summer of Love", et al. Where are those people today? They traded their bellbottoms and ty-dye for a business suit and now sit on the boards of numerous corporations, in Congress, sitting on court benches, and teaching our children in colleges and universities. The American public, having passed through public education, is indoctrinated, brainwashed, and domesticated just like the zoo animals confined to a 'natural setting' who think they are free because they don't notice the fence behind the shrubbery. So how to show them the fence and educate them to know what the fence is for - confining and controlling them! I don't know. But time is short.