Once again, TL you are on target. We have lost our country and most don't even realize it. I have no idea what will awaken the masses, if anything. I graduated from high school in 1963 before the marxists took over our education system. I put the blame for our present day generations ignorance of America squarely on the indoctrination centers they attended for 12-16 years of their life.

But most of all, we have strayed from God and his teachings that we are no longer a righteous country. We are adrift morally with no respect for the rule of law. I know not how the end comes, but we are rushing blindly to it.

You are the light at the end of a very dark tunnel; I only pray enough others see the light to help prevent the train wreck coming.

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The train wreck is here but there isn't blood running in the streets yet...but that may be

the outcome as we will be attacked by the adversaries .gov selected for us to experience.

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"It’s going to come one way or another, under one circumstance or another. The government itself has ensured it by their reckless, lack of concern for the people. Of course, they could always close the border and stop spending money they don’t have. And, that statement alone lets one know exactly their intentions."

People are catching up and catching on...however unless they experience personal loss and pain

from .gov policies, they will not act. A brief review of an honest study of US history over the years

might well influence people to wake up and see actions by the US with a more critical eye.

The years since 9/11 and the recent C immunizations fiasco should seal the deal, however the

most common mental reactions to stress/anxiety are rationalization and denial. Some peeps will

continue with those even as enemies storm their very doors. So what will it take for US people to recognize that invaders are being housed in lux hotels, (more graft) while citizens are in tents

and living the street life? I fear war in the streets and byways will be the only way to begin a

resolution. Not that I promote or wish for this...because it will be deadly...yet what will it take for

for peeps to stand up for their rights? Anyone with dough can leave the US, but the vast most

do not have the dough.

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Every single day the world's human occupants lose a bit of the numerical advantage to throw off these bindings. The CCP has wrestled with this concept for quite a while, it's hard to ignore that all those commie proletarians could easily overthrow their tyrants. For a change, now the USSA is having to employ the constant psy-ops to remind we liberty seekers that we have no plausible recourse.

Considering the trend of humanity lately, whose numbers are spiraling downward, the gubmints have less to fear everyday, since there are less of us. Every day our odds of success drop......

<"They are here to conquer and our government, including all of those who work for it, are complicit in suppressing the forces against them.">

The government is protected by an ironclad COG (Continuity of Government) that protects itself at the expense of the common man. Our lives don't matter, theirs do. It's pretty simple to understand, and sheds some light as to why our gubmint seems to not care about us. They don't. They don't need us for anything.

However, there are groups (public screwl commie teachers, anybody involved with the lyin' news media, etc.) that have enabled and propelled this clown show to unfold. They are not protected by COG, they just act like they are. Someday soon I suspect they may realize just how un-essential they really are to the commie machine. Until that time, they continue to smugly walk amongst us.

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Yeah, whatever, TL.

Aren’t the Rangers playing great baseball?!

Bet it will be a great World Series.

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The valued American citizen who would be the greatest asset should they wake in time is daily dwindling in number. They are being supplanted by invaders of darker races and of a different culture as well as their own prodigy whom they dutifully sent off to college or university only to be indoctrinated in Marxist theory. Those dwindling in number may wake once their job is gone, they loose their house/cars when unable to make that monthly payment, have their meals down to one a day... beans and rice maybe and a bit of meat if they are lucky. Or they may not. They may just meekly become more dependent on an abusive government that knows it can do with them what it will. Maybe it will take them learning of the town or village nearby being overrun by roving groups of armed dark-skinned fighters who loot, burn, murder, and rape and the government does nothing. The next town or village over may actually discover it has some balls after all and man-up finally. I imagine the cities will already be toast. It will be the towns and villages in the rural areas who will have to carry the weight. But will they?

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What was that song, "Try that in a small town"?

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