Understanding the precarious position this nation is in, after four full years of communist rule, with the total lack of concern for budget or health and well-being of the people, is important. It’s important, because the people themselves are fully in charge now. Independent journalists are given the due attention, if not the respect, they deserve. The voice of the people as expressed in the 2024 election, even still somewhat diluted by treasonous states allowing criminal aliens to vote in elections and swinging several House and Senate seats in the process, was still on display in impressive fashion, but the work is not done, not even close.
The first thing is to understand the role the individual has to play. Donald Trump is not the answer to anything substantial in the lives of Americans. I don’t know to what degree Trump feels the same as his supporters or those who align with him, but he certainly understands the intent and desires of them and has aligned himself with them as far back as 2015. Whether that is just good strategic thinking or a true alliance, I cannot know, neither is it all that relevant. It does instruct one, however, to continue to express their individual will as a growing alliance of individuals across religious and racial boundaries.
There is no “people” in that sense in America. It is a nation of individuals with often cross purposes, aligning only on a few, but otherwise in conflict. Where we allow any organization to express an individual’s will, there is a trade off that is often detrimental, but continuing to express one’s personal views and maintaining a consistent point of view allows one to find those who agree on any given issue. To that point, Trump might represent many of the individual’s desires, but often he sides with the opposite, I think, in deference to what he thinks is more popular with his band of deplorables. Often, he is wrong.
For good or ill, Trump represents the myriad of often conflicted view points of all of the people considered MAGA or America Firsters. For that reason, I find it necessary to put forth what I consider my individual opinions that often deviate from Trump’s actions. Where we are in alignment is over the actions he must take immediately. In the last post, I wrote about the debt and its different aspects. This one is more along the ways in which politics can be leveraged to obtain those goals of debt and debt service reduction.
The federal government, and therefore its budget, must be slashed to bare bones. This is not a political point of view independent of economics, they align perfectly and therefore should not be considered separate things. There is a knife’s blade of a path upon which Trump and the congress must tread. They must be vigorous in deporting criminal aliens, understanding that all those who have entered illegally, whether sanctioned by the imposter administration or not, are criminals. Should they focus solely on criminality once entering the US illegally, they will have abused the intent of the people.
These deportations alleviate the obligation to fund them that the previous administration has brought upon the heads of the people. That’s cutting some $450 billion a year right there. The hiring of American workers in their place will immediately support the GDP as $150 billion in remittance will not be sent to various other nations to support families there, or finance another wave of criminal aliens to these shores, but will be spent domestically. Ending grants and funding of NGOs that have enabled the late invasion and imprisoning their CEOs or fining them out of existence; blocking any funds run through the UN for the purpose of supporting organizations involved in this human trafficking is another must. Pulling out of the WHO will save even more tax dollars and cripple that evil enterprise to the point of irrelevance.
Where the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) can find several agencies that are duplicative or inherently anti-growth and anti-consumer via heavy-handed regulations, like the EPA, they must be defunded and eliminated. A lot of that can be done the same way they were created, via Executive Order. Instead of regulating new power generation and refineries out of existence, doing away with the EPA and most of its regulations would instigate a massive renewal in construction and actual support of the GDP. The target being a GDP that is not driven by government spending, but by industrial and commercial growth. Pushing representatives and senators to back this effort is the duty of the American citizen who want to see it take place. Many will ignore their pleas, but that isn’t the point, registering discontent is the point, searching for a replacement is the purpose, whether successful or not.
The game plan has already been instituted in Argentina by Javier Milei who went into power and eliminated a good percentage of his government agencies and has invigorated Argentina’s economy with government surpluses. I believe all he actually did was take Trump’s rhetoric in his first term and substantiated it with Biden’s repudiation of that rhetoric and used both as examples and reasons he took the actions he did. It was a success. Now, Trump has to live up to his own rhetoric for the same reason. Instead of being on the verge of bankruptcy at every minute, he has a chance to reorganize the whole substance of the federal government and arrive at a sustainable condition.
Where an individual has more work to do, it’s to support him by ridding the Republican party of RINOs at every opportunity. In my state of Texas we will have the opportunity to replace Cornyn with Ken Paxton, the AG of Texas, in 2026. While I would rather Paxton stay in his current role, because he is always engaging those interests, that are harmful to my own, with lawsuits and sometimes even criminal investigations, such as the investigation of Act Blue, the DNC money-laundering PAC, but to rid ourselves of Cornyn in his favor is a duty that’s worth my effort. That and finding another like Paxton for the AG spot, if that’s possible.
All that might be accomplished is resisted by roughly a third of the population that finds political clout in destroying the American system. Whether they are fascists like the ironically named Antifa or racists like BLM or just simple communists doesn’t matter. They build up the apparatus of anti-American sentiment that allows for foreign agents to enter the United States and set about their terrorist plans. These organizations need to be dealt with as ruthlessly as the Biden Administration, especially the DOJ, dealt with Christians and patriots. More so, I would suggest. This also is as much an economic as a political pursuit. The nation cannot afford to suffer the economic impact of multiple and continuous terrorist attacks, not economically and not politically. That’s the purpose of these organizations, to weaken the United States internally just as much as a foreign terrorist would. That’s why they must be dealt with immediately and ruthlessly.
But what about free speech? There is no prohibition of their speech, it’s when they engage in criminal activity, something that Christians and patriots did not, that they must suffer the most stringent and enduring punishment this nation has to offer. This is a duty leftover from the first Trump term. States who harbor and/or support these elements likewise need to be brought to answer for their crimes. I’m not talking about imaginary crimes that the Christians and patriots suffered, but actual crimes of violence as demonstrated during the siege of Seattle and Portland, the destructive actions in Minneapolis and the like. They have a history of violence that can no longer be overlooked. It’s a matter of economic and political survival.
When the Trump Administration sets about to do any of this, they will be met with the most blood-thirsty rhetoric the left has to offer and in some cases actual violence. Gangs who do not want to be deported are likely to open fire on federal agents to intimidate them and to make for good publicity for the left who will undoubtedly turn it around on the federal agents themselves. Knowing this it’s the American people who must rise in full-throated opposition to the tactic, something that can be accomplished now that the MSM has so depleted their own reputations for honesty and the world looks more favorably on independent journalists and individual reports of events. The civil war that must take place within the government, as is now in full swing, or soon will be, will likely spill out into the streets, be prepared for it.
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I just hope our 'rugged individualism' doesn't destroy America. Like it or not, groups are stronger than individuals, and if you have to leave some of your personal preferences at the door for the greater good, so be it. The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.
I think a good barometer for coming storm will be the response of the people of California to the ongoing fires in LA. If there is a repudiation of the assorted politicians and bureaucrats, along with exposure of their lies and excuses, perhaps the woke tide is receding. Recall petitions and demands for resignations or dismissal would be a good start. Unfortunately, I don't think it will happen. The rebuilding effort will be enormously expensive, and the opportunities for graft, corruption, and vote buying will be unlike anything we've seen before. Materials and labor will be incredibly expensive impossible to get. And regulations? Regardless of the promises, this is LA, and the bureaucrats will not be denied. Unless they get some of the Vig.
No matter how long the Federal gravy train is, how much it carries, or how often it runs, it will never be enough, and Trump & Company will be at fault. It will make the California High Speed Rail project look like pilfering a couple of cupcakes at a bake sale.