The trouble with gold or silver backed digital currency - or even paper currency - is that the currency is very rarely if ever redeemable for the physical metal. You need to be able to get one silver $1 coin or gold $20 coin, each coin being one ounce, on demand, for every digital or paper note issued and in your possession. If you can't do that, the currency is prima facie fraudulent. As for the Administrative State, I suggest this - https://scholarship.law.bu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1941&context=faculty_scholarship - and as for history, the revolution was in 1937: https://cdn.mises.org/Peoples%20Pottage_2.pdf

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Thank you for the links. When it comes to revolution any number of dates pop up and have legitimacy behind them 1937 is stronger than several, but Lincoln knew that only the thinnest thread provided authority to wage war against half of the states who wished to secede, but he did it anyway. It matters less when we lost the republic than to notice the swift and sure advancements that we face today.

The gold-backed digital currency I'm referencing can be cashed in for face value in physical metals, otherwise, there's no reasons to believe they're gold or silver backed at all. There's a lot of paper silver that's out there and when states like Arkansas make gold and silver specie, the physical thing, it puts a lot of pressure on those paper silver notes, because most of them are worthless.

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"Paper" Gold is available. With an honest Patriot Constitutional Gov it can be printed by Treasury Dept.

For now it's just private mints, and silver coins seem better for daily commerce once the Feral paper debt collapses.


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I urge everyone to hit the links in streamfortyseven's comment, quite relevant and clarifying on the issues of the Administrative State and otherwise informative.

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I've come to the conclusion that Ag is superior to Au for typical trade, but that Pb is far superior to either both for trade and for other far more important important exchanges.

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Quite right, it's all in the method of exchange.

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May 21, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

My most recent rainy day activity has been arranging my Pb in a way so that it can be more easily exchanged.

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May 21, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Okay the TLD, we get the point. The "money" system is paramount, but it will be bumpy

any way one analyzes it because the .gov will squash honest $ like a bug/it will be named

treasonous to balk/advocate for change.

I have been listening to some of RFKjr, and he gives us some history that is worth noting.

Everyone is SICK and tired about the big C, but know this: The plan for the "pandemic" was

very long in coming and it was organized and pd. for by the NSA and the Pentagon. Find the

man and listen to his interviews/discussions. Discover how .gov has been "testing" infectious

compounds, (both weaponized ticks etc. to spraying compounds in the air) in various states

for many decades. Pfizer was under contract (and others) to create the jabs each with different

strengths/concentrations/compounds/additives to test efficacy. Is there any institution in the US

that is honest? The CBDC/Bankers want to control and be in charge of financial transactions

with a social credit score digital system to torture us while waiting for the disease to be

introduced. We are boxed in here people. The goal was to kill and maim people =murder.

Thank you for the links. Not feeling very optimistic today. Remember the 2 African presidents

that refused to introduce the vax in their countries? They were dead within days of each other.

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I don't always make it clear, but my intent of promoting buying gold and silver is that when this dollar collapses, and part of the endgame of the communists is to crash the dollar so they can institute their CBDC to replace it, is to have an alternative currency to the CBDC so they can't use it as a control mechanism. You're right, they can just make owning gold or silver illegal, but at some point we really have to overcome the stigma of illegality in favor of survivability.

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May 22, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

2nd response: Squash the Au/Ag peeps, maybe, probably, not sure, but they will

swat team a guy and no one will even know/or they lie. Not saying I am not in favor

of having a variety of back up plans for when it all explodes. "They" have proven their

bones by experimenting people to death with nary a care. Some of the "they"

think they are invincible. That may also be their Achilles heel. I was just gifted a 1964

quarter and it is beautiful and clinks musically. Also it is worth $4.50 or so in the

$/dollar today. I don't have the dough for gold really but it might be a gamble I

will regret. There are a few trinkets, maybe they will buy me a meal. You said most will

not even imagine/can't imagine, the depth of the corruption-depravity that exists.

Some of us do know the levels of inhumanity that can exist in men's hearts/

women's hearts/ because history tells us. Men that were in Vietnam or Iraq saw

this with their own eyes. Personally I don't have guns at hand to stalk and murder

other humans because loud fellow humans tell us to. Couldn't resist.

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Silver is much more affordable and better transactionally (it is too a word) because if you have a 1 oz gold coin, that's worth about $1975 right now, how will you get change? If you have 1 oz of silver, that's worth about $24, that change is a lot easier to make, a couple would get you a tank of gas. When the dollar collapses, everyone will deal in gold and silver whether legal or not. At some point the laws will be recognized as manipulation by the elitists and most people will ignore anything other than assault, rape or murder. My advice is to get as many states as possible to legalize the metals as specie so there is no taxable event in buying or selling, plus it enables them to envision secession much easier when their economy isn't forced into using the dollar and the dollar alone. Every ounce of silver bought now will probably go anywhere from triple the value to 10 times the value when the dollar crashes and it's easy to buy.

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May 23, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Hello TL,

Thanks for your remarks, and everything you stated is a good prediction of possible

future events. I admit I don't understand the business of trading in silver, say, and how

the tax would be calculated or due. Most of us just want to carry on best we can...and don't

have gold bars/coins with the plan of buying up city blocks. I agree our hope lies in the various states making their own rules...the Fed plans are too death cult for most of us to


I listen to Rogue News and Monday is Jet Blake day/Outer limits. This one was fabulous

talking about the Darien Gap and the range of jungles, mountain cliffs, and the variety of

creatures that live in the 100' super humid environment. Plus talking there is video, also

of the largest snake in the world and so on. Then the ds moves to immigration, crossing

the gap, the state of our big cities and what can we do. V is a PM guy btw. You will love this,

as these are fine people.


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May 21, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

Appealing to my “ Representatives” is an exercise in futility, they not only are drinking the kool-aid they’re making it. Doesn’t mean we quit poking the bear but know that we’re on their radar.

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Unfortunately you're right, but as electricity prices increase, the pressure from the left will even be significant. But as you suggested, is change even the purpose? Like you, I doubt it, making life uncomfortable for them as they are for us is the point.

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UNI_Party USSA of the Bushie, Clintoon, Obamaite-Bid$ Cartel NWO Crime Families are happy and doing just fine, Comrades. them/they; are expecting to have wonderful summer vacations.

I Spit. as usual, ....probably to little avail, but spitting has become a habit.


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May 22, 2023Liked by T.L. Davis

I listened to an interview today with Steve Bannon. I like Bannon. But I don't think even he has a clear handle on the totality of whats really occurring. Why I think that is because Bannon thinks we still have a chance, although a very small one, to pull out of this death dive we as a country and society are currently in. To use an analogy, folks like Bannon are only looking at the poisonous plant. They don't bother looking at the roots and whats nourishing it. Whats nourishing it is the most evil ever to exist in the cosmos - Lucifer. Its roots extend back eons to the angelic war against God in the Third Heaven. (OK, he's getting weird again!) Look... we are now under God's judgement. His hedge of protection has been removed. The United States of America is swiftly morphing into the World's pariah if not already. Not only has this country become perverse and amoral, it has spread every conceivable perversion and corruption around the globe. God is fed up with that crap! If God allows this country to slide He will owe an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah. I sincerely believe the US is the Mystery Babylon as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. If you haven't read it, or even if you have, review what John says. We will not be around for the ninth inning! Now that IS in the plan.. God's plan. If you haven't bent the knee, asked for forgiveness, repented and joined the winning team its important that you do so. Its the most important prep you can do, in fact. Now I've gotten all preachy and I didn't intend on doing that. It just came out. There is just nothing we can do to change whats coming. The best we can do is recognize whats coming and prepare for it as we can. T.L. is right about figuring out a method of exchange in order to have a means of commerce. Personally I think it might have to go local because a majority of states just aren't going to move fast enough or move on it at all. When you get down to it, it will be community that will have to pull together. No one is coming to help us.

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I don't mind a little preaching, in fact, I listen to a lot of sermons while driving Alistair Begg is one of my favorites. You cannot overlook God's role in this, that would be a mistake. I spoke to a friend a few weeks ago and told him that I don't think we come out of this, because God wants us to endure it, it's the price that 's due for a nation that has turned its back on Him. That doesn't mean we can't prepare for the worst and protect ourselves and our families from whatever we can, but in the end, God wins.

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