We find ourselves under more tyrannical oppression than at the time of the Revolutionary War. I’d say that we’re under more oppression than the Soviet population during Stalin. American citizens don’t readily recognize it, because a lot of it’s going on in the background. Whereas Stalin had to send troops to a person’s door, the federal government comes right in, taps into SMART phones, refrigerators, electric meters, Wi-Fi connections and home speakers, which are actually microphones. This is equivalent to having British troops quartering with every family in America and the British didn’t even do that. Instead they recognized people for their opinions toward independence or resistance and quartered troops in their homes. Now, the Feds invade every home, every phone, everything posted or even written on Wi-Fi connected computers, like this one.
Free speech is dead, though many continue to verbalize their opinions, they’re forced to recognize the possible consequences. The wrong words can lead to unemployment and increasingly, with ESG and DEI, outcast, literally exiled from public interactions. It worked during the pandemic and that set up the model for the future of government interactions with the serfs, aided wholeheartedly by compromised corporations, who eagerly sign on to these discriminatory measures in order to receive government grants and positive representations in their increasingly hostile regulatory environment.
Recently, however, some of the largest global insurers were notified by 23 Attorneys General in the United States that using discriminatory measures like a company’s usage of ESG protocols to extend or refuse to extend insurance coverage was in fact a violation of numerous United States laws such as anti-trust and collusion. As a result, 5 of the biggest insurers have backed out of the NetZero Insurance Alliance (NZIA) at the UN for fear of legal action.
This is what I’m talking about when it comes to war, we are not fighting the war being waged on us, or we would be doing much more to counter all of this through typically normal means. I’m talking about looking over your portfolio to find out which companies you own shares in and whether those are voting shares and if they are, to vote against all of the proposals toward green energy ESG/DEI as a corporation; going to the required annual stockholder meeting and finding out who aligns with you and build a block of votes. This was recently done where Chevron, Exxon, Shell and BP stockholders soundly rejected climate-related proposals.
Like many readers, I knew somehow McCarthy would cave. I thought that fear of losing the Speaker of the House role through a motion to vacate the chair would deter him from making it too bad, but my understanding is that not only did he give Biden everything he could have wanted from the debt deal, he also agreed to align openly as the uniparty by requesting Hakeem Jeffries, the Democrat Leader, to join him in passing the deal in the House where more Democrats voted for it than Republicans. For those 73 Republicans who voted no, well I’d say good job, but that’s the only thing they were sent there to do and they did it. I hate telling someone “good job” for doing what is expected. I usually save that for someone who outperforms.
People like Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene surprisingly voted for the bill. Intellectually, I know they did so for assurances that they would be able to expose the January 6th videos or to be able to bring impeachment charges to the floor for several members of the Biden Administration, but Steve Bannon made a good point when he acknowledged that if they voted for the debt limit increase bill, they don’t have the stomach to fully prosecute anything else; they won’t be able to hold the DOJ or FBI accountable, because they gave away the purse strings to Biden and Jeffries.
When it comes to vacating the chair, McCarthy doesn’t have to worry. Sure, some Republican will call that to a vote, but now we know that a significant part of the Democrats in Congress will vote to retain him. What would be interesting is if they betrayed him on that promise and got enough RINOs to go along and they elected Hakeem Jeffries Speaker of the House in a Republican congress. While that would destroy the purpose of having a majority in the House, who cares at this point when the people have been so thoroughly betrayed? Not just Republicans, either. The House bill that McCarthy went into negotiations with was supported by 75% of the people, including Democrats and Independents. If this were a vaunted “democracy” as they claim, they just proved that it’s not even that.
All of this simply tells you that if you want to fight, you can’t count on congress to do anything; you have to do it yourself. You have to dig into your local electric supplier and find out how you can require them to make good their duty to provide electric service at a reasonable cost. What they currently do is promote wind and solar because they’re guaranteed a certain return on those investments by government. So they do so and increase your electric bill, because of the inefficiency and high costs of it and then get paid off by the government with your tax dollars. You’re being hit twice for the same malfeasance.
Most of what is going on in our country is illegal, unethical, or in violation of some operating principle. You just have to find your niche and dig into it. If enough of us who feel betrayed and daily insulted by the woke/DEI/green agenda would do that we would find some means of pushing back that would be effective and could be repeated.
I know a lot of what I do here looks like I believe in the political system. I don’t. I haven’t for a long time, but that doesn’t mean that I look away from some means of pushing back. Having opinions and publicizing the betrayals don’t cost me anything and spreads the word, that’s all I get out of any of it.
When I started the “Siege of DC” back in 2009, I didn’t think it would do anything spectacular, change anything for good, but what it would have done is put pressure on politicians ahead of the Obamacare vote by sending people constantly through the House and Senate offices. Of course, all we ever got to talk to were staff, but the idea of regular people coming in to ask tough questions would have had an impact, but that effort was destroyed by our side, or those who claimed to be on our side. It wasn’t the opposition, it was those in Tea Party chatrooms and the like. I even got a couple of calls from big-hitters trying to deter me from my efforts.
Two others went with me through the halls of congress on the day I set out to impose it. That’s it. I know betrayal, I’ve suffered a lot of defeats trying to do something, anything, and I’m still out swinging away, in every way I can find. I know I’m not a leader, because I’ve never been able to convince more than a handful to follow through with me. Still, if I see a way to make it painful for them to betray the American people, the American ideal, I’ll give it what I’ve got. Knowing you’ll always be alone does take some of the steam out of the effort, though.
I appreciate this readership and subscribers and those who promote my work on different sites. If there’s anything that keeps me going, it’s that. My views have cost me a lot, but they’re honest. When I see something in politics that need exposure, or a point of view that I think is important, I’ll send it out there to the readership. What is done after that is up to all of you. Thank you.
My novels of freedom, and especially individuality, Rebel and Rogue about a young man, growing up trying to do the right thing. They’re available on Amazon and our website 12 Round Productions, where you can also find access to our red-pill film Lies of Omission.
You have (again) written an excellent summary of events and circumstances that
face the American public now in early summer 2023. People can run the risk of
(personal) annihilation by being too effective in efforts to alert their friends and
neighbors of the dangers we face. We are spied on regarding all internet connected
devices and our file can be pulled to expose the terrorist acts of mere criticism of
.Gov and the policies it promotes. We can look to post 9/11 when George Bush told
us we would be going into Iraq (because weapons of mass destruction) to capture
Osama bin Laden for orchestrating the 9/11 events. Hogwash. How many of us woke
to the emerging police state then? It spiraled into a worsening spying endeavor, total
surveillance state/police state and now we are to fear the white supremacist terrorists
among us. Still, people cannot see the open war on the US populous even when the
perps come right out and say it. I think people shut down and suffer in silence because
they are in a state of shock over how their country has fundamentally changed to an
openly criminal enterprise. The latest assault (there are so many) is learning the DOD,
financed the Covid op. Murder on the fly. So, what now/next? I don't have any answers
except personally and that is to get out of the way and away from too many people.
Yet that is open ended as people fleeing the city are buying land and establishing camps
in my area. The few acres are plastered with No Trespass signs and warnings of cameras
to deter anyone from setting a foot on their land. It is becoming a nightmare as these
people project their thinking onto the locals, and fiercely protect their junk/hauling their
dune buggies back and forth to their city home. Then apart from that, our sky is bombarded
night and day, blocking the sun and raining down chemicals intended to weaken and kill us
off. I weep when I see them and hail a day without them. I may be at the end of my emotional
No TL, thank you.