The thing that separates me and almost all, if not all, of you reading this, from liberals is the determination of a reasonable solution before engaging in an assault against a problem. It is the “therefore, what?” requirement of former Denver radio host Mike Rosen. Yes, the economy is bad, therefore what? What is the solution? The purpose of the liberals is not to solve the problem at all, but to hinder and denigrate those seeking a solution they don’t like. They’re there to complicate the issue and make rational, logical solutions almost impossible to find. But they are a dwindling percentage of the population, a population who have been vexed by liberal policies that go nowhere for several decades now. Yes, even during Republican administrations. The liberals gained most of their objectives under Nixon, Reagan, Bush HW and Bush GW, even under Trump, but they had to fight a lot harder to do it. The only real stop to their continued assault on the American way of life is a second Trump administration as Alexander Dugin explains and highlighted by Streamfortyseven’s Substack that I recommend. Though Streamfortyseven’s view of Russian military capability differ from mine and his assessment of the war in Ukraine as a stalemate is also different from my view, I linked to his post, because I could be wrong. I am not the arbiter and possessor of all truth and he provides a good alternate perspective that I appreciate.
The issue, as Dugin points out, is that there are only two visions of the future here at play, the globalist elite and the America First visions and one is either voting for more of the same globalist-centric vision or a multipolar political world. To that end, Trump and Biden are irrelevant, it is the vision that is being voted for or against that is the true crux of the 2024 election. The reason that this has never happened before (aside from 2016) is that the Republican presidential candidates have, until Trump, fallen into the globalist elite faction as well as their Democrat opponents.
Trump is a signal of something much more vast, a nationalist, populist vision that is carried now by a number of different personalities across the Western democracies. The people have seen the fascistic vision of the global elite and are turning their backs on it. Notably, during the WHOs attempt to subvert national sovereignties in order to impose its own Pandemic Treaty that would give it super-authority over all nations to impose health restrictions and mandates for the world with no accountability for when it goes wrong, like with Pfizer and the hidden consequences of taking their jab.
The goal and ideology of communism is to reduce the authorities to a minimum of individuals to impose restrictions and regulations on the greater public from the very top. The American ideal of a republic is to spread that authority out and to make it responsive to the people who must endure those restrictions and regulations against their freedom. Simply put, it is the collective versus the individual in this election.
No matter who the Democrats put up as their candidate, it won’t be Joe Biden, because of his dismal numbers in the polls, it is now too big to rig, so they’ll need some new blood they can run on to change those numbers. But it doesn’t change the actual race, between collectivism and the individual. They still represent oppressive, top-down, unresponsive government reliant on globalist visions of the future. They can change the representative of their views, but they are not about to abandon those views because they are unpopular. This is the anti-thesis of democracy, but they only use that word as a weapon, not a principle.
You can see the irrational, illogical methodology of their thinking in a number of topical issues:
The environment
In the environment, they claim that .04% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is too much of a greenhouse gas and that left to increase, it will cause global temperatures to rise to an intolerable level. Their solution? Stop the use of all of our current power generation sources: gas, coal and nuclear. Why not nuclear? Nuclear is clean. Natural gas is clean. Coal might be marginally dirtier, but it is also the most abundant and cheapest form of electrical generation in the world.
Their goal is not to use the two cleanest forms of energy and work to mitigate the environmental costs of using coal. Their solution is to use renewable energy alone that, as Dave Walsh tells us, is only reliable 30% of the time and that to have it as a primary source of power requires on-demand energy from either nuclear, natural gas or coal. So, if we have to backup the 15% of available renewable energy with nuclear, natural gas or coal, why not just rely on those instead of the massive, ugly and unreliable energy sources like wind and solar? Not to mention the extreme environmental damage that is caused by producing wind generators and mining for or leeching lithium for batteries. That environmental damage seems to pull at no liberal heartstrings at all.
On electricity, the liberals/communists insist that electric vehicles (that explode and catch fire, ((something the Pinto was not allowed to do)) ruin the roads because they are twice as heavy as other vehicles and don’t have anywhere near the range of gasoline powered vehicles) become mandatory and no other mode of transportation should be allowed. They also promote Artificial Intelligence (AI). Both electric vehicles and the amount of power required to run and, more importantly, cool the gigantic server farms that feed AI generators would call for a great many more on-demand, reliable forms of energy like nuclear, natural gas and coal or face massive and long-lasting blackouts. They don’t seem to care about the blackouts, the loss of power to hospitals and fueling stations required to keep hospital generators running. All they care about is the amount of energy exerted chasing down their boondoggles and diverted from the traditional economy, the economy that currently employs millions of blue collar workers, whom they hate.
On elections, the liberals/communists want to make it illegal to challenge the outcomes of elections, specifically the bill passed in Michigan making it a criminal act, despite the fact that the liberals have unrelentingly challenged the outcomes of elections since 2000 Bush v Gore. They don’t care. They are a party of the unaccountable so they can make laws just for the right.
It’s all about the real race between the globalist vision and the individual. In this iteration, Biden v Trump. They mean to cheat, because if they don’t and Trump wins with his promises and actions already pursued by the Heritage Foundation’s 2025 playbook, the globalist elite, in this case, the Administrative State (pure communists) could be routed never to return to power. For them, this is an existential battle and they will use the equivalent of nuclear detonations to win. As Dugin points out, perhaps literally.
If democracy is important, vital, as they claim, why do they not care about the 60 some percent of people who have concerns about election integrity? Why don’t they make sure that all the votes are verified? These are simple things to address. Why are they against removing dead people from the voter rolls? This they have never explained. Why is it okay to require ID to purchase tobacco, alcohol, open a savings account, but not to vote? They don’t explain, they just call it racist and put all their effort in making sure that our elections are manipulatable and insecure. But “democracy” is vital?
These and more inconsistencies, hypocrisies and outright criminal acts are why thinking people, who do their own research, who question the government at all times, as they should, cannot support their agenda, because they aren’t even honest about what that is. They are anti-democratic, anti-American, anti-white, anti-merit and they fear a Trump dictatorship. When it comes to that, are we not living in a Biden dictatorship? So it isn’t the dictatorship part that bothers them, it’s that Trump might allow all of the people they hate, the Americans who work hard and pay taxes and yes, have opinions counter to theirs, that they fear, the millions who have attended Trump rallies, not because they love Trump, though some do, it’s because they love what he stands for, the multipolar world, where each nation is sovereign and their people are free to make their own decisions. They’re for doctors being selected on merit to graduate medical school and attend to their children’s illnesses, not some DEI selectee who should not have been allowed into medical school except for all of the DEI boxes they check.
Knowing that should the Democrat candidate win that all manner of hell will be visited upon the United States, perhaps World War III, perhaps that turns nuclear, some calamitous financial crisis, etc., my vote is with Trump, even if that means unleashing the devils from the left.
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When I read something as this and view it as a sane and logical interpretation of state of affairs and then think of the many Libs I know, and it's a lot in my community, who would read this and go blah blah this and woof woof that. I scratch my head and wonder, 'are they Communists'?, do they not understand the end game of the Left agenda, do they not see the hypocrisy in what the Left and Globalists are doing vs what they are saying?, do they just hate Trump because of what? or are they just plain stupid and refuse to back down from their stance? It baffles me completely.
Sometimes there are no "solutions". Only consequences.