The forces aligning themselves for some form of comeuppance, some form of reckoning are becoming visible, if not illuminated clearly, yet. The FBI has lost almost all of its cache gained largely through propaganda like the old television show. The Randy Weaver incident didn’t do it, even when it was known that Vickie Weaver was shot by an FBI sniper while holding her infant son in the doorway to Weaver’s cabin. The massive blaze of Waco didn’t do it, though both incidents reframed the agency in many people’s minds. Their involvement in dope smuggling along with other federal agencies didn’t do it. Their roles in covering for the Clintons didn’t do it, even right up to the absurd claim by Comey that there was no intent and therefore no crime. How does one destroy tens of devices and tens of thousands pieces of evidence unintentionally? Their involvement in strawman purchases during Fast and Furious didn’t do it. Nothing seemed to touch the FBI until their raid on Mar-A-Lago, but none of this is in a vacuum, they’ve been whittling away at their sterling credibility for decades and decades, or so it seems.
The question is, were they ever really what the propaganda suggested? Wasn’t the clean, neat appearance and professional demeanor just a way of putting the J. Edgar Hoover era behind them when they were used as thugs to blackmail and threaten civil rights activists and keep tabs on celebrities and politicians for Hoover’s operation? Or was that just cover for the operation? Are we seeing a change in the agency or have they finally committed enough crimes, been used by enough Democrat politicians as a Stasi police force that their excuses and feigned indignance at having their motives questioned has finally worn too thin to provide concealment?
At issue was the questioning of the head of the national security division of the FBI by Rep. Matt Gaetz (FL). It’s also the Rep. James Cormer (KY) announcement that there are dozens of whistleblowers approaching congress willing to testify against the Border Patrol, FBI and other federal agencies. It’s the fact that AG Merrick Garland felt the need to issue a demand that agents NOT talk to congress, violating the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989.
At issue are the raids against Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald Trump. Political adversaries of the Democrats, no doubt, but does that make them also enemies of the Department of Justice? Yes, that’s the implication, that and the non-stop defense of the Biden crime family, child sex traffickers and offenders like those booking passage on the Lolita Express, none of whom have been indicted for the now well-known accusations.
It takes a lot to destroy a good reputation. There are a lot of excuses to go along with it: “I was just doing my job;” “I’m not going to risk my pension on it;” “If it wasn’t me, it’d be someone else.” This is the fallacy of the “good cop” theory, because if there were good cops, why would there be any bad ones? Wouldn’t the good cops arrest the bad ones?
Was the raid of Mar-A-Lago the straw that broke the FBI’s back? Did it turn bad cops into whistleblowers to get ahead of the mid-term elections that will likely, if not stolen, put Republicans in charge of oversight of these agencies and when you raid the homes of U.S. Representatives that are likely to head some of those committees and investigations, does it finally dawn on some of the rank and file that their actions will be considered treason, or, at least, criminal harassment, blackmail or even terrorism?
I don’t know about you, but an early-morning raid by black-clad, gun-slinging feds sounds like terrorism to me. If they don’t have the goods, don’t have sufficient cause or an on-going investigation, just checking to see that you’re not violating some obscure law here or there, it’s at least intimidation. The next question is: for what purpose? Why would the average FBI agent take part in something where there’s only a slight wink, wink justification and how would they feel about it if forced to take up that role as a political intimidation squad? I mean, the cat’s pretty well out of the bag by now. Are the whistleblowers trying to do the right thing, or just getting ahead of the witch-hunt, because all of those excuses listed above don’t work in a real rule-of-law society.
One should not get too excited, however, because there were whistleblowers during Fast and Furious, too and nothing came of it. Eric Holder was held in contempt of congress and even though that’ll get Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro and others charged criminally, it was water off a duck’s back to Holder.
There are other instances of cracks in the communist/globalist armor though, in that now the CDC has owned up to botching the reaction to Covid, i.e., lying, falsifying data and giving harmful advice, allowing thousands of people to die instead of taking logical and well-known cures in the form of Hydroxycholorquine and Ivermectin. Birx admitted to padding statistics to scare the public into obedience. Fauci has since distanced himself from the very recommendations he made and the use of his influence to encourage enforcement of ridiculous and contradictory mandates. Some of these mandates remain in effect, though they have since been obliterated by the truth, facts and science.
The vaccine is now recognized as more harmful to men under 40 than Covid itself, which has been known and professed on this blog and others for nearly two years. In fact, myself and others have been saying that it’s a death jab even when Trump organized the roll out. The insinuations and some clinical observations suggested a long time ago that these jabs were not, in fact, vaccinations, would not, could not be effective for what they were being prescribed to do. What is their actual utility, then? I don’t know, but the substance in millions of doses suggest that there is a nanoparticle aspect to them. Something has to explain all of the sudden heart conditions among young people forced to take the jab to participate in sports.
Also, the very idea that one has to wait for the CDC to confess before doing what is logical and reasonable, which is, by the way, refusing to take something rushed into production, untested and covered under an emergency authorization for which no liability is attached to the manufacturers is itself insane.
The communist/globalist/environmental-fascist/anti-reality ship might not be sinking, but it’s taking on water. The lies cannot be issued fast enough to keep it afloat and even while there are still millions infected by the desire to remain enslaved, the Stockholm Syndrome of socialism, winter is coming and hell’s coming with it. Pervasive government corruption across the Western world is now at a critical point where they have to either impose enhanced draconian lockdowns, martial law or face violent revolution.
In America, we might be witnessing the absolute collapse of one hundred years of communist expansion. The left overplayed it’s hand and nearly got there, was on the tipping point, but if the trend continues and any one thing is reversed, if justice prevails in even one of the major issues of the day, i.e., the FBI is exposed as being used against political rivals, the death jab is validated as harmful, etc., and someone, somewhere is prosecuted, the whole push might fall flat. The rats might abandon ship to save themselves, or try to save themselves, reduced sentences rather than commutation is my only concession to valuable information on others.
That doesn’t relieve any of the injustices that occurred before the pandemic, before the stolen election, before that there was Randy Weaver and Waco, but momentum toward correction can go a long way if pushed hard to get to the roots of it all. Maybe, they instigate a civil war to save themselves, sensing, as I do, that they’re losing on several fronts, at least then it’ll be out there; people will know what they’re fighting for and who is and who is not on their side.
I am constantly intrigued by the sight of group insanity. What does it take, what must finally be suffered before the darkness in that vacant stare of obedience is replaced by inquisitive light?
Another good one T.L. To your idea that "we might be witnessing the absolute collapse of one hundred years of communist expansion" - one can hope so. Hope is not a plan, though. I'd like to believe that all this will keep opening more and more eyes. It's difficult (for me, anyway) to see that it's taken so blasted long for other folk to wake up. I've been preaching this stuff for the last 40 years!! And I STILL get pooh poohed as being *out there*. I DO like saying I told ya so to so many blind folk - at this point, I don't care if I make 'em mad. I'd like to see our ship get back on the right course before I croak - preferably a long time away!
Y'all take care,
What we call corruption is just individuals pursuing their own self interest. There are degrees of corruption, and degrees of tolerance to corruption, because we're all wired a little differently. We criticize or punish corruption when the pursuit of self interest damages the interests of others. Conflict arises when different people have fundamentally opposed interests. Many dems believe FBI corruption is acceptable, even admirable, when it supports their interests. Harm to their opponents is not only acceptable, but desired. Its the nature of war.
Dems have been engaging in war since Bush 2, and pubs have naively tolerated it. Our current situation is entirely due to that complacency. We have exactly two choices -- either we engage, and fight to win, or we learn to accept the inevitable tyranny of unopposed power.