Oct 22, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Very well said.

Thank you!

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

You are one of the most perceptive thinkers on the scene.

Lawlessness will not survive in small communities where spirit filled, testosterone filled, Alpha males are armed. They will handle the lawless.

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Or thrive within it as they write the new laws.

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People will get behind them and be damn glad they are there.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Damn right

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I agree with what you said, but I do have a concern that China might invade, or use the millions of Chinese students here as a proxy army. There are also millions of various types of invaders, most of them young males already in place. It really takes my breath away sometimes that our government is completely filled with traitors. I don't look on any of our 'representatives' as being other than traitors themselves, regardless of their party. It still bothers me that over 1,000 children disappeared on Maui, and nothing is done about it. I've written to my senator and congressperson (he doesn't deserve the designation 'man') about this, but absolutely no response.

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As you so rightly point out, other attacks will be undertaken when required by the home country, so China no doubt, but probably not to cause problems as much as battlespace prep. The trick is to get our traitors out of office and patriots in before we have to face China. It's a tightrope to be sure and that's just my speculation, it might go down any number of ways.

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I just hope to God that we have time, T.L.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis


The enemies both foreign AND domestic are embedded within every level of today's Amerikan government. You cannot rely on any elected weasel especially a FEDOV weasel to stand by their Oath to the America we once knew.

Witness the career traitor one calls "biden". This inept scoundrel was kept in power for DECADES courtesy the electorate of Delaware. So today, the corruption of biden and family was endorsed by the people of Delaware....your fellow "Amerikans". Viable proof that one cannot trust their neighbor anymore than the rodents skulking within the District of Corruption.

It has been said that only 3% of colonial Americans, British subjects of King George III, supported separating from the mother country Great Britain. For more than 10 years America's colonial politicians, used every method they could to petition King George III to cease his treachery and tyranny against his subjects in North America. The king dismissed colonial Americans as such rubbish until the king's order to confiscate ball, powder and musket commenced in April 1775.

On 19 April 1775 Massachusetts militia would stand on Lexington Green in armed defiance against the troops of King George III, sent to confiscate and destroy colonial arms and munitions. Those colonial Patriots would fire the shot "....heard round the world and on this day 19 April 1775, Patriots Day, a new nation was given birth.

Patriots today unlike their forefathers, are not organized. Those few Patriots in existence today could not not gather a few dozen men to stand in armed opposition, to today's domestic American tyrant King Joseph the Biden.

You will not legislate your way out of this domestic treason. Nor will you vote or lawsuit your way out of this treasonous destruction of the Nation you were born into. There is only one solution. And it is not pretty.


Learn from America's history.

Stand your ground.

Sometimes violence is the answer.

- Dan

Erie County, Pennsylvania

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Great reply, Dan.

We know it is coming. Find a guy called JJ Carrell. 24 year border patrol veteran who is on the same page as TL. It is right in front of our face. When the goodies run out the illegals will go Bravo Sierra crazy. They will arm themselves, determined to take what they feel they were promised. The war may not be between us and the Chicoms but between illegals and American citizens.

Thanks for letting us know where you are located. Feels more like family.


Spartanburg County, SC

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Idgaf. If you look like you don't belong you better move on.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Throw in a hefty dose of nonrenewable natural resources depletion and the collapse of petro-industrial civilization, now playing, and you have an unprecedented multi-generational shitstorm. We need to preserve the best of what we have, or had, for our far-distant descendants we'll never see.

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