
Reading this recent essay of yours tempts me to leave a remark or two. As I realize though, what good would it do ? NADA. Nothing. Zero. Zilch.

However, I would care to thank you for your unending perseverance in your longtime efforts to wake folks up to the treason and treachery in today's Amerika.

Thank you so very much.

Dan, Erie County, Pennsylvania

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Being at a disadvantage of not knowing what it is that you would remark, I don't know what good it would do. I've always considered your opinion to be true and valid sentiments and you have moved my rhetoric at times, but mostly I stand firmly in your prescription for a solution. My job, I think, is to remain a voice of encouragement to pursue the goals of freedom and individual rights, to push back where we can, now. Understanding algorithms and the means of banning speech, I know that the more voices that speak against the globalist goals, the harder it is for them to hide their crimes. So, I try to keep the rhetoric barely within the bounds, but be as strident as I can.

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Any remark I would make regarding your latest essay would be positive and supportive. However, any comment I make would be for the benefit of those few Patriots who follow and subscribe to your perseverance. It appears to me that I would just be spinning my summer tires on ice when I should be running four wheels with studs.

I tend to value the lessons of our 1775 Forefathers; our history. American history where sadly, few Americans know of. But, the lesson I learned from the history of this once, great Nation is simply organized action speaks louder than words. When our colonial ancestors tired of begging the Crown with words they finally took action on 19 April 1775. They fired the shot "....heard 'round the world" ! They took action against the tyranny of the Crown.

When do 21st Century Americans decide enough is enough ? Talk (remarks) are cheap. Actions speak louder than words ! Witness the history of fed-up Colonials at Lexington Green and Concord Bridge....all the way back to Boston !

Thank you SO much for the intense amount of Patriotic effort made by you over many decades. You are much more the Patriot than I.

Dan, Erie County, Pennsylvania

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I still defer to your efforts, Dan. You have been a long time voice that I respect and you've been at it a long time.

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This isn't a new question - it was addressed by Patrick Henry, in 1788, speaking in opposition to the new Constitution: "The fate of this question and of America may depend on this: Have they said, we, the States? Have they made a proposal of a compact between states? If they had, this would be a confederation: It is otherwise most clearly a consolidated government.

The question turns, Sir, on that poor little thing-the expression, We, the people, instead of the States, of America. I need not take much pains to show that the principles of this system are extremely pernicious, impolitic, and dangerous. Is this a monarchy, like England-a compact between prince and people, with checks on the former to secure the liberty of the latter? Is this a Confederacy, like Holland-an association of a number of independent states, each of which retains its individual sovereignty? ..." https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/patrick-henrys-speech-in-defense

It turned out that he and the AntiFederalists were both prescient and spot-on correct - the only way the United States can survive is as a Confederacy of independent states, where the government of the confederation does not govern the independent states comprising it - it may provide for standards to be used in and facilitate commerce and communications, and may provide for the common defense of the confederacy, and it may mediate disputes between the independent states - and nothing else.

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You are, simply, one of the best writers in the country.

I am disgusted and angry that my hard earned dollars are funding entire blood lines of lying, corrupt, sanctimonious individuals. Look at Chelsea Clinton. She now bills herself as "American author, educator, and philanthropist ". By whose standard? From my perspective, she has been given chances that others can only dream about, and yet failed at every one. NBC interviewer, anyone?

I work at a BigBox now, and you would not believe the amount of EBT use at the cash register. Every foreign interloper, middle age white folks, mothers with children of every ethnic origin with no matching kids in the "family"; I could go on and on. They spend -literally- $700 or more on soda, candy, fast foods, etc. They are arrogant about their demands being met; I HAVE MONEY ON MY ACCOUNT! Your account? Really? They think of EBT cards as part of the family dynasty, similar to inherited wealth. Let me be the first to tell everyone, we cannot sustain this level of thievery.

Frankly, I am sick of other nations and their demands of shelter and loans and protection. Israel needs to stand on her own 2 feet. Add France, Germany, and the UK to that same thought. Everyone is awe over the National Health, the bullet trains in China, the clean airports, and the autobahn. Well, they should be, because every American paid for them through their taxes.

What will life be like after the next Civil War?

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Thank you, I'm honored by that. You're right, they are breeding a species of American that is ungrateful, hateful and dependent. It gives me no pleasure, but a twinge of amusement to think where these people will be when the money runs out and it's real close to that right now.

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So sad

You’re right

We’re twirling down

God help us

God help us on this home stretch

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TL is very close to my thinking, with just a few exceptions.

"America is what happens when special operators want to cross your borders."

No. Current day America is what happens when your government wants cannon fodder and SOF to cross your borders.

"...the pause in the conflict the lobbyists and politicians couldn’t stand for."

The pause in any conflict is reflected in the loss of money and power by lobbyists, politicians, NGOs, and corporations. That's what they couldn't stand for.

I'm also convinced Ukraine and China have enough dirt on many of those same lobbyists, politicians, NGOs, and corporations to put people in prison for decades.

"You have to know the whole story to sort out that he had a choice, communism or continued subservience to United Fruit, who owned literally, the ports, the railroad and the plantations. Guess who had been lawyers for United Fruit Company. John Foster and Allen Dulles..."

True, and part of the story is found in the 1935 book "War Is A Racket" by Major General Smedley D. Butler USMC retired. At the time (prior to WW2) he was both the most senior Marine officer, and also the most decorated, with two Medals of Honor and numerous other awards. It is a hell of an indictment of war for profit. https://www.academia.edu/13529283/War_Is_A_Racket_by_Major_General_Smedley_Butler_1935_ 

"George Washington himself put down the whiskey rebellion illegally. John Adams was not able to hold to those ideals he argued for so passionately. Lincoln violated almost all of the individual rights of Americans and the states." 

Yes indeed, and there are too many others to name. Bad actors who became a President, Senator, or Representative and ignored the laws in favor of expediency. I immediately think of Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and LBJ... and every President since that tall POS.

 "This is a realignment of world politics that’s undeniable, because we are too big, too different and the longer we refuse to recognize it, the more harm is done to everyone."  


We see the beginnings of this with the numerous farmer protests, the French Yellow Vests, and the election of Javier Milei in Argentina.

I believe the Union will only survive with a major return of power to the States, and the emasculation and dismantling of the Federal government. A return to the original ideals of "these united States", rather than "The United States". Otherwise I think balkanization is inevitable, whether through nullification or outright separation.

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Thank you and welcome. It will come apart, whether we like it or not, so I just would like to be a little more prepared for that eventuality than having to fight over the fact of whether it will happen or not. We're focusing on the wrong things. Most of my readership, though, are not.

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I completely agree, and instability has been a consideration in my life for many years. Having grown up with the MAD doctrine and being a Vietnam era Marine, I've never expected a world of free beer and unicorns. What is new is the urge by many in the west to commit national and cultural suicide.

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Mr. Davis,

Congratulations on another spot on article.

Wisconsin is another state with the 2 biggest cities bright blue, and the rest

red. Plus it is cold in the winter and has a short growing season. Not the best situation

going forward. Nonetheless, at my age, maybe 10 years of viability left, I m not moving

away from my rural area. The criminality of the monied interests is beyond the pale,

with cruelty at it's heart. Predictably, there will be internal conflicts as people battle for

resources when it comes to that. Further some real idiots are running the show, may their

souls rot in hell.

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Thank you.

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