We all feel your pain. We all are also at a loss as to how to make any real difference.

It has become clear to me that working within the system just won't work. They have corrupted the system to insure that you can't make any real changes within the system.

I believe that it is time to lay down the LAW! The Lone American Warrior. Those of us that are of an age with little left to lose need to rise up individually. Our motto should be - You Lie, You Die, You Go To Hell. This has to be done privately by single individuals using their lifelong accumulation of knowledge to take out the liers one at a time, to strike fear into all of the other liers. All electronics are compromised. You can't trust anyone that is not family and, I for one, don't want my family involved in any conspiracies. That just leaves us to ourselves, our imagination and our expertise to accomplish the goal. To leave not a single trace. Ghosts in the night. Once it starts it will spread like wildfire leaving their ashes to be ground to dust.

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Agreed, and the list is getting longer.

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Leaderless resistance, or phantom cell structure, is a social resistance strategy in which small, independent groups (covert cells), or individuals (a solo cell is called a "lone wolf"), challenge an established institution such as a law, economic system, social order, or government. Leaderless cells lack vertical command links and so operate without hierarchical command, but they have a common goal that links them to the social movement from which their ideology was learned.

Read “Unintended Consequences” by John Ross.

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BP7, The solo cell is not necessarily leaderless, it just does not have any direct contact with any command structure. Simple systemswhere a political leader, for example T. L. , merely includes ssuggestions" in a routine blog post or highlights a particular person or place and the problem they present. There is no need for any direction, only the resaons why someone might want do to do something about the problem. Very hard to compromise no contact communications. You can find some examples in the comminiques from the public arm of the IRA and the actions that mystreriously followed.

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The IRA received both American and Soviet financing. I can't see anyone funding resistance cells for traditional Americans (leftists groups get plenty from NGOs and indirectly from US government sources). Movements need to be paid for.

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BP7, Sounds like the Zorro or Robin Hood stories.

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Jack Hinson’s One-Man War by Tom McKenney is an excellent read.

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My point exactly.

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The difference is that there would be thousands of Jack Hintons but with a number of simpathetic leaders making tectical suggestions. It would be like a law enforcement BOLO. A request goes out to no one imparticular but to everyone listening. Then the listener(s) who are closest or in the best position to followup, take the intiative. There would be no way to connect the two.

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Charles Bronson redux

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"It makes me a Comanche" from the movie "Hell or High Water."

Best scene in the movie.

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Something to this beyond just the alpha male rhetoric.


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Boflys, Sounds like the story of Bloody Bill Anderson in the Border Wars.

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"The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been in the front line of the attack on the US Constitution and State Constitutions.

No group did more to propagandize the US to participate in WWI at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it. Much the same tactics were used by the Social Science Scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq.

Tavistock began as a propaganda-creating and- disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called “that black hole of disinformation.” On another occasion, Toynbee called Wellington House “a lie factory.” From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States in a highly controversial manner. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being “brainwashed.” The origin of “mind control,” “inner directional conditioning” and mass “brainwashing” is explained in an easy to understand book written with great authority.

This book is required reading/listening, if you want to understand what is happening to us today, which is the implementation of the various pop cultural movements and mainstream news talking points that have brainwashed us.

Coleman, a former British Intelligence officer who later became a naturalized US Citizen explained that the UN, the WHO and the Bank for International Settlements are all executive arms of the Royal Institute of International Affairs – and ultimately, of the ‘Committee of 300’, which is controlled by ancient aristocratic families whose stratospheric wealth makes the tech oligarchs of our age look like pikers.

This book tells precisely who “They” are, and what they have planned for our future, exactly how they have brainwashed us and how they have been at war with the American nation for 80 years.

‘Tavistock Institute of Human Relations’ is as fresh today as it was 30 years ago. Dr Coleman names names and gives us more details about the perpetrators and their motives than most red-pilled content being produced today. Like his other classic book, ‘The Committee of 300’, the importance of ‘Tavistock Institute of Human Relations’ cannot be overstated." https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/tavistock-institute-of-human-relations-audiobook/#comments

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Committee of 300: 21 Goals to Destroy America and the World (Published in 1992!)

A terrifying document, published in 1992, that reads like it was published last Wednesday... https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/committee-of-300-21-goals-to-destroy

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"While You Were Distracted: WEF Pushes Plans to Seize Control of Food, Water, and Oxygen Supply

World Economic Forum (WEF) members have begun discussing plans to seize control of all elements of nature that humans rely on for survival such as food, water, and even the oxygen supply.-


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Also a must watch The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCzR7NCeMYA

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Hello to Moniker "Tan,"

You Tan, like T.L., put on paper the most precise and focused description in words.

In your case “Tan” …of who's pulling the strings of the puppets behind the scenes.

I've told many people for two decades about the Tavistock Institute. They have or had one in Colorado Springs Colorado.

I think they tell all what they intend to do through a periodic publishing of “White Papers.”

Most of these people give me a responsive look like… “You’re reading to many science fiction books.”

Like T.L. Davis says… “Be a Comanche… to the death! (But not knowing what surrender is).

The lovely aspect of these “want to control the world” psychopaths is they all bleed and they will all eventually die.

Contrary to psychiatric doctrine that “psychopaths feel nothing” …I believe on a bright sunny day, when the light is fading in their eyes… they will feel much more fear than the average good person.


Jack Lawson

Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada

Author of the “Civil Defense Manual,” “The Slaver’s Wheel,” “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil” and “In Defense.” Go to www.CivilDefenseManual.com

“The system that sustains people with food is an illusion to most people and may as well be magical and as real as Disneyland. It consists primarily of the grocery store and restaurants in the minds of most people. This system has not broken down for most in the world, to create death by starvation for decades. So, the impact of the warning of my words to “store food now” is not there, because the suffering of starvation cannot be conveyed by most of Planet Earth’s living or their ancestors, as few have experienced it.

Countless conversations have taken place over food, starvation and survival from the lack of food during previous famines in the world. Most of those who buried their heads in the sand to the previous warnings of those famines you will never know… because they and their entire bloodlines are gone forever… never to exist again.” - Jack Lawson, Author of the Civil Defense Manual

From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1976-79

I damn Amazon for removing two of my books because of content they do not approve of... such content being the truth of Communist Patrice Lumumba, as told by my late Friend Special Forces Colonel Sully H. deFontaine, who was his bodyguard and knew him intimately.

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The Demented Ignorant Fool illegally installed as POTUS!!

For those that may be thinking that the collective events in the country are just random occurrences, Open Border, high fuel prices, etc, please read these articles on how this is planned, orchestrated, and executed with the specific intents of malicious malice aforethought

to achieve the end that was laid out for Obama when he was being indoctrinated in Chicago and why Soros chose him, groomed and financed him, to do what is being done today in Obama's third term using the Demented One from the stolen election.


The Cloward Piven / Saul Alinsky / Obama strategy to destroy the country. Full on NOW. A primer.

Obama has Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett and Victoria Nuland in Biden's control group, for what is now obvious to be Obama’s third term!!


More detailed information.


Alinsky lays out to take the country down.


A fresh review of keen interest.


Another very well-done fresh review!


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You ain't wrong!

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We are being confronted with a historical reality. If you can not- or will not- defend what you have, someone else will take it from you. This plays out at the personal level with crime and police (or lack of them), and on an international level with economics, terrorism, and war. If an individual isn't willing (or allowed) to defend what's theirs, what does this say to the rest of the world?

"Eat me, I'm prey".

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LMAO! It’s a wrap…fight for your SOUL. There is no country, and there hasn’t been since I was born in 1963…and many years/decades before that!

Once you’re awake, you can never go back to sleep. It’s one of the glitches in waking up!😉👊

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It’s truly like we’re living in the Matrix!

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Who says we have to wait to engage? Woke Zero is the Woke BDS movement that seeks to boycott, divest, defund and sanction every component of the Woke Industrial Complex. It is backed by the searchable online Woke brand directory at www.wokesearch.net, which has over 7,000 Woke companies, brands and stock symbols. Woke Zero means you pull as many dollars OUT of the Woke economy as you put into it. The big mic drops- close ALL of your accounts with your Woke bank, and DUMP every Woke stock, bond, ETF and Investment brokerage that appears on the Woke search stock and financial institution directory. The time to fight isn't at some theoretical future burning barricade- it's RIGHT NOW.

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Preaching to the choir here. I've divested myself of everything and encourage others to do so, have here many times. That's a great resource for anyone who hasn't used it to the same.

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Literally drives me to drink how so many are so Fed up- until they're asked to do the easiest, most risk-free think in the world. Going Woke Neutral is the ultimate in anonymous leaderless resistance. It's "safe, legal and effective" yet attacks the very base of the pyramid-shaped Ponzi scheme that is our permanent political ruling class. Literally a DDOC3 (Distributed Denial of Commerce, Capital and Collateral) attack with no return address. But like that free timeshare presentation there's always a catch- you have to actually look something up on your phone, and then switch from one wigit to another nearly identical wigit, so it's probably better to wait for things to get to the burning barricade stage. Hey, where's your sense of adventure?.

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To me the most heart breaking aspect of all this evil is that the American citizen, even just the half voicing opposition to this destruction, have the power to stop it. All they must do is say "N0! WE DO NOT COMPLY", and don't. It was easier to do years ago. It would be much harder now. Still, there is no other good option, is there? Become ungovernable. They are few. We are many.

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Absolutely!! It’s the “Bug’s Life” story...they are the grasshoppers, but we’re the ants (many more of us)!!

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I am!

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