The fact that no one on Epstein's extensive client list has seen so much as an hour in jail tells me all I need to know. This evil is pervasive and it is accompanied by and enabled with the sick desire to harm others without consequence. It ultimately about power, the power to harm AND corrupt the most innocent among us. Evil such as this deserves midieval consequences.

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I totally disagree. I believe in punishment. Do not become, that which you despise and loathe. It’s very hard. God must prevail.

If Natural Law was the course of action, we wouldn’t be here.

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It's not only the children coming over the border, hundreds of thousands of American children who get placed in foster care disappear here every year, too. Some of them, the older ones, probably just run away and join the flotsam we see in our cities now. However, a number of them must also wind up in the pedo-mill that appears to be a driving force with those in power in America. Not only America, of course, this cancer is found all over the world now. Some years ago, a woman representative in PA was getting ready to expose the child trafficking of foster children when, surprise, surprise, she and her husband died in a 'murder/suicide', despite the fact that they were a close and loving couple who had been married for decades. The world has never, ever been in such a dangerous and degenerate state as it is now; there have been vile times before, but the current situation takes the prize.

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Gabby, Years ago, I researched the missing children data in the USA. At the time, the official number was about 30,000 missing American children a year. The data also showed where the most child disappearances occurred. Guess which area of the USA had the most missing children...

The Washington DC area.

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Thanks for the information. It's hard to tell which figures are correct sometimes, but even one child who disappears into the maw of child trafficking is too many. From what I know of history, societies that plunge as low as ours have generally undergo some form of dissolution.

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"Force" can be good or evil, just as a weapon can be used for good as in killing for protection or food; or evil as in robbery or murder. Many people avoid/shy away from Freedom because it requires Responsibility, and the Willingness to use Force as Required by Personal Judgement.

and a comment on TX and rinoRats in general .....


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There’s a reason I’m not voting. Both parties are the same. It’s an illusion of choice, which doesn’t exist.

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You may live to regret that discernment between Bolsheviks and Crooks while almost identical are Not exactly the Same.

also Voting for Trump clears the conscience, imo, for What comes next and What We will be confronted with....... Actions we cannot Decline to perform.


I do wish you well and hope somehow many of us will survive the next few weeks, months, years ???

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With the rage and frusration so great, one could think there would be more than one 'lone wolf' ready to take the first step.

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Ask the CIA about that😉.

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The first paragraph says it all.

The Cuban Revolution in the 1950s began with women:


They were protesting, hell, they revolted, over the kidnapping of boys and girls in the countryside for the High Rollers in the Mafia casinos in Havana. These pigs would molest the children and then kill them. President Batista of Cuba facilitated the kidnappings of children.

Celia Sanchez and other women, became furious. They started the revolution, not Fidel Castro. Today there are monuments to Celia Sanchez all over Cuba.

Mothers and wives have POWER. They need to use it.

One more story:

Years ago in Missouri, the legislature in Jefferson City passed a law outlawing Charter and Magnet schools. This infuriated the mothers, many of whom were black. The preachers organized buses to take these angry mothers to Jeff City to give the legislators a piece of their mind.

When the buses of angry black mothers pulled up in front of the Capitol, the legislators ran out the back way.

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PS: Redacted on Rumble, has had several interviews with investigative reporters who have researched the child trafficking to and in the USA. These are brave people. I know of no other news outlet covering child trafficking.

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Well, the entire issue is beyond egregious...from the likely prospect children were kidnapped and brought across the border as cover, and then given over to someone in an NGO...and then what?

Remember when we had all that hoopla about "pizza gate"? I did research and found out about

things that were truly sickening. One video gave advice to politicians: Do not go to "afterparties"

because your drink may be drugged, then in the morning you will wake up next to dead 10 yr.

old, and then they own you. Child movie stars came forward and told their stories about abuse

they had been subject to in Hollywood. There are far worse stories than those. Some of us heard

those also. Remember the sobbing banker who liked the high life and was invited to a baby

sacrifice event? He had a nervous breakdown saying he ran off realizing those practices were

common among the powerful bankers he had hoped to join. Maybe he participated and the

sobbing was from guilt and shame? That video went "viral" on the net.

TLD, you are correct, God will not forgive us. We just want to be left alone, but .gov is chasing

after anyone that might influence others, or speak out against the rich and powerful and the

most powerful, .gov.

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Where are people researching this? Where i live there are street hookers & some of them are for sure under 18. There are groups with resources combating trafficing of humans. The girls & women id guess are hooked on drugs. That much is obviously going on, but little kids? Tens of thousands every year?

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A wide open southern border and government funding of NGO's facilitates child trafficking. Closing the border is a necessary first step in fighting human trafficing in the US. The rest of the world is just gonna have to figure it out.

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T.L. I'm afraid this issue goes very deep. Epstein and P. Diddy are probably the tip of the iceberg. Even more troubling is people in some of the highest positions in our country participate in these sick activities. Human. sex, and drug trafficking should carry the death penalty.

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To whomever gave me a like on this round of comments:

Thank you! Please check out this short read by John Wilder, it fits.



sorry, I can't get the hyper link, this from 9-23-24

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thank you T.L.,

for allowing the link

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TL thanks for another reminder that we all have a part to play. As a “Fourth Turning” believer/adherent, human tracking is another leading indicator of how our society is on its last legs. Our “elected” officials won’t act because most are involved. They are like hogs at the trough of wealth slurping up as much as they can. All Fourth Turnings historically conclude with violence (war, civil strife, etc.) that eventually brings us back together as a united people with mutually accepted norms of self governance. At that point we can take out the trash as the saying goes. Head down and powder dry!

P.S. with an East Coast dock strike looming readers should reflect on what they ran out of during the last organized shortage/squeeze!

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