Aug 7Liked by T.L. Davis

Outstanding, Sir. Bravo! An extremely inspiring post.

I fear the voices of resistance will become so faint that it will be perceived (possibly correctly) that any resistance previously encountered will have evaporated. Those will be the uber-dangerous times to be viewed as a resistor.

I hope the ugly truth of our current state as a Nation can be accepted by the masses. There is so much indifference that it stuns me.

Deep sigh......

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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All it would take is 3 million patriots marching on Washington D.C. and taking out every congresscritter and we could restore our Republic.

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Lee Vail, After what the Demoncrats did to the January 6th protesters, I'll never go anywhere near the East Coast again.

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Aug 7Liked by T.L. Davis

to get people motivated to act requires significant suffering that becomes intolerable. otherwise we all skate by holding on to whats left. trump's murder probably wouldn't do it.

notice how much abuse Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Libya and Iraq have absorbed and they still dont just make it a war. wow, the barrier is high. who was it that said revolt requires 3 days of no food? cant remember.

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Aug 7Liked by T.L. Davis

We are seeing it play out as you had forecast in the Alta Reports years ago. Pop Wars triggered will be bloody hell. When smoke clears survivors will start building the scifi world we all want to see. LFG ! Thank you for sharing your work with us.

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Aug 7Liked by T.L. Davis

If 10% of us resisted this bullshit they’d be finished.

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I believe it only takes 3% of highly motivated people to do it.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

The uSA has WAY more people than at the time of the American Revolution!

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

resist how exactly? No diss intended, Boflys. One idea = Mom's stay at home and

avoid rushing around, lower "living standards", share vehicle, no pricey work clothes,

and no childcare costs. Wives can enjoy being wives and mothers again...and treat their man

with some respect. Above all, home school the children. Imagine how loved and valued

those children will feel when they are fully integrated into the workings of the house hold.

Above all, avoid exposing the children to unwanted indoctrination by the public school

"teachers" suggesting sex change/or anything sex. Last, virtue signaling and creating envy

among neighbors (I have more stuff than you do) should be totally avoided. Just be a friendly

neighbor and teach the children that kindness to others is a valuable thing. My personal

peeve are all the screens/especially cell phones!! Have one basic phone and send it along

with the at risk person, eg, the man driving in poor conditions. A laptop might come in

handy for research, the parents "put it away" and they decide whether or not it will be

used for a given project. That is my vote.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

All of that makes sense Suzanna. What I mean is individual acts of non compliance and defiance. Even if it’s violent. Someone (anyone) violates your constitutional rights, particularly those that involve your safety and well being, should be dealt with accordingly. Unfortunately that may mean dying in your driveway but taking a few out with you. I don’t mean in anyway that this kinda thing should be pro active. That’s what they want so they can shut it all down. What I mean is individually. Feds knock on your door because you have a political view they don’t like? Fuck them. Warrant or not. It’s already happening.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis


May I take it that you are a male? Your stance and attitude make me

think so. The sexes are quite different. Women are inclined to want a

nest to feather for the family to come and then grow. Men, (good ones)

are warriors at heart. The protectors of women and children, Thank God.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

Yes ma’am. And I agree completely.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

Wow...very cool feedback, thank you dear sir.

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If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times. Everyone is too damned comfortable. As long as there is a power grid, and an internet, Americans will sit on their asses. It is going to take pain, and a lot of it by the masses for the potential change to take place.

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I think they may reach a flash point sooner rather than later.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

Many Americans are stupid. This has happened over time. People are too lazy to read! Stupid is a choice. It’s pathetic, in my humble opinion.

Have you ever seen an old school book? Children were more intelligent, well spoken, and had common sense.

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Renee Marie, Well, that's the problem, eh? Americans have become lazy and stupid. They are sheep. They will support a strongman or woman who promises them bread and safety.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

That’s why I adore animals. Animals are healing to the soul!

Politics???? I’m out! Let the games begin!

Stupidity in action!

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

1st semester is sophomore HS English class was Bullfinch's Mythology and a smattering of Aesop's Fables. Great education.

Today, no one reads anymore. Stupid & lazy.

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Brewer55, The dollar is the weak link in the power chain. If the dollar collapses, and it very well may, we end up in a Wiemar Republic scenario in Germany in the early 1930s when Hitler came to power with 32% of the vote.

Be careful what you wish for. The mob may go for the dictator and safety, not liberty.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

Stupid people always go for safety (not to be confused with legitimate safety) instead of relying on their own integrity, and free will!

That was proven during CONvid.

Absolutely pathetic. I had no idea I was living with this many sheep.

What an eye opener in real time!

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Renee, I agree. The Covid Con opened my eyes to my town. 86% or more took at least two jabs and wore masks all the time, even outdoors in 90F sunshine.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

Pathetic…I get it. They’re all brainwashed. They don’t think for themselves, do they?

I need freedom…true freedom (soul, mind, body)!

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Renee, I agree. I can't live as a slave. I do have to pay the extortion fees (taxes) to avoid prison and the State stealing ALL of my assets. I suppose I'm a serf.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis


I couldn't fathom the legions that took those shots.

And, I was shocked and had to be mum about my thinking

to avoid conflict. Basic chemistry and biology knowledge

and common sense were not widely shown.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

Thank you for the feedback, Renee, the like. I was dumb founded

when speaking to neighbors (rural) about the rationale they gave

for taking the vax...wrong on even what MSM advised. Breaks my heart.

(I went rural in 2012...started looking in 2010) I was able to find a livable

old farmhouse and pay in cash. Thank you God for my frugal nature.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis


People can change to adapt to conditions. I have a cc, and use it, fully intending to pay the balance when the bill comes in. And I do! I know my limits, and have the $ put aside

already. Squirreling $ away, bit by bit, allows for an emergency fund. Have a contest

with one's self to find out how much better one feels when that cash accumulates in the

sock drawer. Recreational shopping will be limited to the few with surplus dough.

Further, your home schooled children can care for a kitchen garden and/or a chicken coop

as well. Then a "Country Living" book can be used even for city dwellers to get tips on

living with less. Everybody is different and there are solutions for everybody as well.

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Great article! What the Demoncrats did to the January 6th protesters ended any protests by patriots in the USA. That, and Trump not pardoning or coming to the defense of the protesters in the Capitol Police Jail.

After the Covid Con, we critical thinkers and believers in liberty, learned how small a minority we are in the USA and the West. We learned that we are on our own. It was an odd distressing feeling at first. Now, I welcome being part of a remnant of Americans who believe in liberty.

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

I can’t find an article that’s not liberally tilted but this is a great example. Upstanding citizen in a high paying job. Gestapo kicks his door in at 6am and kills him. Why? Cause he sold too many guns at a gun show. When the ATF director was asked how many guns is too many, he said they don’t have a definite number. This guy had no prior record. No reason they couldn’t have called him or walked into his office. Instead an American is dead, children are fatherless, because this govt decided to kill him. He didn’t roll over, he shot them and died in the process. Not entirely unlike those patriots at Lexington and Concord. In the immortal words of Captain John Parker:

“Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”

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Aug 8Liked by T.L. Davis

When I look at the current state of the UK, France, and America I wonder what the hell happened. Are these the same countries that produced the Tommy, The Partisan, and the GI of WW2? For that matter, what about Germany, the country that produced the Stormtroopers of WW1 and the feared Wehrmacht of WW2? Even looking forward from there through the era of Vietnam and the Sandbox wars there is a decreasing interest in putting one's ass on the line... for anything. We have lost the ethos of John Stuart Mill in 1862-

"War is an ugly thing. But it is not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral

and patriotic feeling, which thinks that nothing is worth fighting for is much worse.

A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares about more than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

Instead we have craven scum in politics, media and academia. They act like Tex Guinan pointed out- "A politician is a fellow who will lay down YOUR life for HIS country." And she was a hell raising adventurous woman who would understand the difference. There is also the question of who cares and why SHOULD we risk our collective asses? After all, the wars after WW2 have gone so well for us. Remember the glorious leader who inspired us with "Well at this point what difference does it make?" In the immortal words of Elon Musk, "Go f-ck yourself". Bitch.

This is all a part of making the West into the risk-averse society we have today. It has gone from the impossible dream of making life perfectly safe to the authoritarian wish to break our spirit. Are there are enough remaining citizens with the cojones to stop it, and Is it worth the fight?

That remains to be seen.

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We all have terrible swift swords lying in our pasts forlorn and neglected. Perhaps sworn to never pick up again over the carnage it wrought....but there always comes another time to fight and die. I wish it wasn't so, but I've yet to escape the bondage of Earth's limits.

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Well said.

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