I don't know... personally, my sense is that the Deep State will simply declare Biden president again, thereby completing the fedsurrection/coup. (Or auto-golpe as Gonzalo Lira called it.) So he glitches at little now and then in some of the videos; nevermind that.

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Everything is on the table with these radical communists.

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If that occurs they may unleash the dogs of war. Anyone know how many veterans of war there exists that can still shoulder a rifle? Discounting the current military in their red high heels and gender dysphoria, I'm talking about the viet vets and later. If they should start acting like the IRA, even old Joes F15's and tanks would be relegated to the hard pack and altitudes. Drones would be the issue, but that would sorely piss off the populace if there be collateral damage.

None of it is a pretty picture.

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I'm 73, and I'm still good for the riflemans quarter mile. Just sayin

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Ward, you prove my point. I'm 78 and good to 800 yds minute of man accuracy!

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This is the way.

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Never underestimate the Dem-oc-Rats ability to cheat.

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Sometimes there are no "solutions". Only consequences.

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When I read something as this and view it as a sane and logical interpretation of state of affairs and then think of the many Libs I know, and it's a lot in my community, who would read this and go blah blah this and woof woof that. I scratch my head and wonder, 'are they Communists'?, do they not understand the end game of the Left agenda, do they not see the hypocrisy in what the Left and Globalists are doing vs what they are saying?, do they just hate Trump because of what? or are they just plain stupid and refuse to back down from their stance? It baffles me completely.

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Oh, and thank you T.L. for a chance to share. I never miss a post.

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You're welcome and I was happy to do it. It took me a while to figure out how to send it to everyone.

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Pretty much yes to all your questions. Most liberals, democrats, leftists etc.

support communism

Despite the fact few of them are aware enough to understand.

Most have never had even a paper route, many are on the dole.

At least half, hurr durr muh fambly is democrats cuz democrats fo da liddle guy.

That describes my family.

My wife's side have lots of public school teachers, they are all indoctrinated by each other & get reinforced every day in the teachers lounge.

Fortunately our children are completely different. And their success in life is testament to their upbringing.

This is impossible for both sides to understand. As most of their progeny have either failed to launch or have gone completely sideways. With drugs, degeneracy or the idea that they are owed something.

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When you see all these incredibly ignorant liberals, you have to realize that they have been subjected to the most refined brainwashing from the time they were infants. It would start out with television, when they would be propped in front of it to keep them quiet, then there was school, combined with television. I think most people don't realize how destructive television is. The CIA realized what a fantastic propaganda tool it is back in the late 1940s, when it was just barely beginning. And remember, those 'subliminals' were never removed. A big stink was made about them in the early 1970s, and everyone thought they had been scrubbed, but they are still there, and I'm sure even more compelling than ever. I can't really say for sure, since we got rid of our television in 1974, when our infant son started looking at it. After what might be called a period of 'divorce' that lasted around six months, we've never turned it on again, we don't even have one in the house, and I can tell you we don't miss it at all. Now with even children bent over smart phones all the time, I can only imagine the damage that is being done, not only on an individual level, but on a societal one.

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You are indeed erudite, and our commentators are clearly articulate and well-versed.

My comment is only this: even arguing about anything or pointing out fallacies has minimal value, except in the hope another percent or two of Normies’s are persuaded to wake the hell up and disengage their heads from you know where.

Meeting, almost every debate now is actually a debate on their topic, their rules, or from the conservative unit party perspective, which means everyone who’s so engages and I have done plenty, are still caught in the same spiderweb. And you’re just arguing about which string is stickier.

At this very, very late date, except when necessary, 98% of intellectual and emotional energy should be placed on making legitimate contacts, making legitimate preparations, fortify yourself, and your family in every way, and above all spiritually, and getting ready to legitimately put on a war face And connect with others who will do the same.

Depending on who you read, the next couple of weeks could be pivotal, Or after the election, or perhaps as long as one year when the deep state and Democrats to everything possible to screw up the country double time if Trump gets reelected.

So the question is only when the tsunami hits. And if not tsunami, when we all fall into the quicksand beyond our waist.

So all I can say is if at some point all hell breaks loose, may some of us be in the very front lines raising greater hell than the other side. But with the Almighty’s protection on us all.

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Yes they will cheat, and just like 2020 it will likely come down to 100,000 votes scattered between a half dozen states. Even if DJT is elected in a landslide, I doubt the next four years will be much different than the ongoing 8+ year coup we are watching now. Bureaucrats will sabotage, lawyers will "lawfare", politicians will obstruct and impeach, and buildings will burn. I hope for the best, and continue to prepare for the worst. Ultimately the only part I have a real say in is the land I can see from my front door.

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An "erection of dilection" is what I miss.

Elections bore me.

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And here we see another way to cheat:

"Welfare Offices Providing Voter Registration Forms To Illegals Without Proof Of Citizenship"


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Has anyone else read the new book "The Attack" by Kurt Schlichter?

It outlines a 10,000 man October 7th style terrorist attack in the US. Bear in mind that it would take less than one in a thousand of the known illegal infiltrators being a terrorist to provide the 10,000.

My question about this is "Why wouldn't they"?

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another brilliant piece, and the comments are valuable as well...

we are in quicksand, sorry to say

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