The entire left is terrified that the right, under Trump, might do to them what they have been doing to the right for 30 years. I’ve never heard such projection and fear of the future. Everything they worry about, we have suffered. So, to be rather blunt, cry me a river. I don’t care if they are somewhat marginalized under new rules they don’t understand, that’s the only reality the right has known for a long time.
When we were filming and producing Lies of Omission we sought a distributor, we sought funding. Even from the right, we were too far right. How did we get so far out on the right fringe? We took a non-partisan approach (not bi-partisan, that’s something completely different) to the issues of the day, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, the right to be secure in one’s home. Those aren’t right or left issues, those are American expectations.
We sought out different voices, people who came to their views from the opposite side. Mike Vanderbough was a dedicated communist until he started doing the real research. Claire Wolfe was different even from her family, seeking the truth, not the propaganda and came to a position in politics based solely on what she found to be true and real. Some, like Matt Bracken was always to the right, but moved even further due to the events of the times. No one in Lies of Omission was supportive of just Republicans, in fact they ripped them almost as hard as the Democrats, because no one in government is clean.
We approached a couple of right-leaning film funders for grants, nothing, not even a rejection. We approached some of the larger producers of conservative documentaries, they shrugged and offered some pat advice i.e., be aggressive. We couldn’t get a distributor though we were close to one at one time, but either I failed or the project failed. We applied to several film festivals and was only accepted by one and won an award, but it was a small festival and they didn’t even show our entry.
But, if you want to film a left-wing propaganda piece, there’s a lot of money available and donated studio time to make some beautiful films. I know, I looked through all of the possible funding sources that routinely required the woke agenda or LGBTQ subject matter. Our budget was $125,000 of which we raised $90,000, most of which was from our personal funds. This community rose to the occasion and supplied the other third. I will always be grateful for that. I talked to a distributor on the right the other day and he was impressed with what we were able to do with the resources we had. Too little, too late.
Finally, we did get our film into the streaming services through a more open-minded distributor. Maybe we caught them at the right time, I don’t know. Now, it’s on Amazon, Tubi, YouTubeTV and several others. Still, we never had the money to do the sort of promotion we needed to. None of the “conservative” bloggers or radio show hosts would touch it. The cowards. Now, consider this weasel who worries that Wicked might get banned in the next five years.
The truth is, we didn’t do a good enough job, not at the right time, anyway. Compared to the world embracement of leftist film, we did as good as we could. I’m proud of what we accomplished, the more reliably patriotic people we tried to steer toward a conservative audience. Their voices were amazing and prescient. Now, the right has caught up to where we were 8 years ago, for the most part, but we’re old news.
It isn’t just in films. The left is terrified that it might now be held accountable for the crimes they’ve committed. Real crimes, not those created to defame and imprison the J6ers, Bannon, Navarro and Trump. They know what they’ve done and they know it’s criminal, but they were part of a deep state conspiracy and didn’t think it could reach them. I mean, they had the media, the House, Senate, White House, DOJ, DHS all the power brokers, whether led by RINOs or dedicated fellow travelers.
The world is changing and everything the left put its whole weight behind is falling apart. They can’t stop it. The Climate hoax is unraveling, bio-weapons plants are being exposed, the poison they’ve been putting in our food that are allowed in no other advanced nation, the fraud of “renewable energy.”
They accuse the right of being cultish, but just back away from the LGBTQ agenda and see how quickly one is ostracized and silenced. That’s a cult. The right doesn’t react that way. Trump has even felt the sting of being on the wrong side of his supporters. The right demands a few things of their representatives, not the other way around. If you want to know why the right is so often squishy and traitorous, it’s because they have no support from the big power brokers and now that they have made a few inroads into that due to the insanity of the left, they had better exploit it. That’s what MAGA/America First is all about, they’re there to hold the feet to the fire.
This shows its head surrounding the H1-B visas. Trump just came out in favor of them all of a sudden after having opposed them in the first term. Those on the right will not simply accept that and support it now that he does. The reversal makes Trump look weak and the America First crowd has already seen enough of that. But this is not the wedge that the left is so desperate to find between Trump and his supporters. There’s a lot more of that when it comes to the vaxx and how he supported it all the way along, still does as far as I know. There’s always going to be disagreements and the America First crowd, like me, will continue to point out that H1-B visas don’t help America, not in the way the tech oligarchs, like Elon, seem to believe that it does. It helps them get cheap labor and not have to foot the bill for expensive American education.
On that side, H1-B does have some merit in the sense that American education is in such a mire of useless, woke indoctrination rather than purposeful education and there’s a long road to travel to bring it back to its once stellar status. That’s the place to focus, to point out the national security need to have traditional, stringent and purposeful education. It’s the reason to end funding of a lot of vaunted university systems, especially publicly-funded institutions.
Yet, all of this feels like it’s running in the background of the important issue of the day, which is the looming world war. I don’t even see as much on that from the social media sites I scan. Individual sites focus on that more than any of this nonsense. All one can do, for now, is keep their eyes on the horizon and watch for the second sunrise, hoping that there will be time to engage in these other, lesser concerns.
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These skeevy bastards have for decades called normal Americans every name in the book and then some. Listen to them squeal and cry when they receive even the smallest measure of what they have been dishing out in return. Ask me if I care. And I'm done with politeness and restraint. One thing I do know with an absolute certainty: there's a reckoning and retribution coming. For that, I will shed not a tear.
The war on white males and white male competence has to be stopped. The H1B program is exactly that: hire foreigners for jobs which would have gone to white males, enabling them to be husbands, fathers, and participate in their communities.
Musk's comments
indicate we should shut up and respect our betters, or he will "go to war, the likes of which [we] cannot comprehend".
Oh yeah?