It is time to fight back and I will be discussing practical ways to turn the tide on this war for minds and souls where they are fatiguing us into compliance. My weapon of choice is words . Read on and subscribe for free.
An unauthorized podcast and essay series peeking behind the curtain at the vast machinery and briar patch politics of fighting terrorism and insurgency and everything in between.
An excellent place to dig deeper into military issues and perspectives from a very credible source.
In mercifully short gasps, Brian Wilson discusses profound issues in a manner unlikely to be found or accepted in civilized society - or anywhere else.
The blueprint and battle cry for the modern MAGA movement with a mission to restore MAGA principles to both Congress and the White House. From President Trump's Chief China Hawk and trade czar.
”Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” - Karl Hess, 1964
Antifederalist, anti-authoritarian, opponent of centralized/consolidated government, pro-Articles of Confederation and Bill of Rights.