Good article. The original idea of a Republic of free men with individual liberty has been eroding away right from the start of the uSA. The Sedition Act of 1798 made it a criminal act to spread malicious and false information about the government.

Charles Hugh Smith wrote a good article today:


The article by CHS is about the collapse of the social order in the USA. Empires usually last about 250 years. Is time up for the USA?

The working class is poorer every day. The top 0.1% own over half the wealth in the country. Social mobility going up and down the economic ladder is rare. The system is ossified to the status quo.

Can Trump and his team turn around the government?

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All true. USAID was probably the low hanging fruit. Future DOGE revelations may dwarft this first month's look behind the Wizard's screen cause this shits been going on for a long time. Just waiting anxiously for me some criminal prosecutions.

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I can't go along with your idea that the Civil War, which killed over half a million White men for nothing, toughened us up for WWI and WWII. All it resulted in was more hundreds of thousands of White men having their lives destroyed and to destroy America and Europe. We should have stayed out of both World Wars and let the jews fight if they wanted to. Now they're priming us to take on Iran for them, and probably Russia, which will probably back Iran. Enough, more than enough. Senseless, jew-spawned wars to kill off our people. Are we never going to learn?

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"...it was necessary to galvanize the American psyche as a single entity before facing existential threats in the World Wars.

Post WWII, America took the wrong path; misplayed the strong hand it had won through victory and set itself up for international failures of every kind"

I couldn't disagree more with the first statement, and I am quite dismayed by the inability of most to see how it leads directly to the behaviour undertaken by the US in the second.

Faith / belief in big government and a resultant empire is the cause of Japan's expansionism and attack on the US. International order-building is the entire cause of WW1, and the proximate cause of WW2.

Few seem able to imagine peaceful cooperative relations between North and South without first killing hundreds of thousands and pillaging the South. Economics would have ended chattel slevary soon anyway. Military threats to CONUS would likely have been greeted by cooperative action from all parties. Is it so hard to imagine a North America where "you do you" reigns?

Lincoln stood the Constitution and its concept of federalism on its head when he refused to vacate Sumter and then invaded Virginia and not South Carolina. We haven't had a republic since then. There are zero.circumstances under which I can be convinced otherwise.

Booth is a hero of Virginia.

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The Civil War was not a positive. My argument is that it was going to happen. It shouldn't have and everything being equal, we would have met Japanese and Nazi aggression with a somewhat of a separatist stance, only a few states willing to go along with confrontation. Maybe it could have all been resolved when Europe and China were subsumed under totalitarian rule and left us be for a while, but eventually, they would have been knocking on our door.

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I think you're missing my point. The entire arc of the 20th century would be different had the US not been a rising global hegemon. WW1 would probably have ended differently with less American involvement, or perhaps not started at all. In my less-than-professionally informed opinion thereby not resulting in Weimar ==> NationalSocialism.

Different and worse wars, maybe. But then again maybe not, and we'd have a whole lot less blowback to suffer.

Lincoln's invasion of the Confederacy was not inevitable, except perhaps from the perspective that Lincoln was a sociopath more concerned about his legacy (a man whose election caused the breakup of a nation) than he obviously was about hundreds of thousands of combat deaths, and more untold civilian death and suffering so he could "preserve the union". "If you leave me, I'll kill you".

Virginia reserved the right to leave the union in her document she used to join it. She was accepted under those terms. Lincoln's invasion of Virginia was illegal. Period. This act set precedent national government the military adventurism we still suffer today.

Either we have rules, or we don't.

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We could argue this 'til the cows come home, but since we're nearly on the same page and coming from the same point of view, it seems unnecessary to go any further.

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