21 hrs agoLiked by T.L. Davis

Either way it goes, it's going to be an ugly Nov 6.

Being retired means the communists can't steal my paycheck so I could just stop paying taxes. Even though it won't affect a government that just prints what it needs out of thin air.

I do know who the enemy is and it's not the black, brown or yellow man and woman. It's the industrial media complex, the military industrial complex and the whole of government from the local crook to the DC cartel,

Maybe BRICS will start the beginning of the end. Maybe I can help them in some small way.

I suspect my vote was already stolen. I will know on the 6th. Let's make Nov 6 a real insurrection.

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Comrade Pnoldguy, I do concur with your sentiments. However Our retirement accounts are all subject to the "Bail In" Lawfare to savethe Banksters. I suspect at 32+? Trillion in Feral Grub & Mint Debt alone We/Me/You are on the verge of an Economic Shock.

American Sheeple aren't even Aware of the 1929-41 Depression...... 12 Years of Ruined Lives / Very Hard Times.

The Gov does just print/digitize $ out of thin air; so SS and All Fed gov payments could cease, or more likely become worthless & less in a hyper-inflation.

The "Steal" will go on for weeks? after Nov 6th, same as 2020. Have We learned anything since then ???

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18 hrs agoLiked by T.L. Davis

My parents grew up in the depression and I heard the stories much of my life. Unfortunately, like many children I did not heed their warnings.

You are correct, our bank accounts can disappear in a minute. If you believe some of the conspiracists, our money in the bank is a loan to the bank and not a savings account of ours.

We will know the future in a few short weeks.

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It is actually Law that deposits in banks belong to the banks and the depositor is a "creditor" of the bank. Someinvestment!!! Subject to loss...... like the bail In.

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18 hrs agoLiked by T.L. Davis

How about Credit Unions and 401k's? Any protection anywhere?

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Credit unions are better than banks, but 401Ks are subject to the ultimate stock market crash. IRAs can be converted to precious metals.

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Pnoldguy, My cash in a high interest (well, 4.5%) account with a brokerage firm might give me some protection. If Morgan Stanley goes under, the system is gone anyway. My guess is that our assets will be inflated away.

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That's why I keep very little money in the banks, but move it to more solid depositories of value, land, precious metals, etc.

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But, I feel the opposite of you in regard to voting. I will not be voting for the first time, at 61. Voting is consenting to the election system…it’s FUBAR!

Our taxes are going to other countries wars, and I’m sick of seeing dead people throughout the ME. It’s unacceptable to me morally and spiritually.

I’m not even going to go into to uSA! We see what’s happening. Everything you said, and then some!

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Please Renee Marie,

Please reconsider on the voting decision...please do vote.

Turn out does count (pardon the pun) and you are among the smartest posting.

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I second your advice suzanna. Renee Marie, please vote for Trump and take the chance like so many of us true American Patriots. If they cheat and install Harris, we go on a Democrat killing campaign beginning 11/6/24.

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Despite my belief that voting no longer matters I will still be voting for Trump, for every Republican on the ballot and against any new taxes or new laws/referendums/policies that further restricts my freedom and liberty.

At the same time I’m preparing for the post election apocalypse that is coming regardless of who wins because I know it won’t be the American people.

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs agoLiked by T.L. Davis

I have been beating this drum the whole time, and i won't stop, untill they kill or arrest me.I am in total concordance with T.J., nothing fundamental has changed, until We the People change it.This country was founded by the Founding Fathers issuing the Declaration of Indepedence, and pledging their Lives, their Liberty, and their Sacred Honor in support of the cause. Therein they declared that it is Our Right, Our Duty, and our responsibility to Abolish despotic tryannical government, should ours become so. This is the only way out that we have,and, in the absence of leadership to that duty, it is upon us, individually and together, to Abolish this Government, and erect a new one, to ensure our Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness in continuumn. The First step is to publicly , loudly, annouce the withdrawal of your consent; as far as I can see, that is the only procedural requirement laid upon We the People.

Where we go from there is an unknown territory. I suggest we band together as Americans and research it, whether it invoves, Seccession, Sedition, or Bloody Revolution. I'm up for all three, or any of these options, together or separate.

The only Truth that we need to know, is that the Feral Government, as presently constituted, is a clear and present danger to the rights and liberities of the American People.

Let's get it on.

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I think what’s happening Jeff, is that no one truly knows WHAT they’re supporting anymore. I mean, look at society! It’s insane! It wasn’t like this when I was growing up. We’re living in a post Constitutional country, in my humble opinion.

Things that made America so great, don’t exist anymore. And it will get much worse with invaders from countless countries.

The average American is stupid…a choice. I think that was the plan!

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You are absolutely correct. We kicked God out of schools, and we replaced Him with munchycruncy feed good Bullshit that only served Satan. We don't teach the Greatness of America anymore.

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CW's are messy confusing affairs. The point is to keep our heads while others go insane.

Cold Fury beats Hot Wrath, imo.

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Would you allow your kid to join the military TODAY?

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No. This is the worst nightmare that any rational, feeling, thinking Human Being that is American could possibly impose upon their children. It is a human sacrifice, nothing less. God said Abraham, kill me a son. Sorry ya'll, i'm a New Testament Christian.

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No, but an armed "neighborhood watch" definitely!

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100% In agreement with you Jeff.


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"The only Truth that we need to know, is that the Feral Government, as presently constituted, is a clear and present danger to the rights and liberities of the American People."

Vote Trump, and Let the cards fall where they may afterwards. Si vis pacem para bellum because ......

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18 hrs agoLiked by T.L. Davis

Read these words. Sear them into you minds and souls. We're in a worse spot than they were 249 years ago, as now we face soul-less, conscious-less hordes. Thank you, Mr. Davis for your wisdom, keen insight and dedication. The only way out is through.


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18 hrs agoLiked by T.L. Davis

And all God’s Children say “amen” for this flat out, baseline truth. Amen.

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18 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoLiked by T.L. Davis

I'll Vote Trump one more time, like buying a lottery ticket perhaps; But sometimes there are winners.

More definitely, My last Vote For Trump, the last duly elected president, will Clear my Conscience for What comes After the Steal of 2024.

Para Bellum either way it goes.

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That's the trouble with not voting, the results are as different as from Trump to Biden. It's not much, but it does make a difference and until people are ready to put their rifles to their shoulders, all we're talking about here is making one or two things better than they would have been otherwise.

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One or Two things like Control of the FIB/ATF goon squads on Patriots and DoJ with "Justice". I'll roll the dice on just those two. If CW does come, it will be "easier" if the Feral Hounds are leashed.

Also a side note, I will soon be taking my leave of your fine substack as a non-paying member. I do wish you well. I'll continue reading what you post on WRSA.

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If Trump gets in, after a period of the usual riots, etc., things may calm down and he may actually do one or two of the things he has promised. However, it will just be a stopgap, the storm is on the horizon and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. There can be no reconciliation between the sides now, it's gone too far.

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I actually agree, and that is the trap that we are in. As long as the Feral Government remains, as constitued, our woe and troubles will continue.

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Trump “might” try to turn things around but with the UniParty, the Courts, the media and communists from across the world against him/us there’s no path forward without a new American revolution.

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Well, Electing Lincoln did "save the Union" for better or worse some would say. That was settled in 1865 as the New Empire was born.

Now "Once Again" We/Me/You sit/stand? on the threshold of destiny to paraphrase Ronald Reagan's prescient speech, "A Time for Choosing."

History, and especially War, seems to be a weave of who fucks up the least.

We, the citizen peasants are left to pick up the pieces and put something together to benefit our common well being.

All I know is that this Current Bloated Coupist Feral Grub & Mint is Done For, and by It;s own Hubris Hands.

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Just finished reading Reagan's speech from 60 years ago. In 1964 the American people must have still been reeling from the assassination of President Kennedy.

Or they had already fallen into a helpless slumber of apathy about the country sliding toward socialism/communism.

Change a few names and figures....it could be a current speech about this election.

I wonder what President Reagan would have to say about the current state of the nation?

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Great article! My wife and I haven't had a good "normal" life since March 16th, 2020. That was the day Dr. Fauci ambushed Trump and the dominoes started to fall. The stolen election in November of 2020 was just one of those dominoes. The trillions of dollars spent on Covid leading to high inflation was another domino.

And now Trump wants back in the White House. I hope he wins and gets serious about payback. If Trump makes a deal with the bad guys, he's a fool.

If Harris wins, well, Americans have had four years to buy guns, ammo, lay in supplies, move to a defensible location and prepare mentally, spiritually, and physically for what is coming.

Either way, after Election Day the battle begins in earnest.

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Aye, but how does the battle proceed?

The Only Possible Solution is the complete Dissolution of the current Government, and the laying off of everyone involved. It's only two million disgruntled people, added to the landslide of normal, everyday Americans who have had enough.

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Jeff Charles, Revolutions can go in many directions. History shows that some countries don't survive them. Nations of people sometimes disappear (Carthaginians for example.)

How small is the remnant of liberty lovers in the USA? How many Christians who follow Christ's teachings are left? How many people even read anymore?

Will the remnant end up is some monastic community on a remote coast or island like in western Ireland in the Middle Ages?

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Better then to succumb to slumber and still disappear?

2025 can be 1775 or 1861 but history "Rhymes" throughout time. It's "A Time for Choosing" Ronald Reagan speaks eternally, along with the Founders of this Lost Republic.

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GenEarly, I've always hated that "History Rhymes" quote. Was it Mark Twain who said it? Well, Samuel Clemens was a clever cuss who wasn't above a turn of phrase to exaggerate the truth and make a good story.

Civilizations come and go. Humanity slowly progresses through time. We may disappear, but humans don't succumb to slumber.

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i must admit, I do contemplate checking in to an Orthodox monastery, and have actually studied the subject and the attendant process.

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Wonderful insight Sir, on a very timely topic. I believe many of us are left wondering, "where do we go from here?" and you have put many things into perspective.

I have to surmise here that if President Trump does regain the Oval Office (he already is our duly-elected POTUS) that will be a clear indication he has "made a deal" with the bad guys.

Likely a different deal than he made during the last six months or so of his first term.

I suspect a third term would frame him as merely controlled opposition, which he may be currently.

Since he has been the target of what appear to be two different well-documented and publicized intentionally unsuccessful attacks on his life, it's likely he is being groomed for that role. He would be truly dead if the federales wanted him to be.

I'll probably again vote for the current Prez (Trump) on Nov. 5th just to say I tried.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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"The Farmer worked all summer.

The Farmer worked all fall.

But the interest on the mortgage

Worked the hardest of them all." Old Okie song.

The interest on the national debt is now one trillion dollars a year. It doesn't matter who wins the presidency. The math can't be stopped. Compound interest is the mightiest force in the universe.

The debt will be liquidated one way or another. Americans will lose their high standard of living. Times will be hard.

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You are correct Timmy T.,

The USA will have to do a 180' and repent/apologize to the world,

(all military bases close in good faith) and default. So what? We are

doomed now...might as well start over with a good heart in everybody.

Suicide would be a good choice for the demon infested.

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suzanna, Here is the link to the Ry Cooder song; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbiDVEcXLx0

And here is my favorite version of "Hard Times Come Again No More":


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The Federal Reserve Bank Act could be repealed, the US Treasury could restore gold & silver money at a reset/ratio to "retire" the current fiat currency.

There would be turmoil in the markets as this is a Depreciation of Debt and Assets as well. For example consider this:


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GenEarly, And if history rhymes, the US President will commit suicide in his bunker as the empire collapses. The central bank, stocks, and the currency will disappear and become worthless. There will be a flag raising over Washington D.C. by the enemy...a foreign enemy or a domestic enemy of the State.

In any event, the current government and system is doomed.

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I am sometimes feeling petulant and petty and I even say I will never vote again.

Then...I know I am not a petulant child, so with my back straight, and head up, I will vote.

From stem to stern the system is corrupt and exploits the people now every way it can.

This morning I happened to see a link to a case in New Jersey against 130 people ( it said) arrested for organ harvesting and laundering the $ of their gain. Prominent people,

including clergy, Rabbis, and elected officials were carted off. We are all feeling the weight

of this horrible state of affairs. We could make a list of the crimes, but anyone reading

this post already knows that list is never ending and ever worsening. Look out below,

because various factions have the $ and the will to destroy anyone that wants to protest...

however, voting isn't a murdering offense...is it? Can't be entirely sure about anything one

reads anymore. A quote comes to mind ="United we stand, divided we fall"= pray to the

power of good, or God, that we can be united on the voting day. Let us overwhelm the

demons inhabiting the souls of the ultra-weak humans in our society.

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Suzanna, we are each and every one of us cupping our hands, and trying to toss as much water as possible over the side. America 1.0 has been holed, and is sinking. What will we do after that?

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BTW...love this site, TY TL, and all the commenters.

God Bless to all of you.

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In 2024, the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.

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In regards to Trump supporters being threatened by their neighbors and members of the media....area studies are a thing to help you identify the communist collaborators in your neighborhoods and towns. Political signs, voter rolls (if public), social media and the FEC donations website are handy tools.


Just sayin'.....

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