I have read from several respected men steeped in Biblical truths that before God destroys a nation He exposes the crimes of the elite for all to see. Well.....

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Those who the gods would destroy, they first drive mad. Not too encouraging considering the state of our nation, and of Europe.

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Sounds about right. TY for a change-up historical perspective. I’m beginning to have a negative attitude about a lot of government declared or woke celebrated holidays. Juneteenth? National Emancipation Day? Indigenous People’s Day? What am I forgetting?

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If the government says it… the opposite is likely true.

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Thank you Sir, for the analogy and perspective.

Faith in .gov? Nary a chance. Countless innocent people in the US

are suffering, will continue to suffer, and likely internal "wars" are in our

future. The collective "THEY" and their puppets have no scruples.

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“The United States is a narco-state trafficking in children for sexual purposes and inviting criminals and the diseased into the country without a care for the damage done to the society. It’s a morally and financially bankrupt state, led not by the elected or the people themselves, but by a bureaucratic cabal. They might be able to gloss it over a bit longer, but Russia and China are likely to expose it soon enough. We have become a third-world hellhole, unable or unwilling to stop the violation of our borders, pay our bills, maintain order, establish credit, or field a competent, well-supplied military. The U.S. procurement system can’t even produce a functional jet fighter anymore, long gone are the days of the OODA Loop and John Boyd. We face a crisis of competence, something that will not be solved by subsequent generations educated on knowing pronouns over trigonometry and focused on their health issues caused by the vaxx rather than developing some great building material. Instead, like Mexico, we’ll look our creditors in the eye and challenge them to come and get it. We’ll impose the Cinco de Mayo protocol and lose all future credibility.”


Tragically, this passage hit me with the ring of prophetic truth. Let us pray for God’s justice and examine our own role in enabling the evil that has overtaken our country.

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