Even out here on the left coast there are the beginnings of push back on cap & trade. The fanatics are going to try to get all three states to permanently combine the carbon credit auctions. In Washington state the anticipated price of the credits have fallen to less than half of the first auction price. At 5+dollars a gallon for regular gas & over six for diesel has started to get the attention of even some relexive democrat voters,
Not likely enough to overcome the endemic election fraud.
I have no family in Texas now.
Resist behind enemy lines & root for dissolution. Gonna fight.
As always, this post like every other engenders - and deserves - considered reply.
Because it's taken as a given all the globalism, corruption, and co-opting of 'good' people I won't make comments any longer about these things and let those newcomers to the 'party' see that for themselves, in other words, these things were apparent long ago. Case in point: during the Tea Party years for some reason no matter what offices 'republicans' held, nothing ever got done though Ryan, Boehner and the guy they got rid of before Ryan were always 'Fighting For Us!" Cantor - that's the guy.
Many of us - certainly me - were indeed bewildered and so ignorantly trusted them, though later we see then all have the same middle name: ' Paul Betrayer Ryan,' Mitch Traitor McConnell'.... well, middle name is conceptually close enough.
But as to when the left will burn it all down. Ok, but perhaps finally there will be one difference, and that is this: during Every Single Event to date, the left has been aided, abetted, and protected. At no time have they seen real push back or anything close to a teeth-bared, snarl and growl opposition who meant to grab them by the throat and fling them into the dumpster.
In other words, if things do go to hell, and if here in Texas Abbott and Paxton do nothing but stand clear and let it be known they will stand clear, things may somehow sort themselves out, at least in certain areas.
The patriotic (to nation or state or faith) have been so muzzled for so long the expectation of the left is always: "we hit, you grovel." If it comes to pass Texans and others are off the legal persecution leash events will follow a very different story line. And the irony is, in those areas when the left realizes harming people has significant consequences, it's likely there will be peace in those areas and conflict will stop very, very quickly.
Your comments made me wonder how many people across America will say to their friends and family “you can all go to hell, but I’m going to Texas”?
I agree that the battle is shaping up to begin here in Texas. Remember the Alamo. Yes, everyone there died but from the ashes rose the Republic of Texas.
We are living in the most intensive propaganda environment ever created anywhere. Plain truth speaking like TL's is all the more important and valuable.
Censorship is one of the unmistakable hallmarks of tyranny.
The pullers of strings, the manipulators, and detestable elites that attemp to control us are evil personified. They will not go down without a fight. They have come to far and the weakminded minions that believe their propaganda will be their tools to create violent responses. I don't relish the idea of violence but I believe is inevitable. For the unprepared zombies walking around it will be devastating. For those of us that retain a fighting spirit and are prepared it is survivable. In my last post, Hiding In Plain Sight, I note that knowing is nothing without doing (preparing). God help us all!
There is, in effect a Chinese Communist army in the US right now. Not only the millions of Chinese 'students' here, but several hundred thousand obvious CCP soldiers have come across the border in the last couple of months. Anyone who think this isn't getting hot soon, is simply denying reality. Who will the blacks side with? I have no idea, I know I don't trust them one bit.
Almost no one ever mentions this, but the things separating the US from the rest of the world are the First Amendment, and its big brother the Second Amendment.
Respect for these had almost been bred and indoctrinated out of Americans, and then the much-maligned boomers stood up and said "hey wait a minute here". That was the Tea Party. The Koch Brothers executed "embrace, extend and extinguish". But people noticed, and the suspicions and dissatisfactions had found voice. We managed to shed Cantor; I was personally in a meeting with him before we succeeded and heard him say to a constituent "The smart people need to make the decisions". Scum sucking pig.
Anyway, 1A and 2A give us an insurmountable reservoir of political power, carefully dispersed in innumerable hands of varying capabilities. As designed, if we get to the point where a sufficient number of Americans are ready to join together via 2A and use violence to restore their liberty, we will have reached the point where the government needs to be replaced and the ensuing violence will likely be justified, if only from the maligned "Natural Law" viewpoint.
All politics is violence or the threat of violence. All of it. I am not advocating violence. I am simply stating historical facts.
I am of the opinion that nothing will change until something catastrophic forces such change. So far, in spite of all the underhanded and illegal tricks, all the destruction of the culture, the institutions, and the economy, the bureaucrats and politicians continue business as usual. The common folk of every color have shown no stomach for real change. What I see is some version of- "Beer's in the fridge, and the game is on Sunday'', or "Soon ________ (insert person or organization) will save us". And gee, thats's working well so far.
Maybe when we hit 1000% inflation, lose a carrier group, open re-education camps, and turn a couple of cities into Sarajevo 1990?
Even out here on the left coast there are the beginnings of push back on cap & trade. The fanatics are going to try to get all three states to permanently combine the carbon credit auctions. In Washington state the anticipated price of the credits have fallen to less than half of the first auction price. At 5+dollars a gallon for regular gas & over six for diesel has started to get the attention of even some relexive democrat voters,
Not likely enough to overcome the endemic election fraud.
I have no family in Texas now.
Resist behind enemy lines & root for dissolution. Gonna fight.
As always, this post like every other engenders - and deserves - considered reply.
Because it's taken as a given all the globalism, corruption, and co-opting of 'good' people I won't make comments any longer about these things and let those newcomers to the 'party' see that for themselves, in other words, these things were apparent long ago. Case in point: during the Tea Party years for some reason no matter what offices 'republicans' held, nothing ever got done though Ryan, Boehner and the guy they got rid of before Ryan were always 'Fighting For Us!" Cantor - that's the guy.
Many of us - certainly me - were indeed bewildered and so ignorantly trusted them, though later we see then all have the same middle name: ' Paul Betrayer Ryan,' Mitch Traitor McConnell'.... well, middle name is conceptually close enough.
But as to when the left will burn it all down. Ok, but perhaps finally there will be one difference, and that is this: during Every Single Event to date, the left has been aided, abetted, and protected. At no time have they seen real push back or anything close to a teeth-bared, snarl and growl opposition who meant to grab them by the throat and fling them into the dumpster.
In other words, if things do go to hell, and if here in Texas Abbott and Paxton do nothing but stand clear and let it be known they will stand clear, things may somehow sort themselves out, at least in certain areas.
The patriotic (to nation or state or faith) have been so muzzled for so long the expectation of the left is always: "we hit, you grovel." If it comes to pass Texans and others are off the legal persecution leash events will follow a very different story line. And the irony is, in those areas when the left realizes harming people has significant consequences, it's likely there will be peace in those areas and conflict will stop very, very quickly.
Your comments made me wonder how many people across America will say to their friends and family “you can all go to hell, but I’m going to Texas”?
I agree that the battle is shaping up to begin here in Texas. Remember the Alamo. Yes, everyone there died but from the ashes rose the Republic of Texas.
That's exactly right, that's why I've been focusing on what rises, not what dies. We can't stop things from dying, but we can rebuild.
Good Morning,
Mr. Davis, your essays, posts, are becoming even more compelling
and precise. There is an echo out there from your school of thought.
I want to share it with your readers:
As always, thank you for calling it out. We are inundated with propaganda and conflicting
data. Many are confused, and also perhaps in a struggle against their personal fears for
their future...and we know there are many reasons for extreme concern. The threats against
the people are coming fast and furious. We had a sunny day a few days ago, and right on
target the sky became infused with streaks of white trails.
We are living in the most intensive propaganda environment ever created anywhere. Plain truth speaking like TL's is all the more important and valuable.
Censorship is one of the unmistakable hallmarks of tyranny.
The pullers of strings, the manipulators, and detestable elites that attemp to control us are evil personified. They will not go down without a fight. They have come to far and the weakminded minions that believe their propaganda will be their tools to create violent responses. I don't relish the idea of violence but I believe is inevitable. For the unprepared zombies walking around it will be devastating. For those of us that retain a fighting spirit and are prepared it is survivable. In my last post, Hiding In Plain Sight, I note that knowing is nothing without doing (preparing). God help us all!
There is, in effect a Chinese Communist army in the US right now. Not only the millions of Chinese 'students' here, but several hundred thousand obvious CCP soldiers have come across the border in the last couple of months. Anyone who think this isn't getting hot soon, is simply denying reality. Who will the blacks side with? I have no idea, I know I don't trust them one bit.
"Who will the blacks side with?" I doubt any of the sides want them except for use as cannon fodder/useful idiots.
Almost no one ever mentions this, but the things separating the US from the rest of the world are the First Amendment, and its big brother the Second Amendment.
Respect for these had almost been bred and indoctrinated out of Americans, and then the much-maligned boomers stood up and said "hey wait a minute here". That was the Tea Party. The Koch Brothers executed "embrace, extend and extinguish". But people noticed, and the suspicions and dissatisfactions had found voice. We managed to shed Cantor; I was personally in a meeting with him before we succeeded and heard him say to a constituent "The smart people need to make the decisions". Scum sucking pig.
Anyway, 1A and 2A give us an insurmountable reservoir of political power, carefully dispersed in innumerable hands of varying capabilities. As designed, if we get to the point where a sufficient number of Americans are ready to join together via 2A and use violence to restore their liberty, we will have reached the point where the government needs to be replaced and the ensuing violence will likely be justified, if only from the maligned "Natural Law" viewpoint.
All politics is violence or the threat of violence. All of it. I am not advocating violence. I am simply stating historical facts.
Great observation.
Wanted to add this and forgot:
2A stands tall holding his rifle, looks at 1A, smiles and says "Go ahead, kid, say whatever you want."
I think that would be a nice visual.
Maybe someone better at art than I am could do something with it?
I am of the opinion that nothing will change until something catastrophic forces such change. So far, in spite of all the underhanded and illegal tricks, all the destruction of the culture, the institutions, and the economy, the bureaucrats and politicians continue business as usual. The common folk of every color have shown no stomach for real change. What I see is some version of- "Beer's in the fridge, and the game is on Sunday'', or "Soon ________ (insert person or organization) will save us". And gee, thats's working well so far.
Maybe when we hit 1000% inflation, lose a carrier group, open re-education camps, and turn a couple of cities into Sarajevo 1990?