In our documentary Lies of Omission, Mike Vanderbough made a very wise and accurate statement, obviously not about the conflict in Ukraine, but it serves that situation as well as the domestic issues he was addressing.
Our problem is we don't learn our own history. None of this is new. We've been through it thousands of times before. We clean up the mess, and move on as if nothing happened. It's like the "novel" virus, that really isn't novel at all, just a reincarnation of thousands of viruses before it, dressed up by those who benefit from the chaos to frighten us into submission. The solution, as always, is don't be frightened, and don't submit. But weak and stupid people are easily frightened, and thereby easy to control.
Perhaps, when we recover from this latest self imposed disaster, as we always do, eventually, we'll look for more permanent solutions as we dig out of the rubble. The vaccine for fear is wisdom, and that requires a competent education system that seeks to make us strong, not submissive. Our failed education system has indoctrinated several generations that safety is only found in the crowd, and if we conform and submit to the crowd, our needs will be satisfied. That has never worked because it can't work. A fundamental law of physics shows that decay is a constant process throughout the universe, and the only means of survival is constant labor. That is as necessary to maintain our society as it is to maintain our environment.
Those who hope to survive a bit longer need to stop whining and get to work.
I'm about halfway through T.L.'s novel, Rebel, while patiently awaiting his next installment. I haven't found a plot yet, but it's a nice story so far about a young man who refuses to be frightened, and is learning to resist the demands for conformity from the weak people who surround him. I hope he'll find a constructive outlet for his independence. Even if he doesn't, his character provides a good model for all of us. Tyrants always retreat when confronted. We don't need to fear them.
I disagree TL, the rotting bodies are jusy compost and is intregal to the Green Dream. I hope I am also correct in that the "Nuke" threat is a variant of the Covid threat, a means to a VaXXX.. No need to have such valuable real estate "radioactive". Un Productive RealEstate is fine, It just needs to be "natural", and Returning to Nature.
Herd the remaining masses into the mega cities for control and further medical marvels.
But there remains those "Deplorables" clinging to their basics still, and there is much more Resistance today. Awareness is slow like molasses through a society, but remains behind, still sticky.
You haven't done all you wanted, but you did more than you have thought, and the molasses is just beginning to be tasted and enjoyed by many.
Mike's 3% is now 30% with vital auxillaries included,imo. Armed & waiting, an army of tens of millions of citizens.
The Ferals know this and only nibble when & where they "feel" safe. One wrong move ............
We are engaged in a war between good and evil... between God and His heavenly hosts and Lucifer with his fallen angles. Been going on since the Garden of Eden. Man is God's most precious creation. Wouldn't it stand to reason that Lucifer would want to destroy God's most precious creation? According to Scripture we are made in God's image. Its difficult to understand that considering all the violence, perversion, and mayhem caused by Man. But at whose behest are those causing such things acting? I'm no Bible thumper. But over the years as I struggled to understand why things were moving in the direction they were, I kept coming back to what I said initially.
I read a book recently by someone I respect who said that an empty house doesn't stay empty. Nature hates a vacuum. When God was evicted from the house of the United States something dark, evil and sinister moved in. Once a Christian nation, the US has become Babylon. In fact, it might now be worse than the ancient Babylon!
Some have said that the United States is not mentioned in the End Times and in Revelation. I think the US is, and the US is "Mystery Babylon" riding the beast of seven heads and ten horns in Revelation, and who will be destroyed in one hour to the stunned silence of earth's other nations as they all watch and see the smoke rising from the destruction.
Putin said once that in his youth on the streets he learned to strike first if he knew he would have to fight. Something to ponder, wouldn't you say?
The only thing I found that I disagreed with was the woman with her 'White Rose' nonsense. Germany arose in the 1930s because the communists were trying to take over the country and Europe. We in the West lost World War 2 to the communists, and we are living with the communist results. We are infected from the smallest bureaucracies to the panopticon federal government.
Our problem is we don't learn our own history. None of this is new. We've been through it thousands of times before. We clean up the mess, and move on as if nothing happened. It's like the "novel" virus, that really isn't novel at all, just a reincarnation of thousands of viruses before it, dressed up by those who benefit from the chaos to frighten us into submission. The solution, as always, is don't be frightened, and don't submit. But weak and stupid people are easily frightened, and thereby easy to control.
Perhaps, when we recover from this latest self imposed disaster, as we always do, eventually, we'll look for more permanent solutions as we dig out of the rubble. The vaccine for fear is wisdom, and that requires a competent education system that seeks to make us strong, not submissive. Our failed education system has indoctrinated several generations that safety is only found in the crowd, and if we conform and submit to the crowd, our needs will be satisfied. That has never worked because it can't work. A fundamental law of physics shows that decay is a constant process throughout the universe, and the only means of survival is constant labor. That is as necessary to maintain our society as it is to maintain our environment.
Those who hope to survive a bit longer need to stop whining and get to work.
I'm about halfway through T.L.'s novel, Rebel, while patiently awaiting his next installment. I haven't found a plot yet, but it's a nice story so far about a young man who refuses to be frightened, and is learning to resist the demands for conformity from the weak people who surround him. I hope he'll find a constructive outlet for his independence. Even if he doesn't, his character provides a good model for all of us. Tyrants always retreat when confronted. We don't need to fear them.
I disagree TL, the rotting bodies are jusy compost and is intregal to the Green Dream. I hope I am also correct in that the "Nuke" threat is a variant of the Covid threat, a means to a VaXXX.. No need to have such valuable real estate "radioactive". Un Productive RealEstate is fine, It just needs to be "natural", and Returning to Nature.
Herd the remaining masses into the mega cities for control and further medical marvels.
But there remains those "Deplorables" clinging to their basics still, and there is much more Resistance today. Awareness is slow like molasses through a society, but remains behind, still sticky.
You haven't done all you wanted, but you did more than you have thought, and the molasses is just beginning to be tasted and enjoyed by many.
Mike's 3% is now 30% with vital auxillaries included,imo. Armed & waiting, an army of tens of millions of citizens.
The Ferals know this and only nibble when & where they "feel" safe. One wrong move ............
We are engaged in a war between good and evil... between God and His heavenly hosts and Lucifer with his fallen angles. Been going on since the Garden of Eden. Man is God's most precious creation. Wouldn't it stand to reason that Lucifer would want to destroy God's most precious creation? According to Scripture we are made in God's image. Its difficult to understand that considering all the violence, perversion, and mayhem caused by Man. But at whose behest are those causing such things acting? I'm no Bible thumper. But over the years as I struggled to understand why things were moving in the direction they were, I kept coming back to what I said initially.
I read a book recently by someone I respect who said that an empty house doesn't stay empty. Nature hates a vacuum. When God was evicted from the house of the United States something dark, evil and sinister moved in. Once a Christian nation, the US has become Babylon. In fact, it might now be worse than the ancient Babylon!
Some have said that the United States is not mentioned in the End Times and in Revelation. I think the US is, and the US is "Mystery Babylon" riding the beast of seven heads and ten horns in Revelation, and who will be destroyed in one hour to the stunned silence of earth's other nations as they all watch and see the smoke rising from the destruction.
Putin said once that in his youth on the streets he learned to strike first if he knew he would have to fight. Something to ponder, wouldn't you say?
I am not worried about NUwar. I am worried about the wretched sorts that wish to eliminate
many and harm most. This goal is apparent to many altho with difficulty and it will be difficult
get more people understanding the truth. There are many schemes and they seem to be
related to the basics for survival. It seems that those basics are being attacked from many
fronts. Also, we are learning more about the bioweapons unleashed upon us. Allow me to
insult one gleeful WEF spokesperson. Person = the Carson's guy and his carbon foot print
weighing in at some 5-600 lbs. May he please explode or vaporize and move to his afterlife.
The only thing I found that I disagreed with was the woman with her 'White Rose' nonsense. Germany arose in the 1930s because the communists were trying to take over the country and Europe. We in the West lost World War 2 to the communists, and we are living with the communist results. We are infected from the smallest bureaucracies to the panopticon federal government.