On what seems likely to be the eve of WWIII, a war the United States will undoubtedly lose, it’s important to know that patriots will never get a better chance to restore the republic than from the ashes of the United States of America.
To whatever extent a piece of paper can be a nation, the Constitution was a good effort and the principles it embraced and codified were outstanding, but they were only the principles that pre-existed the Constitution, they were not created by it. It was the other way around.
I will never give up on those principles and to whatever degree another constitution can be written, or strengthening and putting some draconian penalties for violations of the one that already exists, it’s worth a try, but make no mistake, whatever America is to be will be up to Americans to sort out in the next weeks and years as the old one collapses.
The government now in charge largely through violations of the Constitution, in violations of any form of popular democracy, owing its current configuration to communist principles of an autocratic ruler through dictate is not American in principle or ideology, it is Hegelian in nature and function. Resistance to the government now, is resistance to communism.
It’s not so much what those in power vote for or against, but what they will not allow to be heard at all. It is that even with the volumes of evidence of bribery and treason against the sitting president, no Democrat and few Republicans will recognize it, broadcast the enormity of it to the people and demand immediate action. Not officially, anyway. The president’s own Attorney General should and would, with a functioning constitutional republic rather than a communistic dedication to power, force the president to answer for his obvious, detailed and recorded crimes and the whole cabinet should be behind him. Barring that, the Attorney General should, at a minimum, allow the congress to select a special investigator and recuse himself.
In a constitutional republic it would not be possible for a former president and current favorite in an upcoming election to be tried civilly or criminally by the most radical elements of the opposition party. The very idea of it is totally foreign to the American psyche. It sounds like something out of a Kafka or Solzhenitsyn novel. The assurance that this is something amazingly brash is in the recognition that there is no shame for it amongst the apparatchiks or opposing party, none. It seems that if that’s what it takes to secure power, they are willing to do it in broad daylight with media coverage. A more republican form would force the trials to be conducted by a decidedly neutral judge, a good cross section of political points of view on the jury. If it has political consequences, the trial should be delayed until after the election and if knowing these charges exist during the election, the person is still elected, then there can be no trial at all, because, like in Texas, the election itself would determine whether the crimes fit the punishment.
The same is true of when they arrested the whistleblower of the Colorado election and arrested the candidate for the Secretary of State position there as well. They just do not care what the people, the citizens, think about fairness or justification. Communism is the exertion of power alone, of the state over the individual discarding any sense of humanity. It’s the polar opposite of a republic based on values of the people and the individual rights to secure them over the expediency of the state. Even if that isn’t always how it works, the current regime has totally abandoned any pretext to it.
In a constitutional republic it would not be possible for a single branch of government, a single person to issue an Executive Order that is intended to and has facilitated the abandonment and abolition of the southern border, to turn border patrol agents into concierges for the millions of enemies and foreign nationalist fighters to enter the country. That’s the stuff of Stalin or Mao, who starved their own people, not Washington or Adams.
In a constitutional republic it would not be possible to force vaccinate the entire population with an unproven, experimental drug. I would suggest that it would not be possible in a constitutional republic to force vaccinate anyone with anything, much less with something with unknown, dangerous or even deadly side effects. That would have to be done only under a repressive, totalitarian regime focused as much on using their citizens for medical experimentation or outright euthanasia than securing their health. That is something only considered before during the Nuremburg Trials, yet, under this regime, it doesn’t warrant a mention.
The reason these things would not be impossible in a constitutional republic is because the people, who have the power of government in their hands, would not stand for it as it threatens their way of life, their beliefs and indeed their very lives. It is only in a coercive, brutal police state, that they would stand silently by and watch it all take place, perhaps not even criticizing the regime for fear of being targeted and attacked in the early morning hours by death squads.
In a constitutional republic, death squads would not be possible, because the people from whom the police are drawn would not attack their own neighbors to gain favor with the regime. If they did, if they conspired with some political agent who threatened their livelihoods for refusing to commit atrocities, the police themselves, their fellow officers, would rebel against that political agent.
In a constitutional republic it would not be possible to hold political prisoners as participants in a protest. That was made clear at the time of the passage of the Bill of Rights (a particular aspect of a republic with individual rights). Among the first “rights” listed was the right to peacefully assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances, even if one of those grievances was the coup by means of a fraudulent and illegal election. How does a communistic totalitarian regime get around the defense of a “peaceful” assembly? They infiltrate the crowd with provocateurs and members of fascist organizations with a history of violent protests such as Antifa and BLM, none of whom suffered the political imprisonment meted out by the communist/fascist government holding power in the United States today. But the innocent protesters who never neared the building did.
Americans have suffered all of these abuses and more. Now, the American citizens are being left unprotected against terrorist attacks facilitated by open border policies of the current illegal regime. Instead of tracking, arresting and deporting all of the terrorists who have infiltrated the border with aid and comfort of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice, they seek to imprison people who object to it. It’s the same tactic they used at the capitol on January 6th, it’s how they imprison their political opponents, which is all they have done since fraudulently gaining power.
None of this is fantastic or incredulous, it has been shown to be true by video. In some cases the head of the DOJ proudly admits targeting supporters of the former president. It’s a badge of honor within the regime, they have labeled their political opponents “domestic terrorists” without evidence of any crime being committed anywhere. It’s even a source of pride throughout the federal police force, none of whom have risen to the cause of the people to denounce it, but meekly reside in their shells and let the innocent be tortured and abused.
Since what is about to beset us, in our homeland, at the hands of our government, is so obvious, I do not want to give them the cover of silence. There will be terrorist attacks they will blame on innocents, committed by those they have refused to acknowledge, refused to hold accountable for their crimes. It is their silence, their refusal to accept their duty to the constitution they swore oaths to. That is the only insurrection that has taken place in this land, the one of the federal police force themselves. Now, they will aid these attacks on our people, our children in order to frame patriots. The recent events in Gaza are akin to what these traitors will allow to happen to American citizens.
Nothing like this has ever happened in America before. Not even the Civil War was conducted against the people themselves, though many suffered. This is a war on the people, orchestrated by the government for no other purpose than to blame their political enemies for their crimes. This is the ultimate of terrorism and insurrection. But then, communists always blame their enemies of what they themselves are doing.
I believe, once it gets bad enough, that the American people will realize that all of these invaders have to stop and those who were brought in illegally will have to leave. That there can never be peace with a government that did this to us. I only regret that it will have to get bad, first.
Our Red Pill film produced by us at 12 Round Productions LIES OF OMISSION.
Rebel and Rogue are novels that will appeal to those thirsting for freedom, while Shadow Soldier and Home to Texas are a little more relatable to our current situation beginning in the Civil War/ WoNA. Available in paperback at 12 Round Productions and through Amazon (in Kindle and paperback) along with my other novels.
I guess, our primary goal is to make it out the other side although I fear the enemy will have safe spaces and food and will outnumber us.
Even though we outnumber them right now not enough have the will to stand up.
Great post.