
What has annoyed me to no end is the constant diatribe of Ukraine good, Russia bad. The ENTIRE media circus is pro-Biden. Thus, the media both Left and Right wings of the same bird, are Communists !

The reconstituting of America's once southern border should be the number one priority for Americans; close the border.

Enforce the sovereignty of our borders by deadly force. Make America's Borders Great Again !

The second priority should be the removal of both biden and his

enormous cabal of domestic communists. At a minimum biden should be arrested and prosecuted for "high crimes and misdeameanors". But, the facade of CONgress representing We The People, will never take action to remove the Three Stooges....biden, pelosi and harris. The AGOTUS, Garland, will not enforce the CONstitution or any law that undermines biden's coup d'etat. Where does that leave us Traditional Americans and Patriots ?

The Ukraine situation is a distraction of the treason committed and being committed by The Three Stooges. The hell with Ukraine/Russia. The war is here and now. Along our once sovereign borders and within the confines of the District of Columbia/Criminals/Communists.

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This is a very well thought out analysis that I find encouraging -- a rare feeling these days. I cannot help but wonder though, looking at so many people who were so easily cowed by the odiferous "Covid"emanations from the Swamp, if we as a nation still have the faith and moral courage to do what needs to be done. About that I am not so sanguine as to be optimistic.

And yes, Delta3Two, everything vomited by the media and the state is meant to distract us from the real issues you list. And it seems to be a sadly effective strategy.

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