The mentality I cannot fathom, literally cannot connect to in any way, is the mentality that people will take an experimental treatment loaded with possible side-effects including death or very serious, debilitating ailments far greater than the effects of the actual virus. Life is full of risk vs reward evaluations, but that rational trade off seems completely disregarded when it comes to something with a scary name like Covid 19.
I understand the mass brainwashing that’s gone along with it. I recognize the valuable control that serves those in power. I know that Covid was a trial run toward the tolerance of the “free” world toward totalitarianism; a test of Goebbels theory of population control. But even with all of that I’m mystified by the fact that having all of the truths come out about it; the huge payoffs to the pharmaceutical companies providing the profit motive for hucksters and evildoers (something that used to inflame the left); the reversals and admissions of the CDC and FDA brought forth by exposure and the FOIA. That still, pharmacies all over the nation advertise for the convenience and need for the vaxx.
Looking at the bigger picture and understanding history as I do, it does all seem God-driven to me. Without seeing the insanity of those in power, the literal blood-cult, cold indifference to the general population; the incredible willingness of the general population to recite mantras of subservience and blind obedience to these psychotic demons shouting through loudspeakers, we, the unaffected, unvaxxed and uncoerced would not be able to see the true evil in the hearts of our fellow sojourners on this intriguing ball floating in space. It seems a tempering of resolve is taking place, a crucible from which we will draw when we mete out the judgments on their heads.
I do believe, I suppose I have to, in order to keep from resorting to my most basic instincts, that there will be a time when it’s all revealed, when the shocking admissions are made by those who’ve perpetrated this hoax, admitting their desperate lunge for control of humanity. When that moment comes, if it does, it will be after a greater share of humanity has been destroyed. That’s already in the works, it cannot be stopped, the poison has been given and only time stands in the way of the results.
I don’t know if this admission comes from a sense of triumph and gloating at their successful campaign of elimination of the weaker and less resolute among us, because the one thing a narcissist cannot stand is to be successful, even in the most evil plans, without wide acknowledgment of the fact. It’s somehow the feel of their victim’s blood washing over them that cleanses them of doubt, or whether it will be before the gallows, but I’m sure it will come.
We are, for now, in the hands of lunatics. We will be until we decide different, but that decision has yet to be made. I’ve made it, many in this forum have, too, but the greater share of the population cling to yesterday; when this was a republic; when those in office feared the opinions of the people; when doctors sought to heal, not kill for profit; when corporations sought customers not the approval of, and alliance with, those same lunatics.
Yet, in this dire view of the world, there is hope, belief in the patterns of history. We see, all throughout, that the Caligulas of the world rise, exhort their criminal views as mainstream, pursue the most insane policies before a bewildered and disturbed public and walk among them believing in their god-like power to draw the whole world into their psychosis.
But no matter how ingenious, how persuasive, how absolutely charming or dangerous they might seem, these are mere mortals, without the protection of God and without the invincibility they claim. Like a fad, they’re a passing epoch of insanity soon to be replaced by the undeniable consequences of history. It’s difficult for those of rational reasonable minds to live under it’s height, it’s glory, but as the truism goes: this too shall pass.
If there is any duty that we hold as rational and reasonable beings it’s to be there when it crashes to aright the world on the firmer ground of truth and compassion. Not for them, but for all others. Facts are facts and those who have benefitted from this period, taken advantage of the pause in logic, in reason, and pursued their own power at the expense of the people, must be likewise dealt with severely. Truth hurts those who deceive.
Only TL has the perspicacity to pen such a damning diatribe.
Last week I spoke to my younger brother, an attorney in his early 60’s. We used to be very close, until I was red-pilled 15 years ago. We rarely talk now because our discussions would usually turn into arguments. He is a leftist, and I am a conservative. The conversation last week was all one sided. He spoke about how glad he was double vaxxed and triple boosted. He couldn’t understand why there was so much hatred directed at Bill Gates, a wonderfull philanthropist who has saved lives in the 3rd world with vaccines. He spoke of the recent midterms and how he was glad the election deniers had lost…yada, yada, yada. You get the picture. In the past, I would challenge him on his brainwashed logic with data points and facts as I knew them. It would always escalate. For the first time, I listened to him rant and I said very little in return. When I hung up, I realized first hand, once again, just how screwed up our world is. I prayed that my brother would find salvation in Christ. I was very saddened for several days.