
"They can pass all the laws they want, the people themselves are the true and proper arbiters of their validity." T. L. Davis

Great article! It's up to each individual to rebel against this evil, this great evil that rules over us. Voting in local elections where liberty candidates and resolutions have a chance to win is a great idea. We don't have that in California. It's all Democrats all the time. Do you vote for the red commie or the pink commie? All the referendums on the ballot are for the benefit of lawyers, politicians, developers, Indians, or some other special interest group no matter if you vote yes or no. The last proposition for the people was Proposition 13 passed decades ago. It still limits property tax increases. The government hates Proposition 13 and keeps trying to amend it.

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Where I am, and one reason I'm here, the total vote for our county judge and sheriff last time was somewhere around 837 votes total, split between the incumbent and the challenger. I'm just the opposite from you. We get to vote for the good Republican, or the bad Republican. The only real vote, other than initiatives, is in the primary.

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Oct 15Liked by T.L. Davis

As to be expected, another wonderful and stimulating post, Sir!

I recall a very important and effective policy change vote back in the 1980's California, I believe, it may have been Prop. 69. It had the effect of back-charging the fed's for any and all expenses related to crimigration. The fed's would have to reimburse the state for education, health care, incarcerations, etc. That referendum, which I believe was a crushing majority of Californians voting to stay Constitutional, would have completely reshuffled the feds cards on crimigration, and likely other things as well, but.........

ONE (1) FERAL APPEALS COURT 'TARD quashed the vote results and threw-out the will of the people, stating it was racist, or some such excrement.

That referendum, and the resulting refusal of the states leaders to recognize it, may have been an action equivalent to OBloMe Care passing in the dead of a Holiday night. The CA crimigration vote may have been the proverbial fork in the road where we had a chance to go the right way, and possibly the statists realized that.

Good God, how voting has "evolved" in California, and certainly the rest of or once-proud Nation.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Guido, The courts in California overrule the will of the majority of voters all the time. It is discouraging.

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Oct 15Liked by T.L. Davis

I was going to mention Prop 187 (1994) which was a majority will of the People that lasted three days before the "courts" killed it because racisms and then Gov Davis buried all appeals, but you got me beat by a decade.

This war has been going on a long time. But we insist on accepting the moral premise of our enemies and so we are left arguing about economic/utilitarian benefits and the proper posture to assume for the legal/system flogging that inevitably follows.

Then the long march of time heals all wounds but one and so nobody remembers a White California that reflected Whtie America anyhow and because well that was all stolen and invalid there is only one way to cleanse our history for the great leap forward.

All arguments downstream of our right to exist as a People and a Nation, one in the same, are inert against the wheel of progressive moral fiat.

That we now get to witness the explicit nature of biological reality as expressed by all the invaders, birthright lottery winners, economic opportunists, and progressive managerial class swelling their capital holdings in the coffers of globalism while we still cower to the rear-guard of the sacred documents and systems that only exist insofar as they are weaponized against us is proof that the future belongs to those who show up more than every couple years to pull some lever so the media can buy more ad space.

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Oct 15Liked by T.L. Davis

The entire left coast is as califorinia is, a target rich enviroment.

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Oct 14Liked by T.L. Davis

But you did get to vote! I am a snowbird, and spend time in the north (legal residence) and time in the south.

Prior to leaving the north, the wife and I filled out the paperwork for absentee ballots. Before we left for the south my wife's ballot request came back to our primary address marked "postage required". Apparently the envelope was run through the machine backwards as the cancellation was clearly on the back. To get back to my house, someone at the post office had to turn the envelope over to see the sender address, thereby exposing the correct postage.

We physically delivered the request to the voter services at the court house and showed them the cancelled envelope. Their response was, "the post office must have scanned it backwards". DUH, you think?

Now we are in the south, and she received her absentee ballot a week after we got here. Mine? Nothing for over 6 weeks so far. So, being the conspiracist I am and living in the battleground state of PA, I wonder if the postal union could be involved? It is PA after all!

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The postal union having endorsed Kamala, that conspiracy theory might be conspiracy fact. If you don't get to vote, you could sue them for disenfranchisement. They might settle to keep it out of the headlines. I think there are hotlines if you feel that you will be prevented from voting that will line you up with legal counsel. Free.

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Oct 15Liked by T.L. Davis

Growing up in the 60's in SE Tennessee I often heard the term "crooked as a Philadelphia lawyer" and I never understood the insult. That is until as a young man I went to work for an old school engineering company in the city of brotherly love during the Rizzo era. However the trains did run on time, and you'll be lucky to see your ballot in the next life.

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Oct 15Liked by T.L. Davis

I'm going to call tomorrow to the county election board and see if I can get another on. Odds are I can't but I will try. At the minimum they will know the story. I believe they are serialized so if someone uses it I can find out.

My gut feeling is they won't issue another, and I won't be voting. It depends how "tight" the voter services is with the PO.

Oddly enough, the last PO efficiency move was to stop cancelling mail at my local PO and sending it to Pittsburgh for sorting. So, instead of putting it in the local carriers sack and dropping it off at the courthouse 1/2 mile away, mail is trucked 100 miles, sorted, put on another truck back to my hometown 100 miles away where it is given to the carrier to drop off 1/2 mile away. I just don't understand why the postal service is losing money. /sarc

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Oct 15Liked by T.L. Davis

T.L. You're absolutely spot on! My county is small as well and I take as a sign that the Democrat sheriff, as well as Clerk and Registrar switched parties this spring just before primaries. Being small, merit counts for more than party around here but I think they saw the Democrats as something to be distanced from?

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Perhaps this is the solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZD24VY0YWdQ

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I've given up on voting locally...too many times the republican choice ends up voting just like a democrat anyway.

I tried researching, talking to and voting for the republican who "said" the right things. Once elected they mostly seem to revert to progressive thinking. The ones that don't end up outnumbered by uniparty members.

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As I said in the piece, I completely understand that folks would have that opinion, it's a tough fight regardless of voting one way or the other. It does seem to be a small event in the world of others, but I still hold, that until lead starts to fly, if one is not continually in the embrace of at least resistance to whatever the locals attempt, it's the only option available. If you want to understand how diligent one must be, look at https://sangredecristosentinel.com/ George Gramlich has been giving it to them for 10 years now, exposing all the dirty deals they attempt even in a highly Republican county in Colorado. He's done a good job of changing whatever he can and exposing those who are elected Republicans who act like communists day in and day out. There are no sacred cows in his world and it's efforts like his that is needed.

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